I was playing Metal Gear on MSX but got distracted when asked if i wanted to continue after dying. Just lost hours and hours of progressFUCK ME I don't even have an image on my hard drive to illustrate my mixture of frustation and disappointment Marked for deletion (Old)
Does anyone have a save state for right before the Hind D fight or know where to find one? I've been playing all fucking day, c'mon
キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!!Your fortune: Bad luck
>I don't even have an image on my hard drive to illustrate my mixture of frustation and disappointmentBut I do have a sound to illustrate your mixture of frustation and disappointment:https://up.heyuri.net/src/4111.mp3
>>127626Pretty much. I went through the length of the recordings and turns out i lost like a 2 and a half hours since my last save state. ORZ
You stupid asshole. You fucking moron. You blockheaded, bumbling, good-for-nothing oaf. Why, you're as thick as two short planks. You imbecile.
>FUCK MEif i must