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So 4chan has /x/ and we have no equivilant!
We need a horror board, because /b/ isn't the place!
Did you miss halloween?

You can try Strange World too, maybe it's a little better suitable for posting ayashii stories...
unfortunately, i found out about heyuri only after halloween...
Hello, newfriend! How do you like Heyuri so far?
pretty good!
only problems are that nobody hardly posts, and that since they took down the loli board, literally the only thing on /b/ are lolis cause they migrated
Heyuri isn't really trying to replace 4chan. It's nice to see new enthusiastic users on Heyuri, but we've had threads about creating new boards in the past.

To cut it short, we don't want to divide the activity by creating "topic" boards like anime or vidya boards. Everything go to the Off-Topic board here

Where did u find this website from?
youtube in a random reply section for a 4chan animation from 2007
also, thanks for the info bc i wasn't sure everything went to /b/
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>only problems are that nobody hardly posts
Ever since Heyuri has had any amount of users, activity has fluctuated greatly from day to day, with the occasional peaks and lulls

I dunno if u were here for Bunkasai a few days ago, but Heyuri was totally kickin' biggrin
My personal opinion is that there's a chance a new board could bring more users to the site.
Let me give an example: Imagine there's a new tech board or programming board. People who enjoy technology discussion, but are tired of the behavior found in most imageboards will be interested in visiting the site. Meanwhile those who already post on /b/ will continue to post on /b/, because the type of content offered by the two boards are completely different. Not to mention the OC potential of a programming board is huge.
Most of the time there just wouldn't be enough interested people for the board to stay alive for more than a week, and heyuri can be pretty hard to get into: you either love it or hate it.
Maybe a general "hobbies/interests" board would be a good solution? It would be slower than /b/ and your thread wouldn't die from natural causes in 1 week, something which could be useful in a few cases (especially since we don't have a live archive)
The consequences of this? The hobbies board would likely be a dozen "general threads" about people's interests, activity would be split between 2 boards, and off-topic would become even more off-topic (・∀・)
So this idea does have its pros and cons.
I think a thing like that would only be seen as worthwhile to try out if /b/ becomes too active to handle... although I'm not sure how that'd look like, nor if that would ever happen. Having a main place to go to, with a slow but steady speed, is something quite nice.
>Maybe a general "hobbies/interests" board would be a good solution?
Aren't lounge threads good enough?
I forgot about lounge ( ´,_ゝ`) you're probably right, it's just that sharing images can be inconvenient
No, the least thing we need is another general board. What would work best is a niche interest board like, as I said, programming.
>Most of the time there just wouldn't be enough interested people for the board to stay alive for more than a week
it would be nice too if it's a slow board, like /jp/
>and heyuri can be pretty hard to get into: you either love it or hate it.
That's only because /b/ is still the only image board (besides /q/ and /jp/). So those who dislike the short-lived light-hearted threads of /b/ naturally won't use the site at all.
>It would be slower than /b/ and your thread wouldn't die from natural causes in 1 week
A hobby board wouldn't need an auto-sage system like /b/. Discussion doesn't just naturally die. Well, sometimes it does, but there exists really slow boards with decade-old threads still getting posts from time to time.
stuff like that would only split the little activity Heyuri has and make it virtually indiscernible from the thousand of other altchans. a few boards where you can talk about anything is part of the charmz
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>I think a thing like that would only be seen as worthwhile to try out if /b/ becomes too active to handle...
Like I said, a programming board would be fundamentally different than /b/. It wouldn't be an "alternative", it would be a different concept with a different posting etiquette and different users.
>stuff like that would only split the little activity Heyuri has
Again... it wouldn't. /b/ posters with no interest in programming would stay on /b/ while those who are interested in programming would post on /b/ AND the programming board.
>and make it virtually indiscernible from the thousand of other altchans
What makes heyuri fundamentally different from other sites is the intolerance of internet CANCER. Board variety would not make heyuri less heyuri-like!
I will also add that a board strictly about programming would be better than a general "tech" board, since it would better filter the users qualified to post and would keep "modern x is bad"-type threads on /lounge/ and /b/.
What n00bs don't realize is that we already had a programming board in teh past, and it was totally dead xd


The number of boards u see today isn't cuz we haven't made new more - rather it's that we started with loads of boards and gradually whittled them down to what we have now. The way it is today is what proved to be far more optimal and activity-inducing than having multiple imageboards & 2ch boards with narrow topics
>What n00bs don't realize is that we already had a programming board in teh past, and it was totally dead
with 21 boards no wonder it was dead
>with 21 boards no wonder it was dead
We didn't have them all at once, but there were more simultaneous imageboards & 2ch-type boards than there is now sweat2

It worked a little better back in 2020 cuz we had an overboard that showed threads from every board as a single "board", but the current software we've been using since 2021 doesn't have that feature...
Eventually Heyuri's going to have to add a new board but right now the site probably isn't getting enough traffic and another board means less posts on /b/ and /lounge/ and /sw/ are relatively quiet as things stand already.

What's the point having a programming board? There are a dozen other imageboards out therefore that. If we're going to add another board it should be something unique. All of Heyuri's boards are relatively unique. There's nothing else out there on the web. So why bother creating another /g/ or, at best, lainchan?

An /x/ style board that's free of the bullshit on 4chan could be good and unique but I doubt it would be that active right now. How many of us are interested in conspiracies, creepy stories, occult and Eastern spirituality?
I'd certainly be down for /x/, but I think we should be careful with it. The subjects are fun and thought-provoking but, from my experience, if left untended, the board can quickly devolve into genuine schizophrenia and religious shitflinging. (I mean seriously, look at 4/x/. It's a nightmare!)
I'm interested in all of those things.
Me too but I guess we'd have to have some good ground rules and a mod interested in those topics too and that will prevent the shitflinging and as a genuine schizo I'd say schizophrenia is okay in moderate amounts. 4chan /x/ is just filled with mostly useless generals, baiting religious flame wars, /pol/ shit and posers.

To be honest I don't know how you'd stop religious shitflinging on a board where the topic is spirituality and the occult.

Wait, doesn't futaba have a religion board? unsure
>Wait, doesn't futaba have a religion board?
I think it's more about "new religions" AKA cults, but like many of Futaba's non-Nijiura boards, it's barely used besides random spam, crazy people, trolling, and off-topic crap sweat2
Perfect. Last time I checked it was just full of people rambling about the unification church. It was a lot of fun seeing that play out.

I really like the idea of the natural disaster board. Makes sense in Japan. Shame Futaba is dying like all other IBs out there. I just wish there was an easier way to browse it for non Japanese scum like me.
>I just wish there was an easier way to browse it for non Japanese scum like me.
If u just want English-language menus/links, I made and maintain this: https://futabachannel.neocities.org/

The "enhanced" board list is a special feature that gives u an idea of where most of the activity is (although it's manually calculated and I haven't updated it since June...): https://futabachannel.neocities.org/boards

The best way to actually browse the boards themselves is probably https://futapo.futakuro.com/ , which is a more advanced catalog than the crappy one on Futaba itself
>as a genuine schizo I'd say schizophrenia is okay in moderate amounts
That's true, I suppose I'm using schizophrenia in a sort of mean-spirited/meme-ish way. What I meant by that, in the context of /x/ and the occult, is the type of poster who's acting really unhinged, speaking in word salads and just acting more like the "bad" schizo rather than the "good" (shamanic, if you will) schizo, who at least has some wisdom hidden behind the madness.
>To be honest I don't know how you'd stop religious shitflinging on a board where the topic is spirituality and the occult
There's nothing wrong with religious debate and discussion, that'd be great. It just has to be something more than "your religion sux!!!!" "no urs!!!!". That's just tiresome and disrespectful to everyone.
I'd liek to develop some points I made here.

>stuff like that would only split the little activity Heyuri has
Instead of thinking "am I interested in it?", I think it's better to ask "are we interested enough to talk about it non stop for months/years?". If the answer is no, the board will most likely be dead in a few weeks dark
At the moment I believe Heyuri would need 5 times moar users to find new topics of discussion about one specific hobby, forever.

>make it virtually indiscernible from the thousand of other altchans
Even if Heyuri had 10 times moar users, I would still be reluctant personally to create new boards just like that. I think 4chan being segmented into too many communities that don't mix anymore is part of the reason it lost its culture. The common culture Heyurizens share is something special I like.

>a few boards where you can talk about anything is part of the charmz
On /b/ or /lounge/ your thread is most likely to be seen by everyone, even those who wouldn't normally seek discussion about religion/horror, it broadens the possibilities.

Just my opinion. rolleyes
>reluctant personally to create
I meant "against creating", I'm not a mod
i'm ok with crazy people I just dislike people who pretend to be crazy
i'm ok with people who pretend to be crazy I just dislike actual crazy people
Since /lounge/ is slow anyway why not trial a new board by making it text only first?

Yeah I agree with what others have said there still isn't enough activity to add another board yet without reducing activity on /b/

>I think 4chan being segmented into too many communities that don't mix anymore is part of the reason it lost its culture.
4chan doesn't have an off-topic lounge since /b/ went to shit and every board has its own humor threads and stuff. There's also way too many people using that fucking site. It's too damn fast.

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