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Dear lolicons of heyuri! Since u liek lolis so much I thought here are some nice DEAD lolis for you disgusting pedophiles. I hope your happy!

Note: this content is educational taken straight from reputable archaeology sites and for learning purposes.

Image 1. This nice girl named Rosalia Lombardo was mummified at the age of 2 after she died of spanish flu. probably choking to death on her own bodily fluids. I am sure that excites some of the perverts in our class. Here we can learn the importance of atmopsheric control and use of nitrogen to preserve embalmed remains. This corpse is 104 years old. As you can see there is no blackening associated with rot but slight decomposition with the waxy coloration. This story is famous enough you can research it yourself if your so inclined.

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This here is Little Juanita. Her corpse was found on the Ampato volcano at considerable height. Forensic evidence suggests little Juanita may have suffered Chagas disease before death and was probably killed with a massive blow to the head. Hence we assume Juanita was a ritual sacrifice. Incas sacrificed children to their Gods, probably to stop the volcano erupting. Children were usually drugged with coca leaves and then strangled or had their skulls smashed in with a rock. Her remains indicate a diet of fish suggesting she lived on the Peruvian coastline. An imperial sacrifice. As you can see she is far less preserved unlike the more famous Llullaillaco mummies.
uh...just because someone likes lolis doesn't mean they like dead lolis. sweat2 mummies are cool, though, so i give this post a half-hearted 3 out of 5 stars.
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Well these pics are extremely tame by online standards but I think lolicons should appreciate dead lolis too since they like the little shits so much.

Another mummified child. This one is from Ancient Egypt. I don't know anything else about the pic sadly.
can't you post something more recent? fossils don't excite me much...
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more Incan human sacrifice victims
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Okay so lets say YOU want to mummify a dead loli. Maybe your a man greiving after your dead child (unlikely) or just a sick pervert that likes corpses. These are the ancient steps.

1. Remove the brain. In Egypt this was done with a special metal instrument that was heated to turn the brain to soup but you could just use a drill or a fish hook or hammer. Whatever suits you.

2. Remove the guts. This is done by cutting open the the stomach area either with a blade or a large rock. You then pull out all of the intestines, stomach, liver, and other innards leaving an open cavity which you then clean out and massage with palm wine. You then fill the cavity with ground spices, cassia, and pure myrrh and sew the hole shut. In Egypt, the organs were preserved in special ritual jars but you can just stick yours in a blender and turn it into dog food.

3. Cover the corpse with natron for 70 days. Once that's done you wash and dry the corpse.

4. Apply bandages with gum. Add a layer of the gum (I guess you could use glue now) and tightly wrap a layer of fresh linin cloth over it. Then add more and more layers untill the whole body is nicely wrapped up and covered with resin. Don't leave any gaps or air pockets.

5. Find an air tight container for your mummified body and keep it there. You want it sealed from the air. Only reason pic looks so good is because she spent the last five centuries buried on top of a snow peaked stratovolcano.

Note: most of this guide is what I made up after reading Herodotus after putting coffee powder under my eyelids. If you want your dead loli looking like Lenin find a professional embalmer. I didn't mention all the sacred rituals either but whatever.

I have some dead girl pics from Gaza but they would be rule 7 so no
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>> 235 KB
>I have some dead girl pics from Gaza but they would be rule 7 so no
what? of they wouldn't
also, I believe this sequence is somewhat related
>> 253 KB
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Poor lolis. cry

Maybe this is the only way to escape from the PEDOBEAR! But would Pedobear be stopped even in death? Who knows... 🐻
grosss. mummified corpses are so hard to look at sad No wonder they cover them up with toilet paper cool
This is pretty hot (´¬`) but sealing the ANUS and uethra with glue probably isn't going to do it. Ideally you'd want to remove all bodily fluids then sew up the pussy and ANUS. Definitely need more pussy sewing content! Probably don't want to give her anesthetic. Just shoot her up full of potassium chloride and watch her writhe on the table drool but that might damage the internals and won't make for a good medical specimen.

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