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The current fortunes are all pretty depressing - I think there needs to be some balancing sweat2

I don't remember what all the fortunes were on our previous software (kuz or someone else with access to those files will have to reveal), but here's what they were on the Sakomoto software before that:

Bad Luck
Average Luck
Good Luck
Excellent Luck
Reply hazy, try again
Godly Luck
Very Bad Luck
Outlook good
Better not tell you now
You will meet a dark handsome stranger
キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
( ´_ゝ`)フーン
Good news will come to you by mail

I think some or all of these were on the later software, but there was also additional ones liek the legendary "LOLOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLOL[...]" and others I'm forgetting
you can modify the fortunes in koko on the github ^_^
>you can modify the fortunes in koko on the github ^_^
Yeah, but first I'd have to learn how to use github xd

How is that set up anyway - do changes to the code on github automatically go live on Heyuri? is there some kind of automated update schedule? or do you have to initiate an update manually?
>do changes to the code on github automatically go live on Heyuri?
No, you can create a pull request and then it needs to be approved, and then they'd have to update kokonotsuba with the new code, at least i guess that's how it works
This is correct
1. You make the change and request it to get applied on the repository (pull request)
2. I see and ask an ex-koko dev if it's safe to apply
3. I merge the pull request to the repo if it's safe
4. I update it on Heyuri when I am available

It would help to have another trusted dev who could verify stuff. By "trusted" I don't only mean normal users without ill intent, but also running their kokonotsuba instance with the exact stack as we are using for Heyuri and verify the changes can be applied without causing any issues
why not use github actions

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