Do you think this look was more or less retarded than what we've got today?Marked for deletion (Old)
not sure, but it looks kawaii
This was probably taken in 2009 and then she got really ugly and bitter over the next 8 years
>>128681most people think pedos are just selfish perverted assholes for wanting to invent a way to stop female aging at age ~10 but women would be much happier if they never got old and ugly too
I thought it was stupid at the time. I think it's stupid now, too
equally retarded
its been years since ive seen an ugly doll
genuinely more attractive than most women i’ve seen in the last few years
>>128724that's terrifying, man
this looks okay w/o the dumb mouth piercing
>>128737yeah then again I had a thing for these kind of girls back in the day, so i might not have the best taste
>>128740i support your taste
>>128696this is somewhat related
This is what they call a scene girl.