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Considering we have both /b/ and /sw/ I think that having lounge is just redundant. Many threads that are made on /lounge/ get swept under the rug because not as many people go on there and the random ASCII threads can just go on /sw/
For me /lounge/ is for slow discussions that can get new replies after months of inactivity, neither /b/ or /sw/ can provide this

>the random ASCII threads can just go on /sw/
"threads" work in a different way on /sw/, but the Ascii Art for two boards are made in different fonts so one's art can't go to the another.
/sw/ is the redundant one
Until the recent December/January user influx, Strange World was consistently the 2nd most active board since it arrived here in July 2021 - even outpacing Off-Topic at times astonish

The same cannot be said for Lounge... but since one of Lounge's primary purposes these days is to house longer-lasting, longer-format discussions, that's to be expected nyaoo-closedeyes

Both have their purposes since they offer different cultures, different formats, different paces, different forms of AA, etc.

It's things like having multiple generic 4chan-clone imageboards that is redundant, but we already got rid of all of those biggrin
/lounge/ is for wise old men
/b/ is for lulzy otakus that make OC's
Ayashii is for short chatroom-like posts and discussions
Which is the second most active board now? Are you looking at mod stats, or do I just need to start paying attention? sweat2
I was just speaking from experience and previous calculations, but it's not hard to calculate smile

Here's the rankings for the past month (roughly), except for /jp/ which has only been here for 2 weeks:

1. /b/ - 137 PPD (posts per day)
2. /jp/ - 15 PPD
3. /lounge/ - 12 PPD
4. /q/ - 10 PPD
5. /sw/ - 9 PPD
6. /o/ - 2 PPD

For context, here's roughly the same period last year (mid March to mid April 2022):

1. /b/ - 23 PPD
2. /sw/ - 12 PPD
3. /lounge/ - 4 PPD
4. /q/ - 1 PPD
5. /o/ - 0.4 PPD

And here's 1 particular week of May 2022, featuring the "Kaguya Is Now Heyuri Admin" effect:

1. /b/ - 45 PPD
2. /sw/ - 25 PPD
3. /q/ - 10 PPD
4. /lounge/ - 6 PPD
5. /o/ - 1 PPD
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>Are you looking at mod stats, or do I just need to start paying attention?
Other than the audit log, I mostly used searched within discord webhook to calculate last year's stats (on kokonotsuba boards) for last year's report on the front page. It's the easiest way and available to anyone.

On /sw/ there are Message logs, and /o/ is slow enough to easily calculate with post numbers (although it's a bit easier to calculate with the mod panel).

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