I'm curious about this certain affinity displayed towards Japanese/Eastern Asian women. Japanese in particular seeing as this is Heyuri.Now assuming that you aren't a bunch of drooling, pathetic otaku, the same that a lot of imageboards imagine 4chan to be vain, hipster faggots or every dude on wizchan to be ronery basement virgins.I see a lot of people commenting on 'perfect Asian skin' or 'shiny, voluptuous Asian hair'.Now, I'm an 18 year old French female. I can actually see no differences between my skin and hair except for my skin is pale and my hair is full of split ends, but just as equally shiny and healthy.Eye wise, I know their eyes are different. I see people saying how Asian eyes are so much bigger when compared with American/European eyes.Personally, I really don't believe this is true just because of the amount of those before makeup/after makeup shots I have seen. It might just be me because I'm constantly getting comments on how large my sockets are (good/bad? idk...).Might just be because their eyes are darker which makes the sclera appear larger, much like that of a cat or a dog.I don't know, it's a curiosity.Obviously Asians are a lot smaller in proportion, is it just that a lot of you prefer smaller more fragile women in comparison with the 'dominant, confident, womanly' image that Americans project?Just enlighten me please.Maybe it's just kind of how I'm not particularly attracted to anybody who isn't Caucasian.Marked for deletion (Old)
western women will never understand the appeal of cute Japanese girlsain't gonna say French chicks ain't hot though, that'd just be crazy talk ┐(゚~゚)┌
I like chubby girls so I don't like asians because they are smaller.I dunno I just like their eyes and the sound of their voices.
there are petite japanese women like Anna Kuramoto that look like they're 12 until they hit menopause and I haven't seen any petite white women able to pull that off nearly as well
Bait thread, tu tabernac
small and flat-chested is best
girls = sex
I like Japanese porn, not just for the women but because Japanese pornography is just higher quality and has a more comforting "feel" to it that's hard to put my finger on. I have however, put a considerable amount of time thinking about this topic, so allow me to pontificate. Consider the following. First, that on the spectrum of guilt, shame and fear, Japan is a shame based society, rather than a guilt based society as the West is (see image). Guilt based societies developed from Christian morality which is highly individualistic compared to other religions, and focuses on a person's relationship to God, rather than their relationship to society. Jesus, the apostles and the martyrs are the earliest examples of what ideal morality in a guilt based society looks like - society disapproves of them, condemns them, but they persist in doing what they think is right according to their own conscience. We could point to the Suffragette movement, Martin Luther King Jr., various anti-war movements, animal rights and environmental movements, and the gay rights movement (at least before gay rights became mainstream) as modern incarnations of this tendency expressing itself in largely secular form. In a guilt based society, it doesn't matter as much if society thinks you are right, as long as you inwardly know you are right. Mind you, all societies are a mix of guilt-shame-fear, and don't operate on a single one, so the West absolutely has a culture of shaming people too, and the Japanese also have guilt morality, it's just not primary. In Japan, it doesn't matter so much what kind of pr0nz you fap! fap! fap! to, as long as you can keep your role as a functioning member of society, maintain your "face" - your honour. The result of this is that Japanese pornography has a less judgemental feel to it, it's more fun! Western pornography is dripping with feelings of guilt - just look at Mike Adriano's work if you want to know what I mean. Yuck! Even when Japanese porn is hardcore, fetishistic and wild, it still manages to be so in a way that feels playful. Second, the Japs are just hardworking people, like little ants in a colony. Whatever they do, they give it their all! This includes pornography, but extends to everything else as well - food, alcoholic beverages, convenience, entertainment. The Japanese can make a lager beer better than the people that invented it. It's called Asahi and it's delicious! Lazy Westerners these days just do the bare minimum and call it good enough - and this especially applies to pornography which is not viewed as a legitimate art-form, but something to be ashamed of - and therefore it's often sloppily made.Thirdly, Japanese girls are cute and act youthful and childlike, not like nasty hags! Just kidding, Japanese MILFs don't act like that, but instead they act like gentle, wonderful mommy hags. So tender and loving. Western MILF actresses feel like Western women - entitled, nagging, tired.Thanks for posting your tits though! That you abide in the "tits or GTFO!" rule is commendable even if you are a too old Western hag.
Judging by the fashion and webcam quality, the pic is obviously from liek 15 years ago...
judge by reverse search results, we could very well have a nice styled girl with 480p webcam visiting Heyuri to do us a service!
I used to prefer western porn but it went to shit in recent times with all the leftie faggot shit. So now I watch eastern porn, and not only japanese, but also chinese, vietnamese and indonesian
>>117325I've never seen Indonesian porn. Can you give me some recommendations?
>>117322Poland, Ukraine and Belarus should be in the "Shame" category
>>117327I'm no connoisseur, anon I just search for different types of porn with asian girls on typical porn sites, and some of those girls are indonesian (or at least the titles claim so)
>>117329Though I haven't seen much Indonesian porn I do happen to know that Indonesian girls are crazy for white guys. Mention Indomie noodles as an ice-breaker, works every tiem.
Non-JP Asian pr0nz makes me think more of josou guys than girls
>118891952_1190930894615192_3279317671609896622_n.jpgHoly shit Black Sea is a country now!
