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honestly, hope threads like these dont continue to get autosaged.
i kno were not about SRS BSNS here and thats cool, thats why i like heyuri, but to me enforcing lulzy posts by silencing these kinds of harmless posts isnt the way either.
imageboards have been a place where tons of outcasts have gathered for a long time bc its one of the few places in the world theyre allowed to express themselves, as gay as that sounds its true and we all know it. i think its a good thing as well and something we should embrace.
if the goal remains to keep these kinds of posts off of /b/ then thats understandable but in that case i propose opening a board for sharing personal stories like these. not exclusively bawww threads either but everything, if you ate a really good grilled cheese and wanted to share your love for that grilled cheese you could do it there as well.
( ´,_ゝ`)
those kinds of threads don't really encourage any discussion and are a dime a dozen on every other imageboard, so I think it's fine that they get autosaged and therefore drop off the front page soon enough. threads about personal stories can work well if they are interesting or fun, and if what you're posting isn't interesting or fun you gotta reconsider whether it's really worth posting. I'd probably contribute at least one post to a grilled cheese thread if I saw one. would I do it for yet another thread about how a guy on the internet is sad and doesn't like his mom? no.

and just one look at the posts in the thread itself should tell you that even before it was autosaged, no one cared to engage with it to begin with. so clearly the autosage isn't what killed it.
It's not "harmless", at least as far as board health is concerned - those kinds of posts do nothing except kill the mood for everyone else, and invite the "feels bad man" and ">tfw" crowd to crap the place up like a plague with their eternal bitchinz and pity olympics sweat3

If u want to post that stuff but don't liek the current state of 4chan's /r9k/, try these places instead (just don't complain that they suck, are filled with Rule 8 or angry /pol/ posts, or the users deemed you to be a "normalfag/normie" - that's par for the course!):
http://tohno-chan.com/ (currently down apparently)
Tohno-chan isn't as bad as the other ones
Best personal story i've seen was the rich guy talking about his maid going crazy. I think we should encourage more storiez like that rather than turning this site into an Agony Aunt column.rolleyes
>if you ate a really good grilled cheese and wanted to share your love for that grilled cheese you could do it there as well
You can already do that on Off-Topic!

Your personal stories aren't necessarily banned, but what did OP of that thread expect? We can't understand his personal life by one sentence, nor we really care about it. If he isn't capable of holding his feelings inside, therapy is a better option than internet people really.
I feel like the OP of that thread wouldn't have gotten AS'd or shat on in the replies if instead of simply whining, he asked for advice about his situation or whatever, would've made for a more interesting thread for sure.
I agree with the general sentiment in this thread, but I don't think OP should have tried asking for advice either. As the other posters pointed out, there's nothing interesting about this thread and they are more suitable for just about any other imageboard. I don't even think it's accurate to say heyuri is "not SRS BSNS", just that this isn't your personal blog. Actually even that's not really the problem: even on your personal blog, posting uninteresting things will drive people away as well. More like this isn't your therapy group. We can totally have serious discussions about, say, reverse engineering or optical microscopy, or even psychology or philosophy. It's just that threads are a two-way thing: the OP must beget responses which in turn must beget their own (be it serious or funies or anything else). In fact there has been plenty of serious discussion about things like the state of the web or videogames or people's computer habits so far, as simple examples of "SRS BSNS" that's in line (in my opinion, but obviously it's up to kaguya-sama to decide whether to temper this) with heyuri standards.
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Seems like OP is sad that Heyurians don't like his post, it's ok OP, you're still a giga faggot! Also:

not my post. i just genuinely like these kinda posts. im a sneaky lil salamander, i find the details about heyurizen's real lives to be interesting and would have replied to the thread which couldve probably started a larger convo which couldve probably drawn in others to chime in and contribute to the convo in a way that has happened a million times before if the thread didnt get autosaged.
if people find the thread interesting a conversation will start, if people hate the thread they will shit on it and thats fun too, but if people could simply care less about the post then itll get bumped off the catalog and fade into obscurity the way it should.
the only gripe that i really have is the autosaging. i just think as long as the post isnt breaking any rules then it should be up to the users to decide the post's fate.
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accidentally linked myself when i was aiming for youuuu >:(
>would have replied to the thread which couldve probably started a larger convo which couldve probably drawn in others to chime in and contribute to the convo in a way that has happened a million times before if the thread didnt get autosaged.
Well thank kamisama it was autosage'd so we didn't have to read all that dreary p00p biggrin
There's a part I can agree with here: we have visible sage, so it is viable to let the community self-moderate part of the contents to some extent. But even then, some content (see rule 8) should be dealt with harshly, without users getting a say in this, to avoid population drift and other social network dynamics. Though in OP, it's pretty clear the community had already spoken so I don't see the problem with the cull, even if you were to insist the OP is in line with heyuri standards.

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