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I don't think anons in that thread have problem with loli, just with how many recent threads are just porn dumps. Compare it to many creative and engaging threads from the end of the current catalog (or the earlier ones if you have them archived).

Obviously what those anons should've done is made better threads instead of complaining. Just my two cents.
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There are still non-porn discussion threads up, but that thread was turning out to be ugly. I don't want to see s*yjak posters coming to Heyuri and complaining we aren't creative enough, when everyone is obviously having fun, maybe besides them. Silently deleting the thread and warning OP privately was an option too but I wanted to let it known who exactly are complaining about Heyuri, so users can decide for themselves if they are worth taking serious sweat3

We have a Rule 1 to secure creative threads, I think it's just that noone created a suitable thread yesterday. If the same people who created those creative threads wanted to have lolicious threads, let them have!

>Compare it to many creative and engaging threads from the end of the current catalog (or the earlier ones if you have them archived).
I disabled our auto-pruning system, so I delete all threads on Heyuri manually. I archive the ones I feel like worth archiving (via archive.today), and most of the time, I delete "lower-quality" threads after first one or two pages so those "creative" threads can stay a little longer nyaoo-closedeyes
loli is greatness
>but I wanted to let it known who exactly are complaining about Heyuri
nice strawman jackass
Of course, I can see you are a problematic R8 breaking ban evader too wink
well they were complaining about heyuri, and at least one of them is a soy party poster and the other has seemingly only made 1 post on heyuri (at least recently).
so if people usually don't complain about how things run here, and the rare people who do complain about it either come from shit sites or aren't even regulars here, why not discard their opinions? mona2
besides, I LIEK lolis x3
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I am not your problem pal what I am trying to say is you can't simply attach soyjak posters with mere complainers otherwise you're showing that they live in your head rent-free
I don't think so my dude I think the first one simply jesting and the second one is me who also jesting don't closed-eyes2 confuse you it just happened to be my prefered emote at that time lolico
>what I am trying to say is you can't simply attach soyjak posters with mere complainers
I am not sure what you meant here, but I am able to see he was actually s*y poster. I didn't just make a baseless claim there.
>second one is me who also jesting
If second one was actually you, then you were using an IP range you never used (at least that I can see) before.

I am not going to list your previous ban reasons or even disregard your complaints only because you are a R8 breaker, but it would be a lie if I said I value ban evaders' or s*y posters' opinions as much as I do for genuine users' opinions.

And most of us don't mind loli threads. Those who do are free to complain on this board.
Don't reply for the sake of arguing with me please, it's not productive nor bringing us to anywhere.
chill out dude I didn't complain about anything I just happen to be the second poster and see the needless drama if you claim the first one was a soy poster then I believe you I don't have the admin privileges that allow me to stalk the users after all lolico
This post is coming from someone who is relatively new to imageboards (as well as this site), so feel free to take this post with a grain of salt.
BUT with that being said, I still think my two cents are significant, since they come from a relatively neutral perspective, as well as a person who is interested in imageboards.

I absolutely fucking despise wojaks and I love loli. While I like Heyuri for these reasons, I can see why some might get sick of loli posting when (like OP has mentioned) most of the threads on /b/ are just loli dumps and when most of the OC lately is just "LAWL WHACKY LITTLE GIRLS".
Don't get me wrong, I really do like Heyuri, but I'm not going to blindly worship every facet of it. Like the administration.
I'm sick of people bitching about janitors (especially when those doing so basically deserve to be banned), but hailing the administrators/managers/mods/whatever as gods is nearly just as bad. Granted, I'm new, and this might just be a thing in the flashes I've seen, but it still irks me. NOW BEFORE YOU ALL GET YOUR PANTIES IN A TWIST, I'll have you know that I fully agree with the policies of Rule 8, and I'm not just saying this since I have a hateboner for all moderators.

However, these are all just my opinions, and may not reflect reality. And fixing these problems is really easy anyway:

1. Encourage OC creation
I don't mean the basic saying of "just make moar oc lol" that I've seen, but actually encourage OC creation. Make an exploitable and put in in a thread to see what people come up with. Share tips and resources for learning how to use Photoshop/GIMP, etc. (although I sincerely hope that the average Heyurian has at least the most basic knowledge of image editing) Find something that's funny or worth making fun of that people can do stuff with. This may be asking too much, but I really think it's the way to get OC pumping.
2. Provide/Receive constructive criticism
This may not be too big of a deal, since /q/ seems to be doing a pretty good job of this, but I think it's still worth keeping in mind.

Overall, while Heyuri does have its flaws, it is still by far one of the best imageboards I've been on, and that is why I want it to grow and get better.
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exploitables are variations on the same exact template so I dunno if you can call them OC.
and photoshop/gimp tutorials, while nice, probably won't increase OC production very much because the most important factor for OC creation is the motivation and inspiration for it rather than the means to make it. if you wanna start something fun, the best tactic is to come up with a fun and engaging idea for a thread and post it during peak activity hours. and if you want OC, making some yourself is a good start. creativity seems to inspire creativity, I think.
as for the janitors, I haven't seen many people openly berate them for any reason. if anything, some of the janitors are the ones that are too hard on themselves. unsure
and while I can't speak for others, I liek kaguya not because I blindly worship him, but because I like the way he runs heyuri and his ideal of what the site should be. don't get me wrong, I DO worship him, but I do it because it's fun (´ー`)
(mod-sama is cool, too)
and lastly as for the criticism, people already can and do give it on /q/, where it belongs. if they'd rather do it on /b/ and get mad when their thread is autosaged/locked/deleted, that's really their fault.
To much serious business here... nyaoo-closedeyes

What I like about Heyuri is it's relaxed approach toward most of the things, and this is what makes Kaguya a good admin. As this reflect down on the rest of the community. After all, internet and the rest of life is serious so this is a breather. When it comes to OC, the best is to make it yourself. Sames goes with threads. If you don't like the current thread, make one yourself. It's rather simple. Are there little activity? Make a thread!

