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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
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You know how, when World2ch got back up, and Heyurians flocked to the site and it was kind of an extension of Heyuri for a while (maybe it still is, I haven't checked in a while.) Well, I was thinking, what if that sort of effect could be replicated?

My idea is this:

1.We find a small site (textboards, imageboards, forums, maybe), which is small but seems reasonably entertaining or seems to have some fairly agreeable users or a fairly reasonable activity level.

2. We turn up in numbers, give the regulars some lolz and a thrill at the uptick in activity.

3. Gradually introduce some of our finer 'heyurisms' into the mix. An emphasis on Lols at the expense of Serious Business, original OC instead of posting templates, discussion about whatever comes to mind instead of gnawing at all the same used up 'culture war' topics. We do all this without compromising the sites own culture or being so bold as to say 'LOL UR UNDER HEYURI CONTROL NAOW!!!xd'

4. Profit- That is, we made a site at least a little better than we found it.

I hesitate to call this 'raiding' because my idea isn't that we just spam lolis and ads for Heyuri for a few days and then call it a WIN. Think of it a bit like the CIA disrupting the hippie movement, but in a good way. Basically, we try in subtle ways to make these boardz a bit more fun and imaginative. Someone posts the millionth 'tfw no gf' thread, complete with crying wojak? Derail it to talk about Old Skool Hardcore. Someone goes on and on about how getting raped by black guys made them into a tranny? Derail to talk about ramen. Someone wants to babble on and on about 'hating degenerates' and 'soyciety'? Derail to talk about your loli sex fantatsies.

There could be some ground rules I think, including

-We only do it on worthwhile looking sites. A lot of people come here advertising 'baby's first textboard' or 'baby's firts forum', and almost invariably those are flops. Basically I think we should do it on sites where the userbase is small, but not non-existent.

-We only do one site at a time. Socially engineering a website is a pretty tall order, even a small one. This sort of thing will probably get disorganized very quickly if we go around half a dozen different sites simultaneously.

-Insist on lols, but don't be too domineering. There will probably be a lot of R8 content and overdone social media debates. I basically advocate for a Christly philosophy of turning the other cheek. Post a thread of the sort you would usually post on heyuri, regardless of what you think the reaction would be. If they reply with wojaks or buzzwords ignore them or counter with original OC. If they start whining about something lame or trying to turn things into Serious Business just spam 'cheer up emo kid!' or such like. If people keep trying to start shit, just evade them and double down on the lols.

-Experimentation would be good. Maybe you have an idea for some lolz that are in violation of Rule 8, but you think they are objectively funny, or could be made so. Well these other sites wouldn't have Rule 8, so you could do whatever you want.

-Don't be too autistic about it. I think this sort of thing should be seen less as 'making smaller websites just liek Heyuri' and more like 'taking small websites and making them a more hospitable environment for lolz'. It's wouldn't be a hardcore, stake your life on it thing, just show up and provide lols unassumingly. There would be no quota to be met, except maybe refreshing the site after a few days and seeing a few threads worth reading. Basically I think about it like reverse-engineering what happens when a bunch of normies flock to a site and turn it to shit. Imagine a bunch of Heyurians flocking to a site and making it even better.biggrin

I don't know, maybe this is bull shit and pretentious. Even regular raids are rarely very effective. At least I got to exorcise some of my megalomaniac tendencies in writing! sweat2
Lol, I R8'd sweat2
I've been doing this the whole time on my own anyway, so naturally I support it nyaoo ...in fact, we should start by doing it to Heyuri threads more often! biggrin

>Lol, I R8'd
That's not R8 since it's decades old, although I personally think it and "normalfag" are both st00pid terms smile
Sometimes when I'm in a literary mood I liek to say "the unwashed masses" xd
this guy doesn't know how 4chan works xd
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No, this really happened. I know because I did this. If 4chan sux today it's because of the grate Twilight Raid of 2011, started by me.

I think for my next project, I'll set my sights on Heyuri...
I LOL'd, saved
In 5 years time, the internet will be full of heyuri. ALL THE POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!
We should test this new form of raiding on 4chan /b/ if /b/tards can mend their ways then our new weapon will complete the Heyuri take over of the internet
>if /b/tards can mend their ways
I saw it happen briefly a couple of times in recent years - once when a mod went "rogue" and made a ton of BIG TEXT stickies with stuff like "OH TEH NOES, PORN IS BANNED!!!1" in them (and deleted every porn thread for a day or so), and then again when longcat died. There might have been some others but I forgot what they were

It never lasted long though - there's just too many people on there who want to post in the bajillion recurring porn/nudes threads, bad actors making the board shitty on purpose, dunces who can't perceive a joke, and mods that don't want to risk reviving the various moderation and legal headaches that /b/tards used to frequently cause sweat2

Not to mention that almost everyone from "back in the day" is now 30-40 years old, and doesn't have the same time or desires as they had in their teens - at best they only returns on special occasions like the ones I mentioned
I think we should try this raeding SpaceHey. It's MySpace for weirdos and the users there are pretty uptight. You could probably get decent LOLz from them.

Although it's not a very 'worthwhile' website. nyaoo-closedeyes
Jesus fucking christ the users on that site are so fucking annoying, they're all like these modern day fucking scene kids who think they're quirky or some shit like shut the fuck up.
It would be so sick if people on here went on there and put some lolz on there.
i remember hearing about this site years ago, i remember a bunch of /pol/ users raided it
hey, this website doesn't look too bad. What's wrong with it?
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because it's too lolicious キタ━━━(・∀・)━━━!!
Ladies and gentlemen, the ultimate LARP.
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get a load of this idiots blog posts too.
there's a lot of """""""GIRLS""""""" on this site too but none of them have pics of themselves, STRANGE!
so they're a bunch of internet weirdos who post anime and lolis and pretend to be little girls, huh?
you sure you haven't just found Heyuri's long-lost twin? (・∀・)
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They're a bit too SRS BZNS, fighting over nothing, and making "callout" blogs.

In a way, they're really like old MySpace!
I went to this thread right now just to say this. It's a great idea
but we hafta have a plan and a date
How about Sep. 11?

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