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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
  • 2024/02/27 - Anime nominations and their votings will be held on this table from now on.
  • 2024/01/29 - Try out some extra CSS files: Link

There is a townhall this Saturday @ 18:00 UTC [Info] [Countdown]

Want your site's banner shown here too? Read this thread and contact me.

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Should we make /b/ an exclusion zone? I think we must call in the Chernobyl men.

The past two months every thread is derailed with atleast 50 PENIS replies or someone posting terrible fetish porn, and it's never, like, feet, or something; it's always piss poop or guro, also the underage baiters, not the lolicons but the few anons who really really want to make it clear to others that they photograph actual children outside of teh interwebz to masturbate to it, I think that's just actually pedophilia, or something (⁠θ⁠‿⁠θ⁠)

Heyuri is graet but we should nuke /b/ I think, I don't mean remove /b/ from the website, I mean we should deploy a Tsar Bomba on whichever server rack is hosting /b/ biggrin

Seriously, are the mods going to lessen the circular masturbation threads?
If only you knew how much of that stuff gets regularly baleeted dark
Some of those (especially cocks) do get too much at the times, but occasional fetish pr0nz and "actual" lolicons are just a part of Heyuri
It was not this bad just 5 months ago, you can even check the archives if you don't believe mesweat2

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wait... so is everyone here underage/news?
i read through earlier threads and it seems to be.

not being mean but, neocities, spacehey, etc. it's all so lame and fake. people who can only copy and exaggerate what they saw in old screenshots but were never there themselves, so it can't help but exude falseness.

i wish everyone was 30+ so they were wise and deep with EXPERIENCE of the good old days.

i don't want to be with tiktokcord generation skinwalking as olds. i don't want to be fooled by lies.
am i in the wrong place
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>A good example of a conformist is someone who goes to college or has a job.
>>A good example of a conformist is someone who goes to college or has a job.
I forgot to say that is also very untrue
*chan user since 2005 here (was hilariously underage back then)
one thing I've noticed over the several decades of my life is that old-school revivals never really capture what things were like way back when
that's just the nature of it

this place still feels more like how things were than anywhere else I've visited in a long time though, regardless of things seeming bit fake and pining to reestablish the glory days
fake it until you make it ヽ(´ー`)ノ
as a gen-z-er and a lolicon, the stuff on this site reminds me of what the “grown-up” culture of teenagers around me looked like when i was still in preschool, when life was good and i was physically close enough to a lot of my female friends to develop pedo complexes, so it kind of makes sense to me.
>> 14 KB
>be me
>trying to find anime porn to fab to
>stumbled upon chan
>bounce to the next site
>finish move on with life
>2014 rolls around (or 2013 i cant remember)
>remember 4choom
>moot sperging for being called out after cucking himself
>anons get hit with b& hammer for anti talk and loliposting
>hotwheelz shills 8chill
>i troll around there for a few years
>learn about tor, overchan, and chan culture to a fair degree
>lurk moar
>8notchill gets nuked
>irl pulls the plug and locks the game away for a few years
>drive gets nuked

currently iv been on a binge trying to collect old shit after my drive got nuked. i discovered this place while trying to find information on anayshiiworldo after learing about how it was the og of ogs when it came to chan culture from a youtube documentary about 4chong. While watching documentaries and reading archives i also realized that 4chan died long before i first ever discovered it. i dont know what 4chant was like before the first summer wave. i wasnt there for the first exodus. i missed out on the habbo raids. i was so late that i might as well showed up in a coffin. but i also wasn't there for the 2chan shananigans or the bbs wars. i want to know more. i want to know it all. i want to have been there and experienced it. even the eras when i wasnt even alive yet. but i cant. i wasnt there. i haven't been /here/ for long but i can already feel the energy is different than other chans. so much so that i would even dare to say that most other sites are imageboards but this site is a chan.


