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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
  • 2024/02/27 - Anime nominations and their votings will be held on this table from now on.
  • 2024/01/29 - Try out some extra CSS files: Link

Want your site's banner shown here too? Read this thread and contact me.

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As we discussed during the townhall and u guys approved, the fullbanners are now implemented on Heyuri - though currently there are very few banners on circulation. sweat2
...We need moar fullbanners! Here are some criteria I think we should have (you can discuss these too) for non-Heyuri stuff for now:
- If it's an imageboard (or similar community), it must be fully compliant with our Rule 8
- No personal homepages

They also must be exactly in 468x60 dimensions.
I will dump the old (outdated/kolyma related, only for archival purposes) banners for inspiration/give an idea under this thread. For now, we can lack banners for these Heyuri-related stuff:
- 日本語@Heyuri
- Oeakaki@Heyuri
- Strange World@Heyuri
- Site Discussion@Heyuri
- Polls@Heyuri
- Dating@Heyuri
- 2ちゃん (for 2ch.sh domain - see below for old domain's banner)
Though banners don't need to be high quality (being funny is more impr0tant here!), you can also redo the banner for HHS if u want to as well
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This is the old banner for 2ちゃん, when it was on 2ちゃん.net
I could simply edit it to have 2ch.sh domain, but I am not the best photoshop user and there might be someone who wants to redo it
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kuz/kolyma stuff No.1
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kuz/kolyma stuff No.2
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kuz/kolyma stuff No.3
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kuz/kolyma stuff No.4
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kuz/kolyma stuff No.5
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kuz/kolyma stuff No.6
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This was for my old Rozen Maiden fan site (also failed homepage lol) nyaoo-closedeyes
Apparently created by some anonymous and mailed to kuz
Which aspect ratio is correct?
I was working on a banner this moment.
s0z for confusion, they must be 468X60
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Anime/Cute@Heyuri banner when it was a thing
Looks like these were all besides what's currently circulating now smile
Kolyma banners may be controversial but maybe they will help someone getting inspiration
Size limit? 5 GB OK? x3
Files as big as 1-2MBs don't hurt many people in this age, but still try to not make them too hueg sweat2
Laws of the internet state that no medium-res JPG or PNG shall exceed 300KB, and no GIF shall exceed 2MB
obviously the heyuri dating site should be represented by two lolis kissing. or it can take inspiration from that drawing of two fat, sweaty otaku ERPing as lolis kissing, if you're so inclined (´ー`)
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This is an opportunity to introduce the remaining 90% of Heyuri's userbase that does not use Strange World to Strange World! ヽ(´∇`)ノ

>For now, we can lack banners

Oh... (;´Д`)
...so no ballcrushing?
I thought that was just a typo on his part
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also, I'd liek to use this one for strange world
Of course it was, as usual... sweat2

Thanks, added! biggrin
Also added! Thanks!
..but didn't notice it's a little large
I will try to manually decrease it, but please keep them exactly 468x60
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OK; how do i both add chen, nekos, heyuri, BOKU... xp
Doesn't look good after resizing, at least on my machine (;´Д`)
I don't see BOKU but adding it!
no, my bad... thought of colors really
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I realize that the original was too big, so I masterfully fixed it!
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This one is super cool ヽ(´∇`)ノ
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That sounds way cooler! I will do teh change! cool

I made this and 3MB might to big... sweat2 it's not anything wow either.

If anyone else has an banner idea, i would love to haev some recommendations. I just make thigs out of teh blue as things pop up.
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2.9 MB. This one... cool
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never mind teh others. here happy
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updated to "enter to heyrui", hope it's not much work to change for you.nyaoo2
>i would love to haev some recommendations
Here are few

For 日本語
Heyuri flag (the rising star) with 日本語@Heyuri text somewhere on it
Dejiko's welcome to Akiba (https://live.staticflickr.com/59/170457284_c992e8b37c_z.jpg) billboard, but instead of 秋葉原 it is へゆり with similarly little "he" "yu" "ri" under each character

For Oekaki
I think most of these should be made in oekaki themselves
Maybe one with silent loli artist's drawings?

For Polls
Maybe some chibi character with a box in her hands saying something like "I want your vote too, onii-chan!"..? This board is a little harder to think banners for sweat2

For Dating
A yuri image/gif fading out, the text "Dating@Heyuri" appears with girly hearts around
That popular kuso miso panel: old guy at left and theschoolboy at right, with the text Dating@Heyuri between them
A huge "CLAIM UR WAIFU" text with plenty of 2000s animu girls
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Perfect! cool

I am not sure if this deservs it's own banner... but i made it at least. sweat2
Sure, added biggrin
But I think we have enough banners for our home page now. These are supposed to be different from 300x100 banners
Got it! I will get working on teh others the following day! happy
"o hai i would liek 2 purchase ad space on heyuri"

"Sure, that will be $0.0000001 pls"

"so cheap!"

