hi ayashii hispa is a ayashii for hispanic people you know some beanards a spaniards, i think is the firts ayashii for spaniards
here is the link: https://bbs1.sekkaku.net/bbs/nigga/ ignore the nword
Red messages anouncing events should also appear on the overboard, imho
site should announce when its dinner time too so we can come to eat together like piggies (´¬`)
they will soon(?)
Really nigger you auto saged the thread 3 days after it was created?You all really are a bunch of homosexuals.If you hate pedophilia that much go to Reddit.Lolis are a part of imageboard culture.
>>68130It wasn't meant to be an /r9k/ whiny annoying style post the tone is more like oh yeah, he is such a lucky kid i am so jealous bro.
>>68131>Faganon's pedo threads have been a point of controversy within the staff. They are remarkably different from other lolikon threads, so moderation against them can be a little stricterYou do realize i am not the only anon on this site that makes pedo/loli threads, right? Plus, i do make non-pedo threads too are the staff gonna auto sage those too? Stop treating me as this boogeyman of Heyuri who shits up the board with CP and pro-pedo activism post i had/have nothing to do with that.
dont old threads just get autosaged on page 2 or 3? if you look at older threads, theyre also saged... doesnt seem like discrimination to me. ┐(゚~゚)┌
>You do realize i am not the only anon on this site that makes pedo/loli threads, right?Yeah, me and the mod who AS'd the thread exists after all >Plus, i do make non-pedo threads too are the staff gonna auto sage those too?No, the topic is only your rorikon threads.While on it, if I'm allowed to nitpick now, while also unrelated to this thread, I would liek to point out you're the only one making threads in the unusual(here) way of referring Off-Topic as "/b/">Stop treating me as this boogeyman of Heyuri who shits up the boardWeren't u okay with it at >>68083 ?
>>68135>Yeah, me and the mod who AS'd the thread exists after allI know you are joking here but that wasn't my point the point is there are other people on here who post the same type of content as me.For example, awhile back there was a Shirley temple thread posted here which i did not make but did post in. >While on it, if I'm allowed to nitpick now, while also unrelated to this thread, I would liek to point out you're the only one making threads in the unusual(here) way of referring Off-Topic as "/b/"Because Off Topic is /b/ and not entirety true i have seen other anons do it too. >Weren't u okay with itI don't care if people don't like me nor my post but if you blame me for shit i didn't do then i care.
Maybe add an additional way to go to next/previous page with arrow keys?
kaguyerz I am unable to /up/load when i /up/load the page keeps loading forever
It's most likely an issue with the cloudflare server in your area>i dont have any VPNs unfortunatelyA web proxy should do the trick too
>>68108why would that even happen? what an odd thing
>why would that even happen?Probably some CF workers slacking on their job, prease forgive them (´・ω・`)
if this big webm uploads that means everything's fine
>>68108should i just use whatever free proxy i can find on google? i heard it can be dangerous
Anyway we can add gurochan since it has some user cross over and same ownership as well as reach out and try and see if an oldfag textboard like tinychan or minichan want to link up?
>Anyway we can add gurochan since it has some user cross over and same ownershipThis has been discussed before, but those interested in guro will find GUROchan on their own anyways, and same owner doesn't make the two sites related to each other>as well as reach out and try and see if an oldfag textboard like tinychan or minichan want to link up?As with most Western BBSes, I think they seem to suffer from R7 & R8 too much for us to link up with I'd welcome linking up with other BBSes if they are more in-line with Heyuri's atmosphere, or at least with its rules, regardless if they are new or old sites. Of course, non-BBS sites that meets the criteria may link up with Heyuri as well
first off. IMO its risky to have that board even, because it ALWAYS attracts bad ppl + bad attention eventually, but w/e im OK with just not going to that board myself.but /b/ is basically /l/-lite. every 3rd thread is loli pron. like, its technically random sure....no offense, but /b/ would be better even if it was more dead, but had more variety on first page. average ppl are only gonna visit, look at page 0, see 50% loli pron dump and leave again anyways
>>68067>ppl go to jail for owning/caching the same imgs that get postedNot for loli, at least in the USA. In every case that a guys has been charged for possessing lolicon, it's been tacked on to CP charges. No judge can prosecute you for lolicon because it's protected under the 1st amendment.The vast majority of this site is pro-lolicon or just doesn't care. Stop trying to make this an issue. If you don't like it, GTFO.
>riskyJust say that you personally don't like it and want it gone.
-Not Heyuri specific-I seriously don't understand why loli being illegal is an issue for u guysDoes the police knock your door because they have teams tracking everyone's internet traffic, and they check all websites they visit to see if there is anything illegal according to their laws? Just use VPNs if that's the case.People in my country get raided during nighttime to get all their electronics confiscated by the police if they share anti-government stuff on a place they are able to identify them. Luckily Heyuri allows anonymous posting and won't share your IPs with random European government agencies. So as long as you don't turn yourselves in to the nearest police stations for possessing illegal patterns of 0s and 1s on your drives, there is no way anything on the internet (that's allow in the US) will be a trouble for you (unless they monitor each connection you make on from the ISP, and again, use a VPN in that case). Your president/king/dictator likely doesn't have a spy cam on your ceiling watching your every action
>>68059Wasn't faganon banned? Or am I having dejavu?
