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https://inv.nadeko.net/ o7 RIP. Now I'll have to wait a month before someone finds a fix. Does anyone have any alternatives besides just downloading everything lol?

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google must expl0de! ヽ(`Д´)ノ
the cutest strawberry she is so moe nosebleed
Might i recommend ikatube? https://chino-chan.gitlab.io/programs.html
It's an alternative youtube client made by a /g/ user that you can download to your computer and uses mpv/vlc media player to play videos could be worthwhile to use atleast before invidious (hopefully) comes back
Just quit using youtube, it'll be better for you
This requires editing the registry to add a ytdl:// protocol but I prefer that to running a companion program like all the alternatives (for windows) require. You can probably edit the command that the .bat file adds to the registry to get it to also download the video with yt-dlp in addition to playing it in mpv but I haven't tried that yet.
i've tried doing this but then i backslide when i decide i want to go check one specific thing on youtube
this might help me actually, though it doesn't seem like there are many settings
also it doesn't seem to let you search for playlists?
also is there a downloader that still works
>it doesn't seem to let you search for playlists?
use it with https://inv.nadeko.net
>also is there a downloader that still works
oh i guess yt-dlp is working again, it wasn't before
wait did you mean to somehow configure ikatube to use inv.nadeko.net? or just use them both because i dont really want to do that
you replied to >>126695 so I thought you were talking about that addon, not ikatube
oh oops
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switch to nightly for consistent updates because the default release channel takes forever between updates, and whenever shit doesn't work, update again
yt-dlp --update-to nightly

if you want to be bleeding edge (and you might due to the nature of Youtube), replace the word nightly with master, although things can (and will) break if someone pushes a bad commit lul
I just want a Youtube front end that works.
I was using Invidious and Poketube.fun.
Half the time they are broken. Or if they do manage to try and play a video, Youtube says "open Youtube instead".

Fucking cunts. Youtube is so hard on my old PC.
i'm addicted to youtube help
inv.nadeko.net/ has four backends. Been using it all day yesterday and today, had very little trouble.
When OP was made pretty much all invidious instances were down but yes, it's been resolved the information in this thread is still pretty helpful for whenever it it's down again (or permanently) smile
i think inv and ikatube and ytdlp are helping ^_^
Worst thing is I actually only discovered yewtube and other invidious instances just a couple of days before YouTube started to crack down on them, so I didn't even get to use them that much
To note about inv.nadeko.net / Invidious.
When I search and listen to music, the "Topic" accounts (the ones that usually have the best audio quality) are the ones that give me the most issues. I believe these are robotic accounts relating to streaming services. Often times I get a playback error that media failed to load. So I click to the left on the Youtube embed link (2nd best option). That rarely works, those fucks cock block that too and the video doesn't play it just says "Watch on Youtube".

Problem is that Topic accounts are the only results for alot of the older and obscure music I listen too. They sometimes take the place of older, user uploaded music that was on YT for ages and then was removed due to copyright strikes once the "official" music was uploaded to the site with an "official" Topic account (or sometimes Vevo, fuck Vevo too).
So yeah, forgot to say, user uploaded music almost always works for me on these Youtube front ends, I believe I had the same problems with Poketube.fun. I don't know what Youtube does to these front ends concerning "official" music accounts to make music and videos harder to play off site, but they must to something.

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