A while back I asked Heyuri which game from my list I should play next and the first person chose Half-Life. I finished it tonight and it was pretty awesome. I never grew up playing many FPS games as a kid so playing a game like this where you have to actually be tactical and bullets actually HURT like a motherfucker, unlike in, say, Doom or Quake, was novel. The second half or so of the game really, really stuck out above the first. Surface Tension was a hell of a chapter and was what really got me hooked... partially because it was so hard and made me level up. And the final levels were gorgeous and maddening...I will play the sequel before long, but I'm in the mood for something else first. Like last time, the first poster will choose my next game:Hollow Knight (2017)The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1998)Fallout 3 (2008)Super Mario Bros. (1985)Shadow of the Colossus (2005)Metal Gear Solid (1998)Final Fantasy VII (1997)Chrono Trigger (1995)Silent Hill (1999)Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (1997)Also let me know if it's annoying to keep throwing the choice back here when I beat something. If it's seen as spamming, I won't do it again. Marked for deletion (Old)
Symphony of the Night!
I was gonna say FF7, but SOTN is a pretty good next pick.
SOTN was pretty fun, I'll bet OP will love it
Die monster!
dang it i was too late, do give shadow of the colossus a try sometime, i think its a game everyone needs to experience at least once in their lifei hope you are a patient man
I'm happy that sotn was chosen before mgs. Be sure to have your sotn save and your mgs save on the same memory card, OP
Silent Hill is my favorite game of all time, you only have to watch the opening once and everything becomes clear, it gives me goosebumps until this dayhttps://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=T_BhLbB3M9APLAY IT NAOW NEGRO!!!
Bro have you read the viva new Vegas guide?
Congrats!!! It's always nice to see other posters going through the classics. Feels as if the treehouse club gets better Sadly, i haven't be able to play much of anything due to boring college stuff, so i really miss making threads after beating a game