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why do people like this crap again?

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why the fuck do people actually WANT to live in monolithic hunks of gray concrete?
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I love some brutalist buildings. They feel honest. Same with some hospital buildings and Japanese suburban developments.
also its unfair to show brutalism in a black and white filter when the virtue of grey is that it lets the colours of the world around the building be themselves.
because no one cares enough to destroy it!
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Some commie blocks can look nice, or as nice as commie blocks could... sweat2
is this glasgow?
I like it
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Brutalism works when it looks cool (simple). Brutalism doesn't work when it looks gay and stupid (overdesigned).
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"Overdesigned" meaning crap like Boston City Hall that OP posted, and "simple" meaning stuff that's just a monolithic building like these.
>why do people like this crap again?
Something something workers living conditions before brutalism were terrible
Something something demographic increase after WW2
yeah but how come there are people nowadays who find these 1984-looking buildings aesthetically pleasing?
I think these concrete building looks kind of cool and fascinating. But I would also say, it might depend on where one grew up. I am from a small town with no tall buildings, thus these stand out in my perspetive When i was a kid, i was fascinating as soon i saw a skyscrapers.
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If you come from a major city where about half of the working class population lives in big brutalist tower blocks and half the working population work in big skyscrapists they start to look fucking disgusting the pictured tower block is in the same city as the picture on >>99349
that looks like a fort build by teh nazis to hold of teh soviet! With epic guns and panties drying on teh balcony

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