>>117333>>117328Sorry if the map is kuso - I mainly picked it for the brief explanatory blurbs at the bottom and didn't really look at the map.
wow this thread is gay as fuck. calcify that shit
I think it has more do with cultural and intellectual differences than pure physical attraction. I prefer Chinese because I can speak Chinese, but I fap to Japanese girls. I can't say its because of otaku stuff. I just think they are cute. There are cute white women, but they are more rare, because white women always try to seem more mature than they are. Chinese or Japanese girls have a different attitude when it comes to sex. Or, really, most things. If I talk to a Chinese girl, she will say how cute I am. But white girls treat me like I am gay. Part of the appeal is that they offer a different perspective, and you can see how that differs from your own when you interact with them. I know exactly what a western woman believes and thinks. They wear it on their sleeves. But among the Chinese, they present outward uniformity with a significant degree of individual deviation in their private, unspoken thoughts. To be forced to be unassuming makes them more contemplative and capable of having more in-depth discussion when they are around someone who they feel they do not have to be mindful of public opinion around. Chinese women are also open minded when it comes to spirituality. I'd say a large percentage of them have some sort of belief in spirits. One woman told me that she was afraid she would face punishment for not being able to make an offering to her dead father. I have never met a white girl who says such things. Even if they are religious, it is performative. Which is ironic, considering the racial stereotype of Asians is that they are the ones who are all soulless, conformist drones.
I dunno I like the way their faces are shaped. And I like straight, darker shades of hair. I like big tits so much that if I ever dated an Asian girl she would likely be on the chunkier side unless I got a really rare specimen. It's mostly a physical attraction to me. I think that Inuits and people from Central Asia are also incredibly attractive.I like girls who are kind and have some degree of childlike "cuteness" to their personality. This is often stereotypically associated with East Asian girls and I think is more common in them, but western women can absolutely have it too. Also in my opinion, I think that Asian girls tend to be more introspective kind of like >>117367 said. But all of these things aren't tied to genetics. This isn't /pol/.>>117322What on earth is going on in Suriname and Svalbard? All those poison dart frogs and polar bears must be keeping people there in line...
My asian fever is only contained by their flat sideprofiles and flat bottoms.
Don't marry, don't date, and don't make babies with yellow women. You can't inherit blonde and ginger hair if you do that. You can't inherit non-generic eye color either. Every person of color shouldn't marry either.
>>117383*Every person of color shouldn't reproduce either.
>>117383I'm pretty sure whites only have different colour hair because of various genetic mutations.
>their (Japanese/Korean/Chinese) women are still bashful and feminine compared to western women>if Turkic-Mongolian then they are traditionally-oriented and physically fit>anime>pale skin and dark hair being appealing to some people>attraction to the eye shape
big smole hijack
>>117367>Chinese women are also open minded when it comes to spirituality. I'd say a large percentage of them have some sort of belief in spirits. One woman told me that she was afraid she would face punishment for not being able to make an offering to her dead father. I have never met a white girl who says such things. Not Jap but this is true where I live as well. I have met plenty of people who never bring up religion, and I think they must be atheist, but then they surprise me by saying something very spiritual or superstitious. I've even met openly gay guys who talk about wanting to 'do right by God' in a very earnest way. The only girl I've met who was an unapologetic atheist was half-white and raised by her Irish mother, go figure...>>117322>In a guilt based society, it doesn't matter as much if society thinks you are right, as long as you inwardly know you are right. >In Japan, it doesn't matter so much what kind of pr0nz you fap! fap! fap! to, as long as you can keep your role as a functioning member of society, maintain your "face" - your honour.Another bit I can relate to. I live in a more shame based culture, and I think this kind of mentality actually leads to a bit less moral crusading in general. Basically because sticking your neck out to prove how right you are is considered retarded compared to trying to get along with society and express your eccentricities more privately.I've observed this docile tendency throughout my life, but I remember a certain criminal case really brought it home for me:There was some gay activist kiled here, and the case got some pretty high profile attention because it was very gruesome and shrouded in mystery. Foreign media even dipped their toes in because there was a gay rights angle to be exploited.There was for a time some speculation (largely driven by foreign media.)that a gang of homophobic attackers did it, in order to discourage gay activism, and the gay rights sect was up in arms. I remember there was a certain expectant quality to some of the discussion about it; basically if a band of homophobes did it, it would be kind of a Stonewall moment, and thus justify more militant activism. In an anticlimactic twist, there were no homophobes involved; he'd been killed by a jilted lover.But this conclusion to the case made perfect sense to me. For it to have been a homophobic killing would have implied perpetrators with a certain self-righteous morality about them; people with a crusader mentality who feel specially chosen to fight perceived evil in society-- and that doesn't describe the people of my country by a longshot.
>>117314asian faces are more empty and mysterious in my eyes. they let me project more ideas onto them. a white person's face blocks out my fantasies. it instantly engenders all sorts of judgments and associations from out of the slightest features, reminds me of the white people i've been living with throughout my life.
>>117386the only reason women have VAGINAs is because of genetic mutations, if genetics had gone differently then all humans could have big juicy PENISes and reproduce by sucking each other's PENISes and growing the fetus in a womb connected to the throat
>>117415Actually humans are female before the chromosomes differentiate them, which is the only reason men have nipples and some breastfeeding capacity.
>>117416but the genetics contain all the female biological information in the first place, so if we can figure out how to remove that from human DNA with technology then we can finally fix God's mistake of creating Eve and live in a world with nothing but huge veiny EXTREMELY, UNNATURALLY LARGE genetically modified PENISes that we must suck for the purpose of procreation.
>>117317This guy said it all.
>>117423meat (´¬`)
>>117505What are you Muslim? Real men lurve pork.
>>117423It's all over the screen(⌒∇⌒ゞ)