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  • 2024/04/26 - Neomenu came back from 2021
  • 2024/04/26 - Museum@Heyuri has been launched
  • 2024/02/27 - Anime nominations and their votings will be held on this table from now on.
  • 2024/01/29 - Try out some extra CSS files: Link

Want your site's banner shown here too? Read this thread and contact me.

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Hi, I used this site back when strawberryheaven was a thing, I guess I'm still a newfag since it was after Lolico died, well my Yuno drawing is on the wiki so I feel special still, anyways, why should I trust this Kaguya guy? I stopped using this website because of the previous owner's shenanigans, can I trust Kaguya? does he think Yomi is better than Tomo?
also please do remove Kuz from the steam group if he is truly no longer affiliated with this website
Lol, Kaguya is awesome.We've had no problems with him (that I know of, I'm kind of a newfag blush).
In fact, look how far ahead of the other admins he is on this poll:
Welcome back Anonymous,

That kaguya guy here. I guess introducing myself would help the best to clear any suspicions you might have.
I am just a user who came to Heyuri around July/August 2020, fell in love with it, and volunteered to become a janitor during the times when teh boards were getting flooded multiple times a day. This was after heyuri first closed down and kuz asked for janitors (and if noone were to apply, he would shut Heyuri down for good. I couldn't find any archive of this now sadly, but others can verify this, it was public anyways). I quickly became a moderator during SH era after proving my interest in Heyuri/SH at the time, and somewhere during 2021, pretty much became the de-facto manager of Heyuri while kuz was busy with other stuff. Rest is history, kuz resigned earlier this year when things changed both on Heyuri and his life, and here we are.
I spend a good part of my day trying to improve Heyuri, by adding new stuff despite not being 1337 in programming, or sometimes by organizing events and so.
I am trying to say that I don't have any reason to get involved in such shenanigans, nor you have any reason to have mistrust in me

While I made the Steam group official, is not managed by me or anyone in our team.

THX biggrin
I don't mind if you have problems with me. If you post on /q/ about it, I will do my best to work on that
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You started using this website 4 months before I did so I trust you, friend

I have another question however, is there a way to view all the banners? I remember I made 2 back in the day, a Gmod 9 one and a Tobaku Haouden Zero one, I'd like to see them again but it seems like clicking on the banners to make them change doesn't work anymore
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Thank you for that nyaoo
>but it seems like clicking on the banners to make them change doesn't work anymore
Yes, I will try to work on maeking it so it changes as it used to soon. Maybe ChatGPT-san may be helpful now...
I will also open a 2ちゃん board very soon for banners, it has been on my mind for a long time, but the only reason I didn't do yet is that I tried making a modified /banner/... Which didn't work out. I could have the ordinary /banner/ back as well, but I liek the 2ちゃん idea better

btw here is the Gmod 9 one
Just as beautiful as when I lost it... cry

I'll be sure to make more banners once you figure that thing out
kagy is the best admin ever :3 i love my kagy everyone loves kagy
It probably feels awkward for kaguya to read such posts sweat2
He probably prints them out and sticks them on his wall so can fap.nyaoo-closedeyes

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