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Someone on here asked if there is a gardening board and it made me curious, what is the most bizzare imageboard topic that you've ever seen?
Smaller sites preferred.

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endchan has a board dedicated entirely to ashley jones, im sure there's more weird ones there but they are in languages i cannot understand

i stumbled across a couple imageboards while trying to remember another altchan, man there are so many
how is gardening a bizarre topic? imageboards can be used for other thing other than anime and porn y'know.
i'm looking for a gardening board/forum btw
There's a really old board about trains, trains, and only trains. The postrate there is like two posts per year.
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monorail is more active than that
The prostate? lol
they would get more posts if they expanded their range of topics to include PENIS nyaoo-closedeyes
shemale boards and websites from like 2009-2012. that's when i started noticing them but i don't doubt there were dozens way before then. most of it was always just porn or photos of what appeared to be girls with PENISes in their pants. but 100% passable. i guess it could've been the definition of "ladyboy." it was strangely a popular thing. or not so strange. you'd have threads for asian ladyboy/shemales and all kinds of shit. it was very consistent, persistent if you will. but maybe in 2011 that stopped entirely because hopefully it just moved to their own websites entirely. it was basically always something you'd end up scrolling passed. some chick with a PENIS. not to call it weird itself, nothing wrong with it, by the way. i know it's made a resurgence in recent times. with the femboy craze.
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Your fortune: You have cancer

there was a postmodern furniture board on shanachan or was it sovietrussia? idk anymore but thats how you end up going down the postmodern rabbit hole and wind up hating furniture in the end
Is Deleuze even postmodern? He's just what would happen if one of the early modern philosophers had zero fear of judgment or censorship.
Depends. What do you mean by postmodern? (*>_<) He's French and writes like a schizo. He's postmodern.

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