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File: teatetatteatataetata.jpg
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Please get rid of the 3D CP on /b/, thank you kindly
I don't see it on the front page, can you link it? unless it was already deleted
It was another bot spam thread. Already taken care of. ヽ(´ー`)ノ
Thank you my beloved administrators
pol scum in lounge
would this go under literal pedo shit? of course theres no nudity but its puting a child in a sexual context. https://img.heyuri.net/b/koko.php?res=74744
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As long as it's not the "annoying"/newgon wiki-ish type of pedo, like that guy in the thread whose images (though I couldn't see them on time) were deleted for being MAP propaganda stuff, "literal pedos" or sexualized images of children (as long as it's not at a level that would cause legal troubles) r not banned. Stuff like loli panchira or old style pedo captions (i grabbed this pic from macrochan) are fine.

When it feels like it's promoting some kind of agenda such as stuff on https://www.newgon.net/wiki/Memes_and_Graphics , that's when I think it enters into B& area.
1st thought it was christcuck spam but after closer examination it seems to me that's some /x/ stuff.huh
Don't know what's that got to do with /pol/...unsure
If you're referring to the word 'Nigger' we use on certain occasion on here.cool

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