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School is so boring. sad
I just had a 2 week break, and I spent most of it watching anime and browsing imageboards without leaving my house once. But now I have to spend several hours doing nothing every day. closed-eyes2
Fortunately it's my last year of school, though my parents probably wouldn't like it if I was a neet so I will have to wage-slave (but unlike school at least I get paid for it).
(Yes, I am 18, and no, this is not a serious thread complaining about my life)

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if your parents want you to be a slave then maybe you shouldn't care what they want
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Most people that have to live from wage to wage do so because they didn't put enough care into school

Hey OP, i'm in a similar situation to you but in college. In my case, i got a full scholarship + subsidy after getting a good grade on an specific test we do around here. I've struggled with motivation since the second semester and i almost quit altogether once. My advice is to use high grades to feed your ego (this is what has worked for me the best sweat2) or keep in mind the reward at the end of the tunnel.
Think about it, if you do well enough you'll be able to choose whichever career you like, if you excel in college you'll be able to have a good paying job in a field your passionate about and before you know it you're your own boss, being able to watch anime and browse imageboards knowing you have nothing else to worry about cool
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Do well on the finals/entrance exams at least, do the default thing if you can't decide on what to do next

In my case since I'd had 12 years of school I decided to waste even more life in college until I stop slacking off (possibly never)
I had the same mindset during the exact same point in life
Now I am enslaved doing vector integrals as if my life depended on it, but at least I get to spend lots of money on beer every day without parents around happy
They wouldn't approve
what's your major anon?
International finances and businesses. Although i picked it because there wasn't anywhere to study film near me
Looking back i should've taken soemthing like philosophy or psychology, but whatever dark
you should go to medical school and specialize in the PENIS
You should one day get into the cybersex business and do a pay-for-RP (i'd suggest $15 one session or $5/hr). Try getting to random sites and servers or channels and practise this kind of RP with your fellows until you develop good creative skills. (It's best to type out what naturally comes out of your mind and just try having fun, you'll eventually love it!!!)
Why did you post this on Hikari3?
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WTF there's a guy talking about eating poop there...I'm glad Heyuri doesn't have any disgusting people like that.
stfu hikari is better than heyuri /b/
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go take a look at the rest of the front page. compare it to hikari. thats all the proof you need that heyuri /b/ sux
hikari: 4 posts today
heyuri: 35 posts today
more posts = better? rolf kay then
golf man eats ANUS snowball flies rolf
kowlf oh my god what the fuck is that rolfk
JAMES ROLF IS HERE JEEZ no! if more = better than 4chann is best
>thats all the proof you need that heyuri /b/ sux
Too bad that you sux (´∇`)σ
but your insightful post about the angry video game nerd is still better than over 95% of posts on 4chan
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But I mean, what the hell were they thinking?! "Golf man eats ANUS snowball flies rolf"?! What the fuck kind of sentence is that? You'd get more sense reading through an aircraft manual while having someone take a massive shit all over the pages! Did anybody proofread this shit before they hit the post button?! What a shitload of fuck!
lol does this site actually have beef with hikari3.
what does heyuri think about them?
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Maek (imageboard) LOEV!!
Not (imageboard) WAR!!
saitamaYou win teh peace award!!!
Diplomacy has never made me so horny! drool
hikari is in some ways better than heyuri and a lot of people cant just be friendly and respectful about it and accept that. so they have to make up lies that it sux when /b/ is actually worse than most of hikari. just accept the criticism and move on dammit.

its not our fault u cant read rolf-san. here go review fanged noumena. theres a shit load of fuck for u.
hikari3? i saw that website before. it's just a bunch of webcore babies pretending it's 2008. which for some reason they shit up and make the whole site ugly as hell by putting "DISCORD SERVER" all over it and post the same shit you'd see on reddit. azumanga/eva spam (probably because it's the only anime most of those kids have ever watched/heard of)
i'm surprised dokuro chan became such a huge icon also for normalf@gs. then they go and boil her down along with lain and some others into the same boring osaka meme. somehow turn them into disturbed femcell chicks with guns i guess and act all "eewww i'm so disturbed, i'm such a hikkiNEET hehe!!"
that's what hikari3 was last i checked. i'd hope those children, when they grow out of it that they don't see anime and "otaku culture" as cringe and all that. because it's not like any of that even represents that sort of stuff in any way shape or form. and i hope they grow a genuine interest in it and love for japanese culture. or even just figurines/games and the language.
hikari3 and Heyuri put aside their differences to have passionate secks! love
the few oldies that are actually here having sex with the minors that infest hikari? hmm... okay hikari, come to ojisan. i'll show you all my neat things that you might call "oldcore" probably. why not try on this taisoufuku i have and dance a little to some stupid 2hu shit.
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Someone here remind me again, was hikari3 password protected at some point? Or am i confusing it with another imageboard?
Whatever, is hikari3 better than /b/ because it has higher quality posts? Remember that /lounge/ exists and generally has more high quality posts like that.
They do have a "rule 8", so that's great. But also no pr0n.
All of that considered i think the biggest differences are the userbase and software, so using /b/ or hikari3 is a matter of personal preference...

But i don't really know, i just read their rules and some posts from page 0 cool Could be much deeper than that
>was hikari3 password protected at some point?
no, you're probably confusing with bantculture.
you sound like a tryhard
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you described it perfectly

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