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trolling is an integral part of the old internet, why is it banned on heyuri?
You'll have to wait until 14ember to find out!
Heyuri emulates a specific section of the old internet, not the whole thing. The early 2000s had plently of subcultures that don't fit with this one.
Trolling isn't B& on Heyuri anyway - it's just the no-effort and unfunny kind that is

If you pull off a legendary master troll, you could get a sticky, maybe even your own emote! astonish
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OP, here's an example of the kind of trolling that is allowed.
THAT WASN'T A FUCKING JOKEヽ(`Д´)ノ(;゚Д゚)ヽ(`Д´)ノヽ(`Д´)ノヽ(`Д´)ノ
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OP, here's an example of the kind of trolling that is allowed.
funny that trolling is "banned" on heyuri when your own admin literally does it constantly on other sites. I wonder how you all would feel if you learned what hes been up to https://wiki.bibanon.org/Yuri_Kuznetsov_(kuz)
>I wonder how you all would feel if you learned what hes been up to
If you lurked moar, you would know!
this has to be a troll post
> 61322
he looks funny
Can this bug about underscores or brackets in links be fixed plz.
While we're on that topic, I wonder if links with Japanese characters work - I know they fail on Strange World

WTF it worked astonish
heyuri is not a role-playing website
this is just an old thread that was bumped by spam
Thx 4 teh trip down memory lane spam-kun!

>I think the reason that ayashii is the biggest board on heyuri and so fast
That was an interesting era sweat2

While kokonotsuba's former TEH SLOWness surely contrib00ted, I think teh real reason that SW was comparable to (and sometimes even beating) Off-Topic in terms of activity during late-2021 and parts of 2022 is cuz there was lots of curiosity and interest in Ayashii World's culture and history at the time, and it's where most Heyuri meta announcements/discussions/debates were taking place (which was sometimes the only activity on Heyuri... dark)
whenever i try posting via tor I'm always bannned for some reason. is heyuri against tor posting?
I don't think that relates to this thread
I once gave a bullshit explanation on something relating post numbers, the quote feature and quoting the OP that i pulled completely out of my ass. Did anyone save that?
>Did anyone save that?
If it was on Site Discussion it's probably still up, but if it was on Off-Topic then probably not sweat2
the trolling has to be good, it cant just be some rulebreaking spam e.g. some nu-internet meme over and over
also, heyuri wont, and cant emulate EVERYTHING 2000s--you aren't seeing copious amounts of illegal videos like child and snuff porn

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