With permission from the administration http://gibchan.rf.gd/index.html Marked for deletion (Old)
>With permission from the administrationNot that you need permission, but I don't remember it anyways, "Realm of Free Expression" isn't very promising
Its trash and you should kill yourself. The last thing the world needs is another 4ch*n clone with no rules. I guess the pedo-sans will love that last part though. Have fun cleaning up your board from 3D lolikon content while trying not to get caught by your parents :xd"
Uh... Well it's certainly an imageboard... Not much else to say...
doesnt seem to have any noteworthy features>there are no ruleswell, 116644-san (nice digits btw) may have been a bit harsh but he's right to say the pedos will take advantage of that and cause the website to close
Donkey shit is worth more than this
Has it's moments.
It doesn't seem to have any redeeming or special qualities. There is nothing particularly interesting about it. What exactly is your reason, why (You)r imageboard won't be just another uninteresting, slow alt-chan, that will disappear in a week or so? You can't just copy 4chan and hope people will post on there, because 4chan already exists. All other imageboards, have something to them, be it a special set of rules (Heyuri, Wizardchan, Tohno-chan), special software (textboard.org, Lambdaplusjs), particular theme or community (Lainchan, Sushichan, Uboachan) and so on. And having no rules at all, can get you in trouble.
>>116671why did you lost all the ibs i frequent
>>116673What this anon saidAlso every time I try to post it says "Could not copy uploaded file." and I tried 3 files
tinyib is simple and that means you can modify it and make your chan look more original like themhttps://cidoku.net/gb/https://ikouchan.tokyo/ib/lounge/