Why is this place so busy these days?I go weeks/months between visits. Usually its like, 10-15 pages of threads to catch up. It was this way for years (slow). I was away since Halloween - 50 new pages of threads to catch up on?!The average "unique users" now sits at 20-25 users when it almost always was less than 10.After all these years, did Heyuri finally get mainstream? Popular?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gdc6PcwHTEMarked for deletion (Old)
It's mostly that there's more threads with less replies, but overall activity has risen a littleThis chart is the total sitewide posts per day + 30-day moving average
This shows the PPD of each board stacked on top of each other
This shows all boards overlayed on top of each other
i have no ideai assumed that the number of users is either borked or rigged, loli board was a few hundred at a time and it was a 100 yesterdaybut the post frequency does not match up and it looks artificial or it is new people lurking before posting but i have no ideai wouldnt even know where it was advertised if it truly goes popular because despite me engraving or drawing the link in things in public i do not believe it was me there is a lot of people who seem not to know about more recent win threads like over the past year and so it possibly is true the numbers are reali remember being the only online at certain hours and a month later it is double digits, rising so much within a few weeks or days, i dont know even the growth peroid, i just assumed the counter had broken
And this shows the percentage of activity attributed to each board (mainly to demonstrate how much of Heyuri's activity is on Off-Topic at a given point)
>i assumed that the number of users is either borked or riggedThe online counter was rewritten as a kokonotsuba module rather than a tacked-on script back in October. The numbers it displays have been much higher since then - whether it's now more accurate or less accurate than it was before is unknown
>>126917Definitely felt like there was some sort of disturbance moar rule8/modern lingo seemingly unintentionally and a bit moar pedo then usual (not that old Heyuri wasn't at times) maybe some people from related communities found Heyuri I dont know ┐(゚~゚)┌ not too much a issue as long as mods continue to do their job which they have yet a couple of "not in line with site-culture" posts slip throughSAGEing because meta
>>126922Definitely something got b0rked. There's no way there are 150 users on /lounge/, but nobody posts anything
I think it's just crawlers on the lounge
I started looking for "old school" imageboards around September and found this one among 20+ small ones. I did not expect it to be this active, but I like it.
>>127005If you werent a n00b like me you would know to use numbers instead of months names because I dont understand them
I know someone on /jp/ on 4chanz mentioned this website
>>127062Probably not. the jay barely has any real otaku centric threads anymore
>>127069https://warosu.org/jp/thread/48050503They had an entire thread about it,>Ctrl+f: 24 results
I really wish the mod of this place would extend the bumping time of older threads to something like two or three weeks, especially because /b/ is "infinite" now. It sucks to find an old thread I'd want to post to but it's already on auto sage after a week. Then I have to make a new thread linking to talking points of the old thread, which means there is yet another thread made when it could have been posted on the old one.
Threads on Off-Topic are intentionally shortlived. Teh board is centered around the idea of having lots of rapidfire threads to keep things interesting & fresh, and to prevent the common issue of "thread stagnation" that most other small-ish imageboards have (where everyone posts in the same handful of threads for months/years since everyone is too cautious to make new ones or they've turned into generals)Off-Topic's many pages are mainly there to help u lurk or catch up on threads u missed - for posting, u should monitor the first page or teh overboard, and don't worry about whether a similar thread was already made several weeks/months agoIf ur sad u missed out on an epic thread, that's all the more reason to frequent Heyuri regularly!
>>127083imo there should be a hard limit of threads per board like most imageboard do it.And thread stagnation is a lot better than having 90% of thread being useless...What is the purpose of those threads? img.heyuri.net/b/koko.php?res=126970 img.heyuri.net/l/koko.php?res=20088They serve no purpose except making it harder for somebody to find/create interesting threads
>>127096imo there should be a hard limit of whining for no reason >And thread stagnation is a lot better than having 90% of thread being useless...As someone who frequented many imageboards and altchans – no, having a board with one or two old and long threads, which at some point just become imagedumps full of low quality shitpost, as is the case with many small and dead imageboards, is not better than what Heyuri has right now
>imo there should be a hard limit of threads per board like most imageboard do itwhy?
>And thread stagnation is a lot better than having 90% of thread being useless...>They serve no purpose except making it harder for somebody to find/create interesting threadsUr doing it VERY wrong Off-Topic is what could be described as a "rolling" board - where new threads are frequently made at a steady pace to keep things movingIt's not about "finding interesting threads" (although u can by all means lurk the back catalog); it's about the "live" experience of making threads and receiving/making replies within minutes, users riffing off of each other in quick succession, etc.
All of you guys should stop posting when I'm not here, and then post all of your threads at the same time when I visit. I think that would be most convenient.
we're all information microdose addicts nowadays after all