I use this board temporary and am more of refugee person, than constant board user. Sorry but I am not really laintard either, I prefer simple stories instead. I will use this thread to post only my personal happenings, just as if it was a diary by marine biologist stuck in deep ocean with no food, putting data daily about the catastrophe he's in, enjoy posting on it though I will freely answer questions. Well, introduction is most needed, I guess. It would be kind of difficult to greet strangers and explain what my incumbency is, so I'd rather refuse and simply introduce myself as W00t. I do not want to use trips because that'd just be extra work, plus I think I have faith no one would put such energy to defile me. It is best thing that I am making this thread on Jan 7th also known as Christmas, in orthodox circles. Due to my slavic origin, I am associating myself with orthodox culture out of necessity. But, I personally prefer Catholic dominations and western spheres of schisms, that is due to the fact it's most popular denomination in Poland. I have polish noble ancestory. Though, aristocracy does not exactly confirm to my real situation. I have lost connection with these people quite long ago, and I wouldn't dream of possiblity of returning. They are rich, though, so I've heard. No matter, I am basically internet basement dweller. I am not really gonna exceed expectations in many things outside shamefulness to any noble blood, so far. I've been quite terrible hedonist my life, and I am mostly upset. Nevertherless, I will use this thread to discuss my current things, to vent out stuff but not forever, only while I currently have to do so, or at least hopefully as I feel free to speak here, as I am quite coalstone tired of all places without free speech. Currently, I am working on returning chudpol domain and trying to survive ''the Russia'' Note that I am not here to argue or answer brewing soykaf, so please, don't be rude my comrades.>current happening My PC is fucked. To be more precise, it is fans that make unbelievable noise, I am scared whetehr it might actually drop dead though. IT seems fans are overworking themselves, meanwhile gpu sits sleeping all day. I was gonna take it to repairshop back on the 1st of January, unfortunately have failed. ... It stopped. Thanks God. Anyway, it will return if I use even 0.0001% of cpu. I've tried quite a few tricks but none of them have seriouse effect, so I am not sure what is wrong with it. To be precise, it's not cpu fan itself but the secondary fans, at least my best guess it's them but I don't have any workstation and barely any space in my room, so it's not like I can do full disassembly conviniently. Merry Christmas! Oh yeah Jesus is born, right? I've been recently studying marine microcosmos, one of the things I always wanted was to get microscope and have my own samples, but that'd be difficult. I really fucking love worms. Tube worms, anchor worms... I love looking into all kind of parasitic worms, especially, it is my preferances. Before that, I looked into fossil research, but after a lot of time I became more amused in studies of multicellular evolution and protists, as well as animals like Hydrozoans and extermophiles in the kingdom of Archaea. I was chatting with ChatGPT and other Ai, asking it personally questions about how to exterminate all organic life? It seriously bothered that it'd be practically fcking impossible. I was thinking of like it'd be cool for there to be like AI, and the AI could destroy all life. and then how would it go about it? AI can definitely use more energy than organic life which is simply an advantage. Then I was thinking about a drama story of how the AI would kill all microcosmos and then try to imitate humans after they all died. I wonder how the AI would live without humans though, would they develop their own language? I was thinking about my feelings towards MY people, as I was looking into AI. I basically have lots of grudges on others, especially in real world, but I am hedonist myself. "Why help other humans if you lose?" I was thinking about God and humilation just in the morning. It's been on my mind for centuries. I understand how outmost difficult it is truly to be the only ONE left in the universe. How important warmth is and how humans are insecure no matter the age, and most of us still require each other