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I feel like posting AI "art" in such an OC driven image board should be worthy of a thread delete ( ´,_ゝ`)
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As much as it's about OC, Heyuri is also about having fun on the internet. Being a gloomy party p00per is teh lame, and far less welcome here than something as innocuous as an AI image generation thread - the likes of which we've occasionally held since Heyuri's inception sweat2
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If it's fun, it's allowed. Also AI can generate erotic images, so it won't ever be banned on Heyuri

If you want to discuss AI, go here: https://dis.heyuri.net/lounge/koko.php?res=4068
Yeah, i don't agree with AI threads either, if i'm being honest
generating images with AI is as low-effort as creating a sims character or something, which is fine. its just playing with tools, if the end result is fun, whats teh harm? nyaoo-closedeyes
>AI can generate erotic images, so it won't ever be banned on Heyuri
That's... not really the point? Rule 8 and 7 b0rking images can also be erotic, and yet they'd be deleted regardless
>> 815 KB
no need to be butthurt over AI. just fap! maybe I'll even start an AI thread and take requests...
what checkpoint and loras did you use here astonish
>> 915 KB
I used NovelAI. it's trained on danbooru, so you can imitate artists well and you can even just make your prompts a collection of tags. sadly it's subscription-based and only the highest tier is worth anything (not because it gives you a crap ton of credits, but because it lets you generate images using default settings without using up any credits)
>> 1426 KB
but I will add that it's pretty quick to get decent results with, and having the ability to make your waifu in a variety of poses, styles, and outfits on command is pretty intoxicating. sadly it's not easy to do complex scenarios/fetishes with it yet.
>> 1473 KB
posted wrong pic (that version had a bad hand)

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