Anyone got some classics saved? Jewtube deleted a lot of them.Marked for deletion (Old)
who invited this guy here
>>126879i lol'd
I'm surprised at the hostile reception. Haven't people done a little posting on Columbine before? I'm actually interested in getting a few clips too.
>Haven't people done a little posting on Columbine beforeur right
>dylan.pngkawaii ( ´ω`)
I made that drawing in oekaki, but instead of posting it to /o/, I saved the image and posted it in the columbine thread at the time.
RIP Eric and Dylan. They will live forever in our memes and OCs
>>126879Here's another one
>>126879>>127123You got any more?
>>127151Yes, but it's the last Touhou-Columbine related I could find on my disk, sumimasen