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File: mi02.jpg
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81 KB
1- go to hxxp://sugaruwotome.or2.cc/main/geru/index.html
2- grab at least 3 interesting images
3- post them ITT

Marked for deletion (Old)
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using web archive to browse links to other sites you find & getting images from there is encouraged too
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crying at the lack of archives is permitted
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Cover of a nijiura book called 続☆無念
Probably lost media ;_;
Seemingly partly drawn by the same artist as https://exhentai.org/?f_search=artist%3Abuchimaru%24
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I love old figures.
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Please do not feed or molest...
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full res is probably lost
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these are not from the linked website, but from my own personal waha collection. hopefully they are welcome here. ( ´ω`)
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If I remember right you can reach xqs's website from the link too anyways biggrin

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