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dear kaguya

could we have a board for science and technology? doesnt have to be seperate ones. i want to be able to nerd out with fellow physics and coding heyurians nyaoo2

thanx, anon
tongue I want that as well, would it allow alien and cryptid discussion too? nyaoo2
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So liek a mix of 4/sci/ and our old /prog/ board?
I don't know how many Heyurians are interested, but could be tried if the number is enough. Or perhaps that could be used as an opportunity to attract like-minded users to Heyuri too
It's probably something that can't be considered "fun" in the same way anime/vidya is (thus can't live on /b/ very well), so could be worth trying as a trial board at least nyaoo
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since Heyuri is so small, there would be alot of Heyurizens wanting to talk about their autistic interests. It could be liek a school fare where Heyurizens come to visit other Heyurizens in their threads and talk about the subject, or a big flop where noone uses it. Me myself can't wait to talk about electricity on Heyuri!
What should the board title be? unsure

I propose /eng/ - Engineering
The term "engineering" is wide enough to cover a lot of Maths and science.
Creating a board does create activity for said board. It is either dead on arrival or reduces the activity of existing boards - and remember, less concentrated activity = lower overall site activity over time!

You should only make additional boards when a topic is so popular that it's taking over an existing board for an extended period (thus proving it could sustain itself as its own board), or if the board uses unique software that offers something that the existing boards can't

>It's probably something that can't be considered "fun" in the same way anime/vidya is (thus can't live on /b/ very well), so could be worth trying as a trial board at least
Rule 1 and lounge@Heyuri...
Heyuri will be advertised more and thus more users will come though dark It's good to have variety, activity won't be lowered unsure specially with 4chan dying faster and faster
Also, unrelated but since you mentioned the lounge, shouldn't "powered by kolyma" be removed? (⌒∇⌒ゞ)
>Creating a board does create activity for said board. It is either dead on arrival
That's why it would be a trial board

>less concentrated activity = lower overall site activity over time!
I would normally agree , but it's not a topic that's already being talked about on /b/. The idea on my mind was that Heyuri users would suddenly show their another side they don't usually show on other boards. And if that fails, maybe it could be used to get moar users.. And if that also fails, we wouldn't lose anything from deleting the board then.

You can hide it with AdBlocker if you want to, but removing that would be too much headache for people in charge sweat3
*Creating a board does NOT create activity for said board, is what I meant to type sweat2

>Heyuri will be advertised more and thus more users will come though
That's already died down, and we'll quickly get to the point where everyone outside of here who is inclined to come here is already here, while any additional ads just pisses people off and keeps them away dark

>It's good to have variety, activity won't be lowered
It's happened enough times already (even just on Heyuri and SH, but also on a bajillion other places) that I know it will. Every time Heyuri has gone too far with the number of boards, the activity has tanked - every time the number of boards were reduced, activity has risen!

Take the recent relaunch of world2ch for example - they started off with a few users and a small trickle of activity, but then they immediately dived into making MOAR BOARDZ (which were all very similar to each other) and it completely killed the site. I'm sure they could have sustained a small amount of activity or even grown if they had just 1-2 boards, but by spreading their users and activity so thin they neutered themselves dark

Remember: 10 boards with 1 post per day feels significantly more dead than 1 board with 10 posts per day - if a place feels "dead" then users will drift away, and if a place feels "alive" then users will be attracted to it

>specially with 4chan dying faster and faster
4chan isn't dying so much as the "old web" is dying... which applies to us as well sweat3

>since you mentioned the lounge, shouldn't "powered by kolyma" be removed?
I've been arguing for this for a long time, and the answer is basically "no because kuz embedded his kolyma shit so deeply into Heyuri during his reign that it's difficult to remove, and also it would make kuz very butthurt"
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>every time the number of boards were reduced, activity has risen!
so whenever teh activity falls, isn't all we need to do is just creating some useless boards and removing them?
I'll clarify that I'm not opposed to new boards entirely (actually very the opposite!) - I'm just against new boards that are the same as boards we already have, but with a different title and even narrower appeal. Not least because we've done it a bunch of times already and it's failed every single time - how many times must we fail it before learning our lesson!!!

There's also so many kewl things we could be doing instead of the tired "4chan-clone: now with more boards than users" thing...

I wish that WTFhax worked, but unfortunately activity just goes back to what it would have been if the boards were never made, minus any users who left during the lull period sweat2
I don't see why Heyuri's /g/ or /sci/ would attract users anymore than 4chan's /g/ or /sci/ or other altchans like Lainchan's technology and security related boards. What could Heyuri offer that is unique that other imageboards don't offer. For example, /b/ is unique and offers something that other imageboards don't
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I don't think the reasoning should be "what can we offer to potential newcomers" so much as "what can offer to our current members" like what others said. Right now, I'd say Heyuri is at a decent size when it comes to its userbase, so I think we're good on advertisements. The tech board should be a place for our preexisting users to talk about nerd shit. And hey, if it doesn't work, it doesn't work. That's why it should be a trial board like Kaguya said.

Count my vote in. I'm all on board wink for this trial board proposal.
I don't get this mentality, I think the more users the better, as long as the rules are still enforced I see literally no problem in having more posters as opposed to less posters dark
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I think you're misconstruing what I said, which is probably my fault for not making it more clear. unsure
I'm not advocating against having new users, I am saying that the tech board should not have to be used as a selling point for new users in order for it to exist, like what 62188-san seems to be getting at. If anything, I'm all for new users seeing how well the last advertisement surprisingly went (although perhaps not another one to be made on 4chan seeing as we already pushed our luck with that sweat3).
i'm retarded, i meant to type "although perhaps not another one to be made ANYTIME SOON or on 4chan"
i need to get more sleep...
definetely a good idea to set it up as a trial board, can see how it performs and see if its good to keep or notnyaoo
I meant users in general, not just new users. I don't see a reason why I would post on a Heyuri sci/technology board unless it had something special to offer different than all the other sci/tech forums

I'm not against the idea of a new sci/tech trial board, but I think it'd be DOA due to these reasons ┐(゚~゚)┌
not the anon ur replying to, but i think many of us would use it to talk about our interests, that arent as 'fun' as vidya or anime like kaguya said
new user are necessary for growth and survival, but it has to be done in such a way that it goes slow and steady. User are the content creator after all and can easily over stear and lose what make heyuri- heyuri.

let people do some work to get here, some sort of puzzle to solve, with tiny bits of informations. Spread that shit and does who are a little bit more... mature? find their way. i will think of this.
Puzzles are not fun dark
There should be some interesting script that could be used for a scientific board on Heyuri...
I think having different gimmicks for every board just for the sake of having different gimmicks is kind of dumb(´~`)

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