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Is Heyuri the only place with a 'rule 8' or something similar? I would think there would be a lot of imageboards that want to get out from under 4chan's thumb. But everywhere I go people seem complacent.

Could our only choice be to get onto new sites as they come up and try to influence the culture away from AIDS?unsure
711chan (.net) has an unofficial "rule 8", focuses on old imageboard culture too but says that "it won't be the dominating theme"
There's plenty of places that will delete Rule 8-like things on sight, but they usually have their own issues

Particularly with allowing/encouraging the kinds of late-2000s/early-2010s AIDS that came before all the mid-2010s AIDS, while also banning/discouraging things that were commonplace in the early-to-mid 2000s or earlier dark
o fuck i lost my reply cry
in short...
I don't mean anything bad for them but with lolwut (owner of VidLii, criticized for being too much of a free speech advocate) as admin, I doubt they would stay that way for much longer. Teh only reason it seems fun right now is because it was shared on Heyuri. Same story for world2ch. And if you visit enough other BBSes, you can take a guess which site's userbase makes bad posts on those sites too sweat2

>There's plenty of places that will delete Rule 8-like things on sight, but they usually have their own issues
Correct, R8 is not a simple matter of deleting s*yj*ks and pepe images.
I just showed up here 20 minutes ago and rule 8 seems pretty great!

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