Let's see your favorite cum tribs (global rules still apply). Here are some I did myselfMarked for deletion (Old)
Used to be a big fan of じゅじゅ I tribbed her like 3 times
you got teh pics dirty (;´Д`)
I LOL'd as soon as I opened the paeg
naisu I'd never cum on my screen since cleaning seems like a botherbut I did post my cum before per request of a certain camgirl on Heyuri after fapping to her
>>126438cleaning the screen is the worst part, especially when post-nut clarity kicks in.Here's one I did a while ago for dearest Fua. She made me cum faster than I planned (wanted to cum for starting 0:05). That video was from 2020 lol
kuh... CUMMING!!!
>>126581There's no cum getting on the girlz, only on your dick and balls! why would i want to watch this gay shit ヽ(`Д´)ノ
>>126583nobody's forcing you to watch anything bud
>>126449Where I can find more of her?
>>126610fuafua2017 on instagrammomonafua on twitter
>>126611Thank you
>>126586well actually, when your disgusting organ is on the top of the page, I'm kind of forced to see it, see?
internet is for bukkake media
>internet is for bukkake mediateh truest words that ever were
>>126614I remember when people called it hot glue
>>126614fuuka has a very fertile belly shapelooks good for a pregnancy it impressed me and my lengthy pal
>>126428What is her name?
>>126693https://idol-pic.com/user/akagidan_gunma_jujubut the pics I ussed are from 4years ago when she was still a loli (now a JC)
>>126583>>126646Fun fact: this behavior is very western. Here in Japan, nobody talks about gay-this gay-that "Wow that looks gay!" "Hey I'm not gay!".Japanese people take public bath where we constantly see other men naked, nobody cares and nobody is shocked. Seems like macho-culture from westerners is what creates this "I'm not gay!!!" mindset. Might be insecurity.
>>126725>weYou're not japanese
>>126725I'm >>126583 I only find the videos where the semen doesn't touch the girls gay, I actually think more traditional hotglue/tribute vids are quite hot
Anymore tribute?
>>126793too many... I just don't want to spam cos some people hate themHere's a pic from a 7th birthday celebration
>>126798fuck the haters!
>>126804Fuck you
>>126805post more
>>126808Post less
>>126798where can i find more
>>126913I'd be the happiest person if I'd knew that. young cum tributes are quite rare to find because not many websites store them for long. Usually involves trading on telegram/session when finding other pedos. I saved a shitload of cum tribs by this method, but it takes a long time and it's very troublesome. So far I've only shared so ones I made myself. But there's many other good producers.Here's from a fellow tributer and old friend
another from the same previous guy.I literally have hundreds of tribs and I wish there was a good community to share them. Unfortunately legal website usually ban them, and I have no interest in illegal material so it's very frustrating.
>>127104>>127103>>127102wow they're sooo cute, great taste
thanks. nao i cant browse heyuri in da library
nobody can resist raw cuteness
that guy didn't last long
last one for today
>1598878543286792193_YLdlEz6s-QgcX4qF.mp4she has a nice cosplay
>thanks. nao i cant browse heyuri in da libraryim revoking your library card ヽ(`Д´)ノ
too late