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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
  • 2024/02/27 - Anime nominations and their votings will be held on this table from now on.
  • 2024/01/29 - Try out some extra CSS files: Link

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Bring back the old one!!!! angry
You can use a custom CSS if you haet it

background-image: url(https://s.kncdn.org/image/icon/download.gif);

But this one is better in my opinion
thanks anon

default still needs something better though
This IS the old one - from 2020 biggrin

(but it needs some CSS adjustments: ".download" class should have height and width at 16px instead of 14px, and at least on my setup it looks better aligned with "vertical-align: text-bottom" rather than "middle")
yeah also now the good looking red one looks broken when replaced with css
You just need to counteract the other CSS changes as well:
.download {
background-image: url(https://s.kncdn.org/image/icon/download.gif);
height: 14px;
width: 14px;
vertical-align: middle;
why would you want the old one back? Kuz made and added those buttons, therefor kaguya was right to remove them.
because the "new" one looks worse
the current one just looks better, noone cares about kuz
Personally I preferred the pre-kokonotsuba one (the current one) anyway, cuz I think the green accent suits the site better than maroon nyaoo

But regardless of opinion, the red one is licensed to kolyma, so we can't use it if we want to have Heyuri's assets located with the rest of Heyuri's files on heyuri.net rather than centralized on kncdn (where it's shared with other kolyma sites, owned by kuz, and can't easily be accessed/changed by kaguya)

Same goes for the kolyma-licensed CSS styles, which you may have noticed were recently removed from Heyuri. Since kolyma owns the implementations but not the concepts, those styles will have to be remade from scratch... which mite b a good thing, since our CSS files have needed a good cleanup for a long time (which will make creating new styles much easier), and now is a good opportunity to do it nyaoo
why did kuz delete my short and simple post making fun of kuzyma license?
i will ask this over and over if he baletes my post again.
he didnt
>> 21 KB
I made some new buttons I think I like
This one the most
but I tried doing some tests with a dark arrow and I just can't seem to get the contrast right

Anyway these look way better than the default firefox-lookin crap arrow pointed at a rectangle

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