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Anyone else luv to get drunk every day? I've started doing this recently and my tolerance is climbing rapidly but it's okay for now. I'll have to stop eventually though because I'll run out of money from my neetbux :( but it's free to download anime and I have a lot of kusoi manga I can sell if I want moar booze!

I've had five cans of cider and might move onto the whiskey later tonight ヽ(´∇`)ノ What's your favourite alcomahol to get fuck'd up on?

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i used 2 drink a lot, but quit more or less a year ago.
i liek wine ヽ(´∇`)ノ
Pen man, king of booze
I used to do this but then I wrecked my liver. I like beer from time to time.
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Not anymore, I'm on naltrexone now. In my experience just two weeks of daily drinking was enough to give me physical withdrawal symptoms after I stopped abruptly. I didn't get full blown DTs, but a sense of impending doom like you cannot comprehend, and nightmares that were psychedelic and surreal, yet were lucid and felt just as real as waking life. I would describe them as kaleidoscopic and fractal, with pornographic body horror content, like a Giger painting only brightly coloured and moving. They were the most horrifying things I've ever seen, and they didn't even scratch the surface of how bad alcohol withdrawal nightmares can get.

I don't say this to preach, do whatever you want with your life, but you should know where this ride takes you before you buy the ticket.
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A bottle of it goes for 12 usd
Available in all mid sized stores
I like it because I always win drinking competition since I am a hardened alcoholic and it is funny to make your opponent upgrade vodka to this and watch him drooling, catching breath and his puking reflexes while I only heat up a bit, I won 3 vs 1 drinking once beating one after another thanks to this nyaoo
illegal in my state ヽ(`Д´)ノ

booze laws in the US are all retarded, honestly
If you fly over to Wroclaw I will feed it to you until you pass out
Nah I seen the damaging effects from it from alcoholic family members and it sucks ( ´,_ゝ`)

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