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  • 2024/09/12 - NEW GAME: Battle Royale R! Make characters and see if they can win the Heyuri Cup!
  • 2024/09/10 - Tegaki function has been added
  • 2024/06/19 - File size limits have been increased
  • 2024/06/11 - Overboard@Heyuri is back after 4 years
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been gone for a while, anything cool happen with heyuri and heyurizens lately? mona2
also post cool pics that you like

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theres always something exciting only on heyuri! we had a townhall meeting over the weekend and discussed a lot of things together as a community the logs are on /up/ if you ever want to read it.
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thanks for the heads-up anonymous-kun.
I would have gone to the town hall but I think I was busy fapping around that time... (´¬`)

has anything interesting in particular happened to you recently? if anyone else is reading, feel free to reply... let's socialize! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
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the reign of puchippy, nyu
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not a great image but a great video (・∀・)
Such a relaxing fap (⌒∇⌒〃)
fap, fap, fap your pen0r gently down teh stream~
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i started posting on heyuri like three months ago so thats super cool
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I hope to one day be as at ease in my own fapping as this guy is

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what's the point of town hall honestly? autists here(like me) cannot communicate and I don't remember involving in a meaningful conversation closed-eyes it's just a shitfest of texts closed-eyes I know better options to get brain damage if you want glare2
you start by changing your attitude, noone on Heyuri is such a great chatter
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oh don't get me started with attitude. at least I'm being honest. most of you were already alt-tabbing out of boredom. the only meaningful gathering was the yume nikki event and I wholeheartedly want it to happen again but unfortunately most of you are not interested enough to play the yume2kki version.
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There were a few hilarious moments on the townhall, tegaki was added and the R8 warning was removed
>autists here(like me) cannot communicate
...would you even recognize meaningful conversation? ( ´ω`;)
I had to include myself cuz you sensitive faggots are so easily offended like I'm in fucking day care center closed-eyes

It didn't get much attention but we also redid https://up.heyuri.net/ during the townhall in the style of first Heyuri HP, back when it was a file uploader nyaoo-closedeyes
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Other things that came from teh townhall was a decision on Off-Topic's thread count limit, and the new game nominations page for Heyuri Gaming Days ( http://cgi.heyuri.net/gamenom/ )

Townhall is a place to ask meta questions, brainstorm ideas, have fun antics & LOLs, and casual chat into the night once the main event is over - and that's exactly what we did biggrin
I'll play 2kki with you.
so much was discussed and accomplished during the townhall were you paying attention?
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haikus were written during the town hall. i wrote one about a loli skipping and falling and scraping her knee
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fellas, fellas, I made this thread for us to have a good time, so take it easy! (´ー`)
maybe I will attend the next town hall, because I've only even been to one, and that was only for a few minutes cuz I was at a funeral ( ´ω`)

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