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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
  • 2024/02/27 - Anime nominations and their votings will be held on this table from now on.
  • 2024/01/29 - Try out some extra CSS files: Link

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Heyuri banning general threads hurts activity. You cant expect someone to make a new thread every time they want to talk about something small. Small stuff turns into big stuff, and thats how stuff gets rolling
Lurk (and post) the fuck moar!
>You cant expect someone to make a new thread every time they want to talk about something small
But they should! Creating a new thread doesn't take much more effort than making a new post
Japanese-style Bulletin Boards: An History
Written by: an Heyuri user

Stage 1 - Humble Beginnings:
Make a simple online bulletin board that lets users post messages on teh interwebs, display them in chronological order (minibbs/ayashii world is here)

Stage 2 - Maturity:
Create response feature so that replies to a post are attached to that post as a reply thread rather than being seperate posts, threads get bumped to the top of the index when a new reply is made (amezou/2ch/imgboard is here)

Stage 3 - Didn't Stop To Think If They Should:
Implement thread auto-update feature so users can see new posts in fast-moving threads in real time on the most popular bulletin boards without having to manually refresh or risk threads expiring before the latest replies are seen (4chan/futaba + extensions is here)

Be a n00b and/or retarded, start treating reply threads on every bulletin board as if they're entire boards/chatrooms in and of themselves, prop threads up for days/weeks/months(/years!!!) until they have hundreds of replies each (most of which have nothing to do with the original post), expect them to be recreated once they're expired, ask others to do the same (OP is here)
Stage 5 - ???

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