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where to start…?
yeah im not aussie, Scottish, kiwi, or any of that, im latvian, not telling you where i live, but i guess this is my final post here.
I had my fun getting my LOLz and stuff out of you guys, milking you like chris-chan, but its my time to find something else to do, vandals took the handles, alek is out.
also thx 4 banning me from the steam group, mucha gracias

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im not
You sure?
can the mods actually make my next ban notice latvian, you lousy fucks

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As I promised in the townhall, here is the thread where you can post emotes you want to see on Heyuri. You can also suggest names for them, like :this:

I won't add whole lists like >>61466 but you can pick your favorites out of such lists and post them ITT.

Personally I want to see similar cute Heyuri-related anime icons. Bonus points if they were monthly anime/streamed at cytube at some point, but of course, anything goes.

OC is especially encouraged

Also I should say that I will add them at bulks. I need to edit many files to add them, so it would be easier on my side to not add one emote each time. Just saying this so you wouldn't think I am ignoring/forgot about this thread sweat2

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There are Kuma icons here that could be used or adapted:
Thank you for helpful suggestions. I wonder why his addition hasn't been proposed before...
I'm still serching!

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I'm a fan of this rule.
It was one of 4chan's early rules:

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Eh, it's already the 10th townhall!? Are we at the point where it's fine if I lazily paste the text I wrote up the last time yet? I think yes!

If it's your first time, read about townhalls here: https://wiki.heyuri.net/index.php?title=Townhall - the logs are worth at least taking a glimpse at, though a lot of issues brought up can be considered obsolete today

Date: 11 May Saturday, 18:00 UTC
Location: https://gikopoi.world2ch.net/

There will be some complaints about how gikopoipoi doesn't work on old browsers for some reason, but it's more fun than IRC so we will use it. If you aren't able to join in any way, you can still read the logs and create a post-townhall thread to share your ideas

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Dear Anonwaha,

I have planted over 9000 bombs beneath your house.

If you do not immediately apologize for deleting my post, I will detonate them.

This is not a joke.

Tick tock.
Wasn't me - according to teh action log, the last time I baleeted a post on Off-Topic was on 2024/03/28 glare

The last several baleetions were by kaguya and various janitor-san, so relocate ur bombs!

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Rule 8


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rule 8 in the filename

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>who cares
People who care about teh rules, like teh mods. That's why I posted it on/q/, dummy rolleyes
the filename has since been changed
He didn't say "who cares", he said "who the fuck cares". Reported for abusing the greentext aka meme arrows feature.

mods reported for not understanding that 66519's post is a joke

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As we discussed during the townhall and u guys approved, the fullbanners are now implemented on Heyuri - though currently there are very few banners on circulation. sweat2
...We need moar fullbanners! Here are some criteria I think we should have (you can discuss these too) for non-Heyuri stuff for now:
- If it's an imageboard (or similar community), it must be fully compliant with our Rule 8
- No personal homepages

They also must be exactly in 468x60 dimensions.
I will dump the old (outdated/kolyma related, only for archival purposes) banners for inspiration/give an idea under this thread. For now, we can lack banners for these Heyuri-related stuff:
- 日本語@Heyuri
- Oeakaki@Heyuri
- Strange World@Heyuri
- Site Discussion@Heyuri
- Polls@Heyuri
- Dating@Heyuri
- 2ちゃん (for 2ch.sh domain - see below for old domain's banner)
Though banners don't need to be high quality (being funny is more impr0tant here!), you can also redo the banner for HHS if u want to as well
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naisu banners!!!
>I am open to any changes you may want to see to them.
I think the oekaki banner for >>66573 could have a collage of hi-quality oekaki characters that has been posted on Oekaki@Heyuri in the background
Editing out characters to be transparent may be tedious, so maybe choose ones where u can edit out with one click using fuzzy selection tool. This is just an idea anyways sweat2
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>maybe choose ones where u can edit out with one click using fuzzy selection tool
No worry, am mastr at lasso tool. (´人`)
Defaulted to white for BG because am not sure what other colors besides black would fit with such contrasting color palettes; maybe a gradient?
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something you can put into the mix

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github : https://github.com/Heyuri/kokonotsuba
as of making this thread, me and one other anon are working on a fork to try and clean up most of this shit.
we are planing on making proper objects for board,thread,post data. this of course would simplify things for module creation and future proof the code base.
i believe the module system will be powerful hooked base system that will be able to change data mid pipe line with out messing with the underlying system.

for creating a post postRequest. it should look something like this.

