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has heyuri been advertised on 4chan lately? seeing a lot more of that sort of posting style in the last week than usual (´~`)
There was a hueg unannounced and unofficial campaign by a user or 2 back in late December/January, but more recently I only know we've been advertised on 5ch due to 日本語's launch unsure

I'm tempted to bring back 2020-style b&hammering of all 2008+ style posts and Serious Business™ - teh RAEG and teh cryingz will be an sight to behold biggrin
yes, and you can do nothing about it.
I have advertised 日本語 on a few more places, but not anywhere that could bring 4chan-style posts to /b/. As for one user's advertising campaign, out of all places it was primarily done on /v/, but a lot of them (or at least the rule-breaking ones) were b& at the time. Maybe there is still a passive influx of users from 4chan somehow?

Looking back now, I feel like b&hammers in 2020 were more providing more fun than actually banning bad posters, which was great because we didn't have many bad users to begin with. The situation today may be a bit different... That's why we should approach it with more vigilance. Perhaps by checking other posts of users who make bad posts, evaluating whether they meet a specific quality level for Heyuri, and making the final decision to B& or spare them nyaoo-closedeyes

Also will 63334-san prove 63335-kun wrong or should I do it in his place? smile
>Looking back now, I feel like b&hammers in 2020 were more providing more fun than actually banning bad posters
There was a lot of both, but I think the difference is that back then, most of us would just LOL and move on if our post was deleted or a ban message appeared, cuz we were all friends and knew the site was just a place for lighthearted fun and silliness

These days there seems to be 1. more humorless trolls just looking to p00p up a good thing, and 2. more anal retentive users who take The Internet and themselves very seriously sweat2
A year ago I got a three month ban. I'm no longer banned, and I visit this site once per month.

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