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It's been a while since I wanted to discuss it but complaints should be the last resort but I don't see other way of change. To readers: have mercy, I don't want to sound subjective or angry, I can't find a better objective description to my abilities and I tried to write it clearly and comprehensively:

It's the porn issue on /b/. I dare say half of all images uploaded to Heyuri these days are porn. It's getting harder to find any will to make a good thread knowing it will be ignored while general porn dump threads are getting bumped for eternity, until a new one is made focused on a bit different fetish and gets 30 replies again.
The insufferable chans are getting filled with 3 things in particular that breaks all bond of good posters and the site; that usually makes them leave or litter the site until completely unusable:
1. Politics - insulting each other and derailing in primitive anger (Heyuri well maintains the issue)
2. News - usually involving car crashes, theft or politics which scores double cretinism score. I count social media as news because they are tightly related. (Luckily not present here)
3. Porn - which is a derivative of most neanderthal urges.

The three are often interconnected, if a poster posts one of these kinds he usually posts all three to a significant degree.
While porn in itself is fine, it's the people who are attached to porn this much that are the issue to quality. While Heyuri doesn't get bothered with politics and news there is no way to look away from porn for a bit.
The entire internet is filled with porn. I just wish for a carefree tiny place that i found it as. To feel as if I was the kid that discovers the wonders of the internet and discuss things being detached from real life for once, to have some fun. In the world I withdrew from into the internet from excessive bullying now even internet fit anymore since all bullies are online, crawling into the shadows of imageboards, after time seeing another home getting conquered by uncultured and primitive pests I got here, I'm concerned its coming here and I would suggest closing the barrier, that is restricting the spread and shamelessly banning the worst ones.

I've moderated a chan once and post history of guys uploading porn frequently are all the same (I can't tell for sure if it was just bad audience I faced that came from obviously and primarly from discord, reddit or other bad chans or it was a coincidence). They are addicts, usually taking part in derailing threads and reposting social media discord server level trash that further lowers the level of the place they are in. The ones that posted the most porn had the tendency to be most obnoxious, both least assimilated and shameless (like that guy who didn't even know who was Kaguya) and don't generate much interactions beside dumping their porn drive - they didn't contribute in any fun and fine threads, none produced OC claiming they don't know how (obvious new internet newbs).

I don't really want to produce OC anymore, I don't want to write a post taking me an hour or two but well polished, I'm not very interested in participating in events too, why? Because it's pointless to feed good content to ones that will eat it, digest and give back in the form of shit. I don't want shit in return. Like one person making a glorious cake while the one other tops the cake with a strawberry believing both did equal jobs.

I'm sorry it's rough post I'm making but I find Heyuri to be special and am concerned about the apparent path right into degradation. I might be wrong but what I learned is that I can't well judge somebody by a few posts and I was lax as a mod for that reason, I'm afraid I was a huge idiot giving respect and freedom to ones too immature to have either of it. Like giving weed to middle-schoolers talking to them respectfully as if we were on an even level, and while it's not 100% certain that they will use their freedom to cause chaos and sin - I think it's realistically improbable that any good will result from allowing them all that. Same with excessive porn posters, driven by primitive instincts or who knows what controls them, too immature to think and care about anything like middle-schoolers, allowed to slowly burn the green pasture that Heyuri is.

I'm sorry for the post. I don't mean agression.
pretty sure porn has been at the core of imageboard culture (and heyuri, considering there have been porn boards in the past) for a long time, no? in fact, there are rumors that much of the porn posted on heyuri is posted by the same people who make the most OC unsure
and thanks to rule 7 and 8 and such, we don't have to deal much with the same flavor of shit threads that every other chan does. reddit/discord-level posts and threads get deleted on sight, too. heyuri isn't ur average imageboard, after all biggrin
so I think you should just ignore the porn threads if you really don't like them. good threads without porn don't really get derailed when someone chooses to post it, so I don't think that there has to be forced segregation or anything. besides, I think having the freedom to post porn wherever and whenever you want makes up part of heyuri's carefree, whimsical nature to begin with. banning porn would make us LESS carefree, if anything. if you dislike porn in general that's fine, but banning it is just silly
so in short, don't worry, heyuri's gonna be okay smile
It's a feature, not an issue, and it's been this way since Heyuri has had any amount of users at all (even long b4 teh pr0n boards were officially merged with Off-Topic)

And unlike many other places today (such as 4chan's /b/), you'll find that it's typically not trashy low-quality social media pics, iphone selfies, onlyfans material, propaganda-like material, etc. being posted to Heyuri, but instead primarily 2D pics (often vintage), Japanese gravure, LOL-worthy GIFs/WebMs, etc.