>>68082Nope still here just another anonymous poster now.Many of the post and threads on /b/ that aren't even pedo related are actually mine yet anons are still circle jerking about how much they hate me which i find hilarious. The reality is i haven't really complained about Heyuri since Kuz was still in charge things have been pretty good since he left IMO.Also just to clarify while i do make pedo post and threads i was never the guy spamming the pro map shit that wasn't me but feel free to think it was and keep portraying me as the boogeyman of Heyuri.
I don't wnat to be a moral-zealot, but I believe that Heyuri could face legal issues for hosting pictures of a dude masturbating to pictures of children So uh maybe it should be a bannable offense
>>67933But those are not communities. ┐(゚~゚)┌This thing on a screenshot was already dead when I found out about it.>>67934>we got a literal porn board now on top of half the boards being full of porn or hentaiHaving heavy focus on such stuff, it seem pretty Japanese spirited to me.>heyuri seems to have a very low reputation among both 4chan and other altchanswhich are always full of HATE. So bad people dislike the small, cute and funny.I meant lil girls lovers' overall reputation in my post, though.
>>67922just a reminder that that shooting was livestreamed on FACEBOOK. they just used it as an excuse to take down 8chan, which was already stagnate by then anyway.
>>67935I'm really glad they dislike us. Hopefully they stay far, far away. It's actually unbelievable how bad /a/ is. I'm thankful to have heyuri, really.>>67939You're being disingenuous. The shooter was an avid 8chan poster, wrote 8chan memes on his weapon, posted on 8chan about his plans beforehand, and shared his manifesto there the day of the shooting, if my memory serves me correctly.
>>67933is it legal in the us to have junior idol dvds and books shipped to me from japan?
>>68005It depends on the mood of the gov employee digging through your package that day, the mood of other bureaucrats deciding whether or not to schedule a court trial over it, if they think your politics align with theirs or not, and ultimately the mood of the judge that day to decide whether the humiliation of your town finding out you're a pedo is enough or if you should be further punished with jail time and the sex offender registry, also your local state/county/city laws might influence the decision a little too, but any of those laws could change between the last time you read them and the day you place the order. I'd recommend just pirating it, preferably through tor and/or a good vpn. This site I found uses takefile and upstore links, each allowing one free download per day per IP:https://aidol.asia/tags/wafl/And there's BTDigg as the loli cum guy recommended. Here's a 1.8TB torrent, but it still doesn't have everything:https://btdig.com/b1269e7208d9f202e9ecd17380b3f4da94b55126
Please add an option to hide threads. There are many threads I don't want to see when browsing the overboard
>There's a user known for this specifically?Unfortunately so, although there'll be backend changes in the near future that should prevent this kind of "bump manipulation"
A-B you can also hide it using custom css in settings, no plugins:#t123456 {display: none;}
#t123456 {display: none;}
>>68032The problem with the adblocker is that the element zapper doesn't save, so I will see the thread again when I refresh. Although using custom css solves this problem. There is really only 1 thread I want to hide anyway.>>68035Thanks, this works perfectly.
>The problem with the adblocker is that the element zapper doesn't saveOn uBlock Origin, the element zapper is intended to be temporary - the element picker is the one to use for permanent blocking
I understand, being forced to look at AIDS makes me not want to come here. If you have a userscript plugin like Violentmonkey, you can use this (it works in overboard too):// ==UserScript==// @name heyuri// @namespace filterstuff// @include *.heyuri.net/*// @version 1// @grant none// @run-at document-end// ==/UserScript=={ // Get board name from the current URL! let board = document.location.pathname.substring(1, document.location.pathname.indexOf("/",1)); // Get filters from the browser's local storage! let filters = localStorage.getItem("filters"); try { filters = JSON.parse(filters); } catch (e) {} // Fix the variable if it's invalid! if (!filters || typeof filters !== "object") filters = {}; // Make sure the filters object has an array for this board! if (!filters[board]) filters[board] = []; function hide (event) { // If didn't click with the left mouse button, don't do anything! if (event.button !== 0) return; // Prevent the click from doing anything else by accident! event.stopPropagation(); // Add this post number into the filters! let num = Number(this.dataset.num); filters[board].push(num); localStorage.setItem("filters", JSON.stringify(filters)); // Hide the post! let post = this.parentNode.parentNode; if (post.classList.contains("op")) { post.parentNode.style.display = "none"; } else { post.style.display = "none"; } } // Loop through threads on the page! let posts = document.getElementsByClassName("post"); for (let post of posts) { // Get post number from the ID! let num = Number(post.id.replace(/[^0-9]/g,'')); // Hide this post if it was filtered in the past! if (filters[board].includes(num)) { // If this post is OP, hide the entire thread! if (post.classList.contains("op")) { post.parentNode.style.display = "none"; } else { post.style.display = "none"; } } // Add button for hiding the post! let button = document.createElement("a"); button.innerHTML = "[Hide]"; button.style.cursor = "pointer"; button.dataset.num = num; button.addEventListener("click", hide); post.getElementsByClassName("postinfo")[0].append(button); }}
