Remember /b/ you are a loser if you are working being a NEET is freedom.Marked for deletion (Old)
What happened to his teeth?
>What happened to his teeth?they were.... STOLEN!
>>128396He didn't brush.
>>128465Remember to brush your (and your imouto's) teeth twice very day
I think if you work, you lose.I think I'm winning now.
20 years ago he said he would be a ニート until 40He is now 44 years old. I wonder if he is still winning (´人`)
>>128539"On January 22, 2011, the anonymous NEET would appear in a Niconico broadcast as “D-chan”,2) revealing that he was unaware of his online popularity as he didn't have a computer, the line was actually borrowed, and, ironically, he was job hunting at the age of 30."
>he was job hunting at the age of 30all my orz ;_;7I don't want to evar work, seeing defeated NEETs is disturbing as it's also inevitable for me, unless I have the guts to jump off some cliff then
Remember /b/ you are a NIGGER if you are working being a Bling Bling Real Gangsta in da Hood is freedom.
We are all gonna make it bros.
>>128708make it where?
>>128618>Remember /b/ you are a NIGGER if you are workingBut I thought being a nigger was all about NOT working?
>>128372Incredible, most people need all 32 teeth, but this guy is doing just fine with only 4
>>128713Some can survive with only 3 (;゚Д゚)
Stop it guys, I'm eating
Life sucks, I will always be a nobody, but the fact that I don't have to wake up early and go to work like all the other nobodies makes it all worth it.
>>128709Out of NEETdom dummy.
>>128766You want to stop being a neet so you can work for a few decades until you've saved up enough money to retire? Isn't being retired the same as being a neet?
i'm only working because my brother had to kick me out of his house because i was being accused of grooming his daughter and my parents didn't want to let me move back in with them
>>128776Depends on the definition the English definition of NEET is more broad and includes people who want to work or are struggling to find work while the Japanese definition of NEET mainly refers to young people who refuse to work.
>>128778but that's the same definition, the only difference is how you feel about not working