$postData = new postData();
executeHook("preValidation", $postData); //can trigger a whole post fail based on IP ban or failed capcha moduel.
if(!$postData->isValidPost()){ //inside module hooks. there would be a postValidation() in contrast to preValidation() to stop files with pizza


i also want to remove a lot of crud that is scatted all over the place and make a proper pipeline.
the pipeline should look like.
start -> post received -> post validated -> post saved to db -> load threads from db based on board configs -> load post in threads -> redraw html files -> end

of course there might be slightly different pipelines for admin menus or live views, witch might consist of a module having special things drawn in the render, or remove validation.
output should be redirectable so its either stright from*.php or gets written to *.html with proper redirect code

lots of things are still a mystery and what i said may not even work or might need some slight changes.
the more experimental fork that aims on chaining a lot of the underlying system that me and anon are working on is right here https://github.com/nashikouen/kokonotsuba

please ask in this thread about things you don't understand!! we are happy to help you learn more about kokonotsuba.
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i tried posting the code here and got filtered

after i already made a diy solution i see this

i added two more keys from whats available though:
for 2 of the sort types (last reply, reply count...)
could that MAX(), COUNT()s query be added to mod_api or does it have to stay as it is?

aside from that i got the js working fine closed-eyes
>i tried posting the code here and got filtered
you can upload to Uploader@Heyuri and link it here
Codes shouldn't get filtered by the system
blotter and ads cause mobile to slightly be blown of screen
>blotter and ads cause mobile to slightly be blown of screen
- Blotter is fixed by replacing "width" with "max-width"
- Ad iframe needs "max-width: 100%"
- The CSS for the BBCode "code" and "preformatted" also needs improving, perhaps with "overflow-x: auto"

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how many retarded meme references can one fit into a single image?
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Didn't deserve to be baleeted IMHO
I don't even know what's supposed to be wrong with that image sweat
If you look closely the book says "MORBING" on the side which I'm pretty sure is in direct violation of rules 7 and/or 8. The "moderator" that said it shouldn't have been deleted should be demodded and permab& or at least severely punished for defending that vile "image". I'm literally going to kill myself if I ever see another "image" like that again. 😞🔫

i made the thread that OP is (presumably) complaining about and im still not sure what the point of this is...
donmai, the thread is fine. I think only some image in it was deleted because it contains some new memes most of us seem to be unaware of unsure
In any case, it's not to be made a big deal of

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in rules it shows talk about /vote/ witch i belive needs to be moved or fixed? seems out of place since its out of place on cgi.
<a href="https://cgi.heyuri.net/vote2/">/vote/</a>
>> 19 KB
the url for "Protect your username, use a tripcode!"
should be this below
changed the URL
I will do something about the rules page soon too

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cp on b
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more cp on heyuri
Already got it, thanks!
It's fake - they uploaded the "file deleted" image sweat2

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It's a little annoying how all the text is sometimes invisible for a few seconds when you load a page on Heyuri. Consider fixing it by adding "font-display:swap;" into teh CSS. Like this:

@font-face {
font-family: 'Osaka';
font-style: normal;
unicode-range: U+0-10FFFF;
font-weight: normal;
src: url('https://static.heyuri.net/css/Osaka.woff');
font-display: swap;

This causes the browser to use an alternate/default font until the font file has finished loading, and then swaps to the correct font.
should be fixed now

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