how long have you been on 4chan?Marked for deletion (Old)
i've never heard of that website
>>118258yeah yeah sure
what is 4chan?
>>118260famous hacker
>>118262did they ever catch this 4chan guy?
i first used /b/ in 2008. i was 8.
2005-2014 but occasionally still sift through the shit to find stuff on archive sites. As far as the average 4chan poster's IQ has fallen it's still usually better than any other social media sites.
2006 (maybe 2005 but I doubt it) to 2024, although the earliest few years were all on /b/. The last few years were pure torture regardless of your wordfilter list, but the site has been in freefall for over a decade and by the end, I was basically only going on /jp/ ( ´,_ゝ`)and then I left completely near the beginning of this year
like 3 years i think
I first used it in 2020 for 2 years but everybody was rude or retardedI tried gathering as much of old 4chan as i could to adapt to the spiritI got desentitized to everything after some timeGone on an adventure finding as many chans as i can leaving 4chan behind to learn more and i settled for 2 regular chansI checked 4chan one year later to swiftly check if anything has changed and if im not mistaken and i found an invite to heyuri on my last page almost 2 years ago there and by that slim chance im here now I only check their torrent board from time to time now
>>118287>and by the end, I was basically only going on /jp/Brother!
>>118257Ok, I'm gonna be honest here. I'm a 2019 ultranewfag. Hell, this is the first year in which I'm not underageb&. I first discovered 4chan trough those shitty "Top 10 4chan pranks" videos that I got in my recommendations in yt. The site seemed really fun, so I did some research on it. I lurked. I realized that the site was not what it once was and that it's become pretty shitty. But by that point I was already stuck in there. To quote an anon from the longcat sticky on /b/(I hope that you know what I'm talking about),>You are here forever. I like to think that also extends to the past.>>118287>and then I left completely near the beginning of this year>left>completelyWhy are you lying to yourself? You know you will come back. You are there forever
I only really started browsing it daily in 2018 but stopped completely last year.
Like all of you, I started using image boards last Thursday.
>>118349why would I go back lolI stayed well past the point when things were salvageable, I have less reason to go back than I ever had to leavein the same way that I had a massive hump to get over before I finally decided that 4chan wasn't worth my time, there's the same massive hump to get over to decide that it is worth my time againthe quality of user goes down day by day, the quality of post goes down day by day, and the site actively makes an effort against fixing ityou might always be a 4chan user, but you might still never use 4chan again
>>118349after the downfall of [s4s] there was no real reason to stay on 4chan anymore
i first found out about and went on 4chan after fox covered anonymous. so one of the original summerfags in 2007
Autumn 2008 when a classmate was browsing /b/ on his laptop during lunch. I remember there was an image that said something like: "laptop users, tilt your screen back" and when he did an image of goatse appeared. I thought it was funny and started using /b/ daily after that. >>118270>usually better than any other social media sites.How? It's all the same now, all homogenised. If you go to twitch, youtube, discord, reddit, you'll see people using the same 4chan colloquialisms from nearly a decade ago like "gigachad" etc. There aren't any internet subcultures anymore. The only difference between 4chan and everything else is that you can say slurs.
>>118358>the quality of post goes down day by day, and the site actively makes an effort against fixing itheyuri does the same thing with rule 8. it'd be cool if there was a board where that rule didn't apply.
>heyuri does the same thing with rule 8. it'd be cool if there was a board where that rule didn't apply.We have many, but to keep things organized we put them on the domain instead. Check 'em out!
>>118409>The only difference between 4chan and everything else is that you can say slursOn some boards but I remember /v/ mods started banning people for saying nigger in 2012. Also 4chan still has a higher population of NEETs than other social media sites and NEETs have far more expertise than normalfags about things I care about like anime, video games and technology.
>>118418I got banned on 4chan recently for making fun of some black anon
>>118414i'm not that much of a retard. a "containment" board would be a good idea.
if you need a containment board just go on 4chan instead
I have only used chan4 if you know it you know it
>>118444what board?