// ==UserScript==// @name heyuri// @namespace filterstuff// @include *.heyuri.net/*// @version 1// @grant none// @run-at document-end// ==/UserScript=={ // Get board name from the current URL! let board = document.location.pathname.substring(1, document.location.pathname.indexOf("/",1)); // Get filters from the browser's local storage! let filters = localStorage.getItem("filters"); try { filters = JSON.parse(filters); } catch (e) {} // Fix the variable if it's invalid! if (!filters || typeof filters !== "object") filters = {}; // Make sure the filters object has an array for this board! if (!filters[board]) filters[board] = []; function hide (event) { // If didn't click with the left mouse button, don't do anything! if (event.button !== 0) return; // Prevent the click from doing anything else by accident! event.stopPropagation(); // Add this post number into the filters! let num = Number(this.dataset.num); filters[board].push(num); localStorage.setItem("filters", JSON.stringify(filters)); // Hide the post! let post = this.parentNode.parentNode; if (post.classList.contains("op")) { post.parentNode.style.display = "none"; } else { post.style.display = "none"; } } // Loop through threads on the page! let posts = document.getElementsByClassName("post"); for (let post of posts) { // Get post number from the ID! let num = Number(post.id.replace(/[^0-9]/g,'')); // Hide this post if it was filtered in the past! if (filters[board].includes(num)) { // If this post is OP, hide the entire thread! if (post.classList.contains("op")) { post.parentNode.style.display = "none"; } else { post.style.display = "none"; } } // Add button for hiding the post! let button = document.createElement("a"); button.innerHTML = "[Hide]"; button.style.cursor = "pointer"; button.dataset.num = num; button.addEventListener("click", hide); post.getElementsByClassName("postinfo")[0].append(button); }}
>Rule 8>greentextingwhat does that mean exactly? it says you're not allowed "outside of quoting"? wdym
>>68038>>68039ok, thanks. Then I will continue using greentext for "Reference", is that alright?for example>phylumchordata>orderreptilia>description... etcthat's what I use that for.
anything you can ctrl+v is fineit's also fine when you're translating text, writing stuff from images etcdon't use it for greentexting as mentioned, cosmetic formatting (there are bullet points or bbcode), putting words to someone's mouth (like false quotes, you see this on 4chan) as well as actions (eg. >doing x instead of y), and some other stuff you wouldn't even know about unless you saw on 4chan (>tfw no gf)most R8.e bans issues are for greentext stories, don't overthink it
>>68042k thanks. I'll be aware not to use greentexting like r/greentext.
>>68041again, for cosmetic formatting, you could use bbcode or other symbols. That's not the function of quoting featurephylumchordataorderreptilia- description... etc
>>68045Alright, I will know in the future.
it's teh best site linked with heyuri
it's like the site is asking, "do you want a hooker or do you want to abandon the world of 3dpd"(⌒∇⌒ゞ)
if you arent used to seeing real tits ur a fucking fag
Half-Life: Deathmatch
What about it?
you forgot to change the color scheme on the home page baka
how come it's normal again, I liked the way it was before....
Yo! You've probably seen me post about us here over on /b/, but if you haven't, In short, it's a sorta imageboard/forum hybrid thing with a similar culture and some shared posters. Well, Random Bullshit is similar at least, the rest of the site is SFW and less focused on anime. We are more focused on general topics like music, the paranormal, drugs, and video games, but we of course have Anime and Random boards for all your shitposting needs. I'd love to crosslink with you guys though, seeing as this was where I got my initial userbase. Let me know if you guys are interested! Link if you have no idea what I am talking about: http://www.rottingangels.org/
dumb site
>>67994I liek it!!
i liek ヽ(´ー`)ノ
Hello rads-sanThank you for creating this thread ヽ(´ー`)ノI added Rotting Angels to Heyuri's link collection: https://heyuri.net/index.php?p=linksYoroshiku onegaishimasu
>>67999thanks kaguya-san! I’ll add the link to heyuri on my site later today
8.dHe's needlessly angry. Protecc & headpat me!https://img.heyuri.net/a/koko.php?res=3080#p3110
Not sure if he is angry enough for a R8.d, I would be happy if someone compared me to something as cute as a rori's shit stain.I can still give you a headpat (´・ω・`)
>>67988I'll accept it. (⌒∇⌒ゞ)
>Protecc2017 meme, reportedhttps://desuarchive.org/_/search/text/%22protecc%22/order/asc/https://warosu.org/jp/?task=search2&search_text=%22protecc%22&search_ord=old