Sorry heyuri, it's a great board it truly is, maybe the greatest ever in the history, but it's gotta go. Did a lot of cool posting on here, but we gotta tear it down. I'm sending in the bulldozers with wrecking balls and wrecking missiles. Too many chinese images so it's gotta go, but thats whats makes this country great. Great country, great board, but gotta go. We cool thought right?-DonMarked for deletion (Old)
Kaguya looked disgusting--nipples protruding--in his blue shirt before /q/. Very very disrespectful.
president-san plz reconsider!
My stocks went up $200 ever since he was elected, thank you don senpai
Are you ready for another 4 years of Trump memes? And Trump on every TV channel 24/7? And on internet news sites? And on Youtube videos? And on 4chan and other imageboards?
>>123069Jerked off, have a nice day
>>123069lol, cirno news network is getting fucked
Might actually happen later next year.Or we could move servers back to the Netherlands.