When it comes to the lolicious thread, they are lolicious and fun. Not all need to be OC either. I post and make both of them. While I do think to much porn dump can make a board stale - which I do not think are the case for now. However, the solution is to make a new thread that's on another topic. People often flood to new threads that generate some sort of conversation. A lot of my threads has a stupid question ... and this seems to work.

All in all, make it yourself!
And haev fun! :biggrin
>most of the OC lately is just "LAWL WHACKY LITTLE GIRLS".
Teh truth is that the majority of Heyuri OC (at least outside of oekaki) is made by liek 2 people, and one of them is the primary propagator of most OC and threads in that vein. They have a habit of forcing things a little too much sometimes, but if it's in keeping with Heyuri's spirit, it's watevar biggrin

>hailing the administrators/managers/mods/whatever as gods is nearly just as bad
"MODS = GODS" is an ancient 4chan thing - older than some of the users here - so I wouldn't read too much into that

Back in "teh golden age of Heyuri", OC that glorified Heyuri staff-san and our resident namefags was by far the most common form of OC - it's significantly less common these days, for better or worse

>Make an exploitable and put in in a thread to see what people come up with
Merits of templates (or lack thereof) aside, it's surprisingly difficult to get users involved with anything requiring more effort than drawing stick figures in mspaint (and even then, some struggle with that...). The fact we managed to make 2 music albums is nothing short of miraculous

Teh 2nd truth is that many imageboard users are by and large a lot more useless these days than they used to be, and have lost the ability (or even the desire) to shop. Besides pr0nz, Photoshop used to be one of the core elements of imageboard culture, but a lot of people now prefer to use imageboards as a livejournal substitute... rolleyes

>Provide/Receive constructive criticism
Rather than criticism, I think what's missing these days compared to the Heyuri of yore is the positive feedback. In 2020, if you put the effort into making something, you would get a big wave of replies saying "WIN", "HOLY SHIT I LOL'D", "POSTING IN AN EPIC THREAD", etc. - it made all the effort of producing the OC worth it

I'm sure users today are still appreciating or LOLing at things being posted, but if it's not explicitly expressed, the OC maker will think it fell flat and be dissuaded from making more

Provide the response u would liek 2 receive, and thou shall receiveth!
>In 2020, if you put the effort into making something, you would get a big wave of replies saying "WIN", "HOLY SHIT I LOL'D", "POSTING IN AN EPIC THREAD", etc. - it made all the effort of producing the OC worth it
>I'm sure users today are still appreciating or LOLing at things being posted, but if it's not explicitly expressed, the OC maker will think it fell flat and be dissuaded from making more
Thing is, Heyuri of 2020 was way smaller and way slower than modern Heyuri. Sometimes people may not the time to react to OC, because when lurk for only Short time a day they'll mostly see page 0. And page 0 is full of porn dumps. When there used to be only like 4-5 pages that stayed up for days it was obviously more likely for someone to see some OC and react to it.
July 2020 wasn't way slower than today. At the bottom of Page 0 there is a 18 hour reply right now, so you can be up to date on Heyuri by checking the front page barely once a day

I agree teh issue is really just that users don't know they should show their appreciation for new OC publicly
>Thing is, Heyuri of 2020 was way smaller and way slower than modern Heyuri
It was only slightly smaller and slightly less active than today. Off-Topic in July 2020 had 3664 PPD, versus June 2023 having 4336 PPD - that's 84% as active! (and also not accounting for the fact that Heyuri's activity was distributed between many more boards back then)

If anything, 2020 Heyuri felt more active since all the replies would come in almost immediately after a thread was made - this was due to how prevalent the dicksword with the webhook was, as well as the Overboard which allowed you to view all posts on the site in one place

>And page 0 is full of porn dumps
The amount of pr0n on Off-Topic is about the same as it ever was - and in 2020 there were also pr0n/moe-dumping boards liek /h/, /c/, /l/, /g/, etc. (which were all eventually merged with Off-Topic, so enjoy teh sexy picz!!!)

>When there used to be only like 4-5 pages that stayed up for days
R u sure u were even on Heyuri in 2020? glare

Cuz back in 2020 we used to have INFINITE PAGES™ and no time-based bump limit at all - hence kuz getting mad about necrobumping a couple of times, until eventually a 3-day bump limit was imposed to keep things fresh and emphasize the creation of new threads over lingering in old ones (this was adjusted last year to 7 days to account for Heyuri being much slower... sweat2)
Can confirm this holds true at least for me.
Also agree with the conclusion, though sweat2
well we haven't had any loli porn threads for a few days, so now you guys have what you want nyaoo-closedeyes
these things come and goes as waves, no worries. lolis will return! biggrin

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