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Where do you guys find shota hentai? (;゚Д゚)
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sad panda, gelbooru, pixiv
No matter how much shota we post, our fujoshi population doesn't seem to increase! I'm starting to think they don't so simply get spawned out of thin air...
I don't look at shota hentai because that's gay and I'm not gay but if I did I'd check sites like atfbooru, gelbooru, exhentai, hitomi.la, sukebei nyaa and the male scat threads on guro.cx/s/
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>No matter how much shota we post, our fujoshi population doesn't seem to increase!

Well, I bring some good news! There is a magical place full of fujoshi that we could invite over here!
But there is also bad news...
The bad news being they haet shota (;´Д`)
But what do you think; is it worth the risk?
No, they probably will not conform to Heyuri culture. Some closeted shotacons might, but I think most of them aren't.

Having normie whamen know about this place and it's allowance of loli and shota could be disastrous. But what do I know, I'm just a random shotacon.
cut wamen in half
beat wmane to daeth
drop wamen in acid
stick dynamite in a wamen's VAGINA
There is no place like Heyuri anywhere on the internets, it's staff's work to comb out bad posters to and have only fitting ones left here
It's not like we would get a huge wave of new users anyways, it's more likely around 3 people would come, one gets b&, other loses interest... But even if one true fujo sticks around, it would be a win! biggrin
burn wamen alive
cut the limbs of a wamen
force animal insemination into a wamen
expose minor wamen to sex
shoot wamen with a gun
throw boiling watrer on a wamen's face
butcher wamen for meat
drill the insides of a wamnes's VAGINA
>You will be banned if you reveal yourself to be male; refrain from acting immaturely.
We should task bridget to send the message so it wouldn't stand out...
Also I don't think they haet shota, it may be a host/legal situation that they ban it
I love phimotic boy cock.
kill everyone and evrything fuck this world

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if you fuck teh world, that would be pretty straight! astonish

I apologize for doubting you.
Where the art chop chop
everyday is the same cycle of sadness and anger fvcj this world and life

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