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I feel at total peace with the world after I touch myself to Ichigo Marshmallow. All of my fears dry up and blow away like leaves. Other material has the opposite or no effect. Why might this be?

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There's really nothing else like it. Imagine how much better the world would be if it was a forever-ongoing series like The Simpsons or One Piece. There would probably be no wars or murders or tyrants in a world like that because everyone would be looking forward to watching a new episode of IchiMashi every week.
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yeah bro just wait and see how people will go crazy to watch the new episode of another boring moe garbage closed-eyes

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If I was a dictator I'd be like that guy who had everyone who wears glasses exterminated but it would be everyone who doesn't agree that my favorite anime is the best. If everyone in the world had the same favorite anime then surely everyone would get along and there would be total world peace.
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t-teh bait!( ´ω`)
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There's now a Mashimaro, Mitsuboshi Colors and Wataten thread on page 0, the holy trinity of loli anime.
but then they'd have to grow up
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They've stayed the same age throughout the manga, and shows like Chibi Maruko-chan have managed to make a billion episodes while keeping everyone the same age (and even in the same time period of the 70's).
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You are forgetting loli idols!!! (;゚Д゚)
Few know this, but Pol Pot was a lolicon.
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Miu presents: the world's most lickable armpit!
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who this beautiful love
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Nobue presents: the world's most fuckable armpit!
I'm yet to watch this show, but looks promising drool
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when you're done with that remember to read the manga too, lots of great stuff that didn't get adapted to the anime for some reason
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three dimensional mashimaros!
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