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imagine getting a tripcode called blast furnace closed-eyes

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he seems cool so let his lame name pass ヽ(´∇`)ノ
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how many days did it take you to come up with this tripcode?
Win, also pls more
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lolipee is teh best name ever!ヽ(´∇`)ノ
wasn't looking for "icy" specifically so only a few hours
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IDK it was the first phrase that came to mind when trying to think of a name unconnected to my other stuff. I've never used a trip on previous chans so I was just experimenting with it. Most of the time I post anonymously actually. Why do you think it's lame? I googled it and apparently it's a Minecraft thing but I've never played Minecraft.

Thank you friend.
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Blast furnaces are a real thing u know... I think it's a kool name!
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>imagine getting a tripcode
God, no.

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