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I recently sat down and actually watched MLP and... it was really cute cry

I thought bronies were weird and autistic until now, I'm sorry guys... I can understand why you guys enjoy this show so much, it's adorable.
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>being obnoxious about their fetishes
i'll stick to アニメ ( ´ω`)
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in total, i'm glad the show existed for what it spawned, but that doesn't mean the show itself is good
>Not that bad for a show that was originally made for kids.
you mean it eventually became made for adults?
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i need 2 pick back up utakata ヽ(´∇`)ノ
I love the style epoch that this art encapsulates. Maybe the current stuff is better looking but it doesn't have the charm of this

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Okay, i'm going to turn all the lights off and get to playing this. Please keep me company in the spookiest moments
Finished chapter 1. Short and disappointing (That's what she said). beyond measure ORZ
what did you expect, honestly? You thought some mass-shilled indie pixelshit was going to be good? Pardon the buzzwords, but there's no other way I can describe it.
did teh game have any ero scenes?
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I only was vaguely aware of it beforehand and i'm not the kind of person that thinks pixels after 1996 constitutes sacrilege, so neutral expectations either way

Depends on what gets you going

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I luv my busty wife love
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>I luv my busty wife

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interpret this picture!

i think tewi intentionally made reisen graduate from virginity with a sudden toe insertion because reisen did not have panties under the skirt

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simple: toe in omanko ヽ(´∇`)ノ
reisen was cooking udon and realized she had forgotten about it when it became too late to save the noodles
and tewi fully aware of it chose not to tell
Handholding, except with feet. Tewi's feet were very cold.
>Handholding, except with feet.
feetholding ヽ(´∇`)ノ

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i want to do that cry
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True believers know that Konata was begotten unto us to show us the light of otaku! 'Tis utter heresy to suggest she is a separate deity, but not an incarnation of Haruhi's divine will!

GET HIM angry
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I'm gonna EXPLODE!!!

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i think I'm getting sick...

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what did u catch?
um... I don't have a joke for this
I caught "the common cold from everyone in my family during Christmas" is what I caught
because aids is no joke
>because aids is no joke
but i LOL @ AIDs

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How often do you watch anime that is at least 20 years old vs newer stuff?

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1999-2009 was the height of moe. I hope someday there will be a second cumming of moe.
I want to get into more of the older series, especially the famous ones, to establish a basis of reference. But so much of it is derivative or mecha/robot shit. I can't get into it at all. Chicks might dig giant robots but I don't
I can't trust anyone who doesn't like mecha. They are never above suspicion. ( ´ω`)
And I don't trust people who use social media past the age of 18
honestly, I can get behind that ┐(゚~゚)┌

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Vintage Loli Thread No 2.

ITT Post vintage and high-class art and historical black and white photos of lolis.

Pic related Little Girl, resting on a Red Armchair painted by Hermann Hirsch in 1912.

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Calling Carroll a pedophile for the naked kid paintings he had would be like calling a modern day old lady with naked cherub paintings in her house a pedophile. TECHNICALLY those look like naked babies but the painting is meant to represent purity instead of lewdness. Many contemporaries among his time had similar paintings, and nobody from back then would've found them out of the ordinary.

Someone who has lived with very young children will know that they're naked a large amount of the time. Paintings back then often tried to reflect that period of youthful innocence.

Caroll being a pedo is a clickbait rumor, it sounds scandalous for the creator of Alice in Wonderland to be a pedo so that's what people say. But if you look into this shit you'll find it was a norm to have paintings like that and saying they were lewd back then would be seen as absurd and just indicative of your own issues.
I think it's also because he really liked making friends with female children.
i've been a fan of him and his work for a couple of decades and i'm telling you he was a pedo
Join the police force and use your knowledge for good
victorians are known for their affinity to naked children in art.

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Soggy female. ( ´,_ゝ`)
nice tits ヽ(´∇`)ノ
What are some animes where girls get their shirt wet? I haven't actually seen any unsure
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There are whole video compilations

I really want to bite Kaorin!!! (´π`)

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i dont understand ( ´,_ゝ`)
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>This IS a fat loli thread.
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Too skinny, gain weight!! angry
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join our cause to make shinku whole again lolico


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orz niggers are btfo nyaoo-closedeyes
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But Shinku is already whole... unlike that dumb junk
Hey! That's my wife you're talking about! angry
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yakult goes where sweat
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Speak for yourself, my Suigintou model works fine

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Squid dick... I wonder if he cums with ink
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That's not jizz, that's puke
Well, yeah. But in OP's pic she's this guy's dick, so when she pukes it's as if the guy was ejaculating

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I like her beaver, but her oppai are too small. It would be way more eroi if her tits sagged downwards when she's in this position
THAT'S A MERKIN angryangryangry
Nope, not a merkin or toupee, au naturel, baby cool
i don't like what you're saying
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Girls in hentai used to have such bushy beavers. Nowadays they're all clean shaven

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