"Due to our own banners, ur ad has a 1/18295 chance of appearing"

Heyuri is a website that needs to advertise itself on Heyuri too!
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Something like this? nyaoo biggrin
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Here's a smaller size, 1.5MB, lower fps so doesn't look as good as the first. Choose teh one you seems fit.
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not sure what exactly the goal is for making banners for other sites. is it just so other heyurizens can visit the places we liek, or is there supposed to be some kind of give-and-take going on here?
for example, I liek reading touhou manga on https://dynasty-scans.com/
and it would be cool if more people would come and read doujins (so that maybe some more people would get into translating them cool)
would it be acceptable to make a banner for dynasty scans even though there isn't any official relationship between our two sites?
>not sure what exactly the goal is for making banners for other sites
Old sites may have 468X60 banners themselves, we shouldn't make banners ourselves for them
Nice! What do you use for making gifs?
I use Adobe After Effect as main software for editing and then encode them into GIFs in Media Encoder. happy
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Here's another none for Polls.

While I tried find a good chibi holding a box, that was near to impossible to find any good pictures. I might searched for hours to find any decent choises. Good side is that i've a lot of new image to spam on /b/ with xd

I ended up using me-tan, which might be a weird choice for polls with "onii-chan" but whatever, she's cute? smile

Each of these I maek take a few hours each to make, but i enjoy doing it. Still, I am always up for some changes if anyone have any feedback. I might make another one for dating when ever I feel like it. smile
>I ended up using me-tan, which might be a weird choice for polls with "onii-chan" but whatever, she's cute? smile
There a poll about which Windows version you use, so it's apt!
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I posted teh wrong one... sweat3
I can't give much feedback besides that I liek them, thanks for your efforts biggrin
>> 39 KB
Thank you! happy
its really cute blush
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we can have banners from other websites, right?
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As long as they meet the criteria I wrote in OP, that's the original goal. Heyuri just got more shoujo-muke!
There should p0rbably be a small "Want your site's banner shown here?" message with links to this thread & Heyuri's contact page underneath teh banner unsure

Also sum "max-width: 100%;" on the banner img element to maek them fit properly on mobile viewports
How is it nao? I also corrected few stuff on Heyuri's static pages
>How is it nao?
Message is good, but max-width is currently only on teh iframe - it needs to be on the img element inside the iframe as well to make the img fit to the width of the iframe
should be good now
Werkz, thx kaguya! biggrin
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I made a banner for Hakoniwa Islands 2
I still have the original .pdn file of the picture, which means that I can still add/change things in this picture
make teh kaiju bigger!!
That's pretty sweet! biggrin
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...i dont know if you want more banners but.....i hope you leik it kaguya!!

(also i dont know if its 468 x 60...im sorrycry)
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kaguya says we have enough, but in case we ever need moar, I resized it for you. ヽ(´ー`)ノ
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This is the real thing. sweat2
for teh note we have enough banners for Heyuri itself
we still lack a banner for for example Chat@Heyuri
HURRA!! thank yous!!! (~ ̄▽ ̄)~ also yea i don mind!! i'll be teh back up for the banners(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧biggrin
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Well its nowhere near the same,, but congrats!!
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i wanted 2 make a banner for chinsouki bcuz its new, and i had an idea for it!
>> 23 KB
I think I made the image a little to small,,sorry..^_^;
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SCRAP TAHT!!!! i redid it, i think it turned out a lot better.
>They also must be exactly in 768x60 dimensions.
you should edit this post to have the right size, the correction is a little further down in teh page and got me lost for a second.
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first time seeing this banner
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It seems we lack any 468x60 jpg banners to be used on other sites foruda
In case of lacking ideas, I believe a waha one liek this would fit Heyuri well
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How's this look?
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+ Waha ver.

Call it favoritism, but I kinda like the Heyuri-tan one more
naisu! I liek both biggrin
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May as well post some more banners I've been working on.
I know we already have a rules banner, but I figured another one couldn't hurt.
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Use your imagination for what chat message Heyuri-tan just read!
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I had the idea to make one to link to the Steam group.
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For Anime Nominations
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And another one
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We will live on with our sacred Japanese!
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And a second version
I'm never sure whether to use directory or <insertboardtitle>@Heyuri
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And more on the way... in some unspecified amount of time. Whenever I get around to it.
I am open to any changes you may want to see to them. ヽ(´ー`)ノ
naisu banners!!!
>I am open to any changes you may want to see to them.
I think the oekaki banner for >>66573 could have a collage of hi-quality oekaki characters that has been posted on Oekaki@Heyuri in the background
Editing out characters to be transparent may be tedious, so maybe choose ones where u can edit out with one click using fuzzy selection tool. This is just an idea anyways sweat2
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>maybe choose ones where u can edit out with one click using fuzzy selection tool
No worry, am mastr at lasso tool. (´人`)
Defaulted to white for BG because am not sure what other colors besides black would fit with such contrasting color palettes; maybe a gradient?
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something you can put into the mix

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