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"Cursed" used in that way is tumblr lingo

Is it? I read a lot of old books from a hundred years back and I've seen it used like that e.g. "x is cursed" etc.
OP of this /q/ thread is teh same party-p00ping fag I mentioned in the other thread who breaks rule 7/8 all the time, was just b& for whining about "Gen Zers" himself, and then reports other users for non-issues in retaliation closed-eyes2

He is made of faganon, and must GTFO!!!
That's why I clarified "used in that way". What you are talking about is something completely different
I won't go away. I mean most of the time I don't cause any trouble, I normally engage and post in threads (from other IPs) and there's no problem, but sometimes Mod-sama just makes some dumb decisions I disagree with and I can't leave it be without at least trying to voice my displeasure
Take it easy ヽ(´ー`)ノ

This report doesn't need to be acted on, but I don't think OP (despite having made that annoying post in the linked thread) was acting in bad faith here, nor the report was made "in retaliation". OP reports posts all the time here.

Everyone is free to report stuff on this board, including users who has been B& in the past themselves. It's for us to make the final decision.
>Everyone is free to report stuff on this board, including users who has been B& in the past themselves
Even when they're currently global B& and are evading? Cuz I'm pretty sure that's Rule 9 glare

And anyway, I don't think "reports" like these are really necessary outside of special circumstances. Site Discussion was supposed to be more about site direction, announcements, bug reports, ideas for new features, n00bie questions, and other Heyuri-related topics - not certain users nitpicking at every little perceived "wrong" in other users' posts (especially when the nitpicker themselves is the bigger problem) dark
>Even when they're currently global B& and are evading?
No, but I think this thread was created a few minutes before the first ban against him was issued? unsure

>Site Discussion was supposed to be more about site direction, announcements, bug reports, ideas for new features, n00bie questions, and other Heyuri-related topics
While I really don't disagree, it doesn't feel right to tell users to not report unless it's necessary - we can't expect them to know when does it count as a "special circumstance" (which I guess you mean when it's probably an intended R8 post that we may not be familiar with? Liek >>65328) to begin with sweat2
The primary reason we don't see any reports on https://img.heyuri.net/q/old/ is because we had a report system back then
ironically, with this thread you revealed yourself to be a social media addict biggrin
That's... dumb. Your post doesn't really make sense. So what, anyone who reports something for teh rule 8 has to use r8 websites? Then what, no reports because if someone reports then he himself knows about it and he's teh rule 8 b0rker? That doesn't make sense
>No, but I think this thread was created a few minutes before the first ban against him was issued?
Teh initial ban for Rule 8 on Off-Topic was earlier than this thread - the times on the ban page are +1 UTC for sum reason, while post times on the boards are 0 UTC. The Rule 9 ban for OP was made moments b4 I replied here, yet it shows up on teh ban page as if it happened an hour later dizzy

>The primary reason we don't see any reports on https://img.heyuri.net/q/old/ is because we had a report system back then
When the database leaks happened, the report history was also leaked - the only things in there were a couple of my own reports xd

In "teh golden age" we didn't really need to report - the worst we got was faganon (who kuz was quick to deal with) and a certain skiddie's flood bots, and both "stood out" enough that reporting wasn't necessary. It was a time of peace, love, and hentai biggrin
You use so much social media that the meme versions of words are overriding their original meaning.
The post in question didn't mean it that way, this is obvious to anyone who isn't a social media addict. But since you're so accustomed to the meme version of the word, you forgot that "cursed" simply means... well, that something is cursed biggrin
this thread is cursed (゚ー゚)

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