Anyone else want to watch 4chan GIFs and videos in an automatic slideshow?Hopefylly 4chan will offer this feature at some point, but in the mean time I created a webapp that lets you play 4chan videos one after another. Try it out here: add 4chan thread URLs (e.g., /gif) – as many as you want. The web app will automatically play all the MP4 videos it finds in a seamless slideshow.Marked for deletion (Old)
it's the depvana guy againi feel like i've run into you in 3 different imageboards now (゚ー`)
not a fan of web apps, userscripts FTW!
I was about to say "could be useful for fapping" but never in a 4chan porn thread do I enjoy every single image/video posted so it would be ruined by the shit I don't like. (´~`)
>>133056haha yeah, def a risk
4chanx has a gallery mode tho
>>133114Don't think you can autoplay videos with 4chan gallery. Got a link to that feature?
I prefer 4chan movie compilations on youtube since they only use good gifs