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what do you guys think of this bad little girl

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don't delete my lolis angry
i cant think anything of it because im blind X_X
Why do little girls make my heart beat so fast like nothing else does? What should I do? Should I stop being a NEET and become a primary school teacher or babysitter or something? Maybe that would just make the problem worse... I just want to hug and kiss a little girl for hours every day and I think about it for hours every day.
you just need to sublimate your lolicon into tender care for the future generations. that's what nature put those feelings there for. if you can get work as a tutor, thats a fun way to do something for little boys or girls.
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I don't think I'd be able to sit next to a loli, much less talk to one without getting a boner even if I already jerked off 3 times that morning before going to work so it's probably a really bad idea.
I love the gamer girl so much
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you gotta try heyunon! its your dream! first imagine the loli. then feel the desire. then reflect on the desire and follow its root back to love. then nurture the love until the desire feels like nothing more than an optional side-effect.
it's not working, I still want to use lolis as cum toilets then hug and kiss them for a few hours then cum in them again and to repeat that cycle forever
maybe you would feel less desperate about it if you had the chance to get out and try it in real life...

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