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Mods, it would seem like your favorite namewhore has posted a tik tok meme.
>Sad Hamster, also known as Hamster With Big Eyes and Violin Hamster, refers to a series of TikTok videos featuring a grey hamster with comically oversized eyes, similar to Hampter.
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unrelated but some faggot posted this, which is definitely r8
>I hope your insectuous self will be alive to feel the mighty rage of the Kami of Heyuri for this post (´ー`)
do you really conceptualize the whole file deleted shittening like this? damn buddy I almost felt upset for hitting the nerve lolico
OP is probably the only user on this website who would know it's the most recent tiktok meme
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times like this I'm reminded of my favourite ss lolico
A pain in the butt user posting anti-R8 stuff outside Heyuri? It's a common occurrence
I recognized it instantly because I saw a classmate with this exact KYM page open on the lab computer, and I remember thinking to myself "wow, another low-res picture of an animal with slightly distorted features, how original" so it's really not that difficult to figure it out.
But alas, nothing will happen, because OP is a woman and therefore she receives special treatment.
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Honest to God I wrote this one.
You never know what you're contributing to popular culture until it's already a big thing. I'm sorry, earth.
I've been banned so many times I've ran outta fingers and toes to count on.

Is it a tiktok meme? Who knows, I just thought it was funny bcz I like hamsters and that specific image kept duplicating in my gallery from how my xmpp client works
I worked at a restaurant once and a cute girl came in wearing a Hamtaro backpack. She sat and ate alone, opposite it. I thought she was cute but my friend was like
>Anon, lots of girls like Hamtaro, but to do this in public?
>She's nuts, Anon! Fucked in the head! LOOK AT HER!
He probably saved me a whole lot of trouble.
>OP is probably the only user on this website who would know it's the most recent tiktok meme

This is what really bothers me about Heyuri sometimes. One of it's goals, (or maybe 'ideals') ,is ignorance of current bullshit internet trends, but there are countless anal-retentives who stay obsessive about that stuff, so they can blow their top about it even when no one else really noticed, or gave a shit.

Tell me, OP, is it fun to be lurking 4chan and KYM and wherever else all the time, and subjecting yourself to brutal amounts R8, so that you know random tiktok memes when you see them?
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This is incredibly dumb and disingenuous way to look at it. It reeks of a rule 8 b0rker who does a 'no u' when he's caught. "How would you even know it was r8, it's actually YOU who is teh rule b0rker!"
... Except I didn't write that??
>It reeks of a rule 8 b0rker who does a 'no u' when he's caught. "How would you even know it was r8, it's actually YOU who is teh rule b0rker!"

Nice jab at psychoanalysis, but my posts are rarely deleted. I can't remember the last time I was caught for R8. R7, maybe sometimes, but R8?unsure

One reason I rarely get caught for rule 8 is because I rarely use rule 8 websites, so I've got no idea what's happening on them, nor do I encounter very much of their imagery. I use stock photos and photoshop/MSPaint edits I've made instead.

I don't think it's wrong at all to say that someone who can spot every meaningless tiktok meme out there is not having as much fun online as they could be.sweat2
read >>66270
Yeah, I already did. Sounds like a story cooked up to avoid sounding too obsessive.
"Oh yeah I was passing by the living room, and like, the TV happened to be on, and there was this chick-flick playing--i mean--HAHA I MEAN IT'S NOT LIKE I ACTUALLY WATCH THAT CRAP LOL HAHAHA
Regardless of the veracity of my story (please keep in mind I live and study with young people, and am not a recluse nor a NEET) anyone slightly familiar with today's internet can spot a social media-derived meme, because, and I've said this already, they are very much all the same.
So even if I hadn't seen my, dare I say, "normalfag" colleague searching the picture to use as an avatar on scratch.mit.edu (I'm a first year computer science student) I would've instantly recognize it as a social media-derived "meme".
How DARE she post a gif of a hamster. Sacrilege! Rule 8 was meant to protect us from... *checks notes*... gifs that OP doesnt like

I hate the namewhores too but your still being retarded and the mod who deleted it is too
For your information, I deleted it closed-eyes
You are (slightly) retarded. But since you are cute, we all still love you

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