One of Heyuri's founding principles was to be an English-language Futaba Channel, and to take inspiration from Japanese imageboards in general. Do you know what Futaba is filled with, and what Japanese imageboards as a whole are primarily used for since they began in the late 90s? PORN!!! (and other erotic materials)

Another major inspiration of Heyuri's foundation is early 4chan, which contained so much porn since the very beginning that it was considered by many to be a porn site first and foremost

This is more of a tangent, but honestly, the whole "anti-porn" movement on Western imageboards (and to a lesser extent, the wider web) has only taken hold since /pol/, nofap, "sex-negative feminism", etc. movements have grown. To me it reeks of 2015+ gheyness, and I don't want Heyuri to be bogged down by all that lame "purity spiral" crap infesting the net these days sweat3

So if u haet pr0nz, ur probably in the wrong place - maybe try wapchan.org or kind.moe instead. Otherwise, take it easy and enjoy teh hawtness nyaoo-closedeyes
I don't think porn should be banned entirely, only porn dump threads. It takes absolutely no effort to just post all your shit onto heyuri and it contain zero LOLs.
and may I add that it is hard to take you seriously when you're being THIS dramatic
>and it contain zero LOLs.
It sometimes contains LOLs, but it also contains infinite b0ners iyahoo
that wouldn't solve much, because the people who want to post porn would just start making thinly-veiled porn threads, which is a common phenomenon on 4chan's blue boards (though of course the porn being posted there usually doesn't show nipples or genitals)
>This is more of a tangent, but honestly, the whole "anti-porn" movement on Western imageboards (and to a lesser extent, the wider web) has only taken hold since /pol/, nofap, "sex-negative feminism", etc. movements have grown. To me it reeks of 2015+ gheyness, and I don't want Heyuri to be bogged down by all that lame "purity spiral" crap infesting the net these days
I agree, let's just be liek Japan on Heyuri and be highly perverted! biggrin

Pr0nz help keeping prudes away in that regard
Be the change you wish to see, et cetera.
If you don't want to produce OC nor participate in events then that's a you problem, not a Heyuri problem ┐(゚~゚)┌
Truly weird how anti-sexual young people are today. I believe I actually saw a graph somewhere that showed that teen pregnancy rates have been steadily declining since the introduction of the smartphone xd
While I agree that pr0nz is definitely cool and fun, I think you all are missing the point. OP just doesn't want Heyuri's /b/ to turn into Fappening-era 4/b/.
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> Truly weird how anti-sexual young people are today.

I'm not too sure about that. You see kids dancing provocatively to songs that are pretty sexually explicit. I'm guessing it's a thing in coddled suburban kids?
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It's OP. Now I realise my initial thought was too shallow and I shouldn't have posted the thought. I'm sorry for the pointless stir I caused.
My initial post perhaps is what remains from my strict yet innocent catholic past as a kid. If this response brings any value I am not involved in any social connections in real life and only connections I have on the internet is Heyuri and one other niche chan and I don't know what is going on in the world since at least 2012, the last thing I remember is the European football event from that year. I'm not playing any purity, I've been against porn personally for very long. All low quality, badly homemade, very vanilla and low resolution porn that used to go around the internet 20-15 years ago was annoying, I think what repulsed me the most from it was lack of mental maturity which is the respect for the act and arrogance that it emanated from people who kept posting it.

I'm sorry I don't know what to think. I loved the simplicity of the world before everyone went online, lack of internet meant no porn in many cases. Walks thorough golden fields, joy of getting the book I wished for, voluntary works for fun, now it all feels empty and pointless. Admitting to porn used to be a taboo in my area, while now many people's lives openly revolve around their fetishes and constant search for sexier things. I can't get used to internet being common and all things that are caused by it. Or perhaps disconnect from the world caused me to go back to the cave. I am not sure what I'm doing. I don't know anything anymore. I can't conclude whether I'm in the wrong and I didn't come here to annoy, misbehave and stir. I don't know. I would delete this low thread but I don't remember the password. Perhaps others were right that I'm retarded and it keeps progressing. Confused.

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