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yo can we get some new boards like /e/ or /h/ or an /avg/(adult video games) in case you want to add a video games board? I don't want what happened with /v/ to happen here.
MOAR BOARDZ!!? again?
We don't have an overboard that you can view threads from different boards in one place (other than the discord webhook). Creating more boards would mean users need to check the board separately, which I want to avoid.. Our previous attempts at creating a /v/idya board was never successful after first few days
However, I don't look over our recent boom in activity (we received exactly 300 non-spam posts in 29 December, in my timezone). Maybe it would be different this time? unsure
I feel like it would be fun for you to make some new boards for new years and see how they turn out! the advertising won't stop so more and more new users will come in biggrin
(though definitely don't make a adult video games board, just make a video games board dark)
We could have all kinds of fun novelty boards if CGI/Perl wasn't b0rked on our current servers cry
>Our previous attempts at creating a /v/idya board was never successful after first few days
Most "general" image-boards, (Ones without a specific overarching theme/subject) are usually expected to have the "core" 4chan ones to even have a hope at gaining popularity:
anime/manga, technology, video games, otaku
Otherwise people won't care about yet image-board with /b/, and just go back to looking for a better alt to 4chan.
Also image-boards are a marathon, population-gain wise, you just have to stay around and let users gradually trickle in from 4chan and everywhere else until there's a sizable enough core.mona2
there are so much new people I can't keep up!
add new boards now!
If another board is added, then I think it should be unique like the other existing boards so it has a 100% chance of not ending up in fail. There's not many other places where u can find stuff like strange world, the lounge, an active oekaki board, etc. A board like the old pya.cc where u scroll through media and add comments would be fukken awesome, tho im not sure there's software for that out in the wild (;´Д`)
Heyuri isn't trying to be a 4chan clone or an alternative to 4chan - Heyuri is Heyuri! biggrin plus we've been around for liek 3 years and done pretty well just doing our own thing despite sum major bumps in the road along the way...

But if you want to compare to 4chan, 97% of 4chan's activity was all on /b/ for the first several years of its existence - that's not a hyperbolic number, that's actually how one-sided it was!

And since Futaba has existed, around the same percentage of activity has gone to their top 2 Nijiura boards. 2ch/5ch isn't quite as extreme, but the bulk of the site's activity still takes place on the top handful of boards while half the other boards are completely abandoned

The thing about all of those sites (at least historically) is that the main board everyone posts on is varied and covers a wide range of topics, so nobody needs to venture out to other boards unless they offer something the main one doesn't

4chan was "unique" in that the main board (/b/) got so overran with users who didn't "get it" and garbage posts that everyone was effectively forced to move out to /a/, /v/, and so on (or to other sites entirely). Heyuri is orders of magnitude away from anything like that happening - in fact most of our n00b influxes have ended up being net positives biggrin
Add a /v/ board
we have been coasting on easy mode for too long.
Totally agreed, and that's what we've done for the most part - in addition to the boards we still have today, we've previously had "HeyuriRemix" which used a rare Ayashii World spinoff script I found, fixed up, and translated, we had /dating/ which was a "2-shot chat", we had "Yeah" which was "Yeah"...

I've got tons of other ideas that I could start working on rite now - mainly for ancient 90s and early 2000s Japanese scripts that have never seen the light of day outside Japan - but sadly our current CGI/Perl server b0rkage issue is preventing us from doing most of those ideas (as well as being the reason that HeyuriRemix was scrapped). Worse still, the person in charge of our servers is adamant that it can't be helped when it almost certainly can dark
I agree as well.
I want to run ancient Japanese CGI scripts with Heyuri too, but as as 62085-san told, our server host claims we can't run Perl scripts closed-eyes2
He admitted that may be solvable, but another (bigger) reason is that scripts in question are open to vulnerabilities. He is already enough gracious for letting me host Heyuri on his servers for free, so I can't really push to run scripts with potential security issues on important servers... Before you ask, I can't afford a web server myself to point some subdomain of Heyuri either sweat2

Like on /sw/ and /o/, if there are well-maintained PHP scripts that may interest us, we have no problem with hosting them though smile
Newfag here, saw heyuri getting advertised on 4chan/v/, found it weird that there is no vidya board here.

Not saying I want one, but I guess others might be confused too.

Also cool site man, kinda nostalgic with the noko in email field and no catalog.
closed-eyes2 there is a catalog
oh fuck I'm blind

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