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Want your site's banner shown here too? Read this thread and contact me.

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will there be a time where kaguya will allow us to contribute more banners? i wanna make a cool banner cause i like heyuri everyones cool
Thanks for enjoying Heyuri smile

I do want to make implement an automatic system to allow user submitted banners, but it would require some PHP knowledge, which I lack at the moment. If it's one banner, you can post it when you're done and I can add it manually for now
alright, thanks!
Assuming the banner rotation script is just picking a random image from a directory containing all the banners (in other words, the paths and filenames for each individual banner are not hardcoded into the script itself), wouldn't it be fairly simple to set up a simple imageboard or uploader script that stores its source images in that directory? Isn't that pretty much how /banner/ used to work?

Inb4 it's not fairly simple
honestly i think i might learn php just so i can contribute 2 heyuri. doubt it will be too hard already knowing multiple langs
true but it would need some sort of system for it to be moderated, like inputted banners will be on a list and can be accepted or denied
and theres always spam so there has to be something to prevent that, like checking if a file with the same pixels as another exists in the queue, and remove it if so
That would probably be very sensible, but I'm pretty sure the old /banner/ board had no such protections

Throwing caution to the wind is the Heyuri way ヽ(´ー`)ノ
that wouldn't be really hard to do. making a queue for admins to approve banners should be a pretty easy to do, and you can easily check if there are duplicates with md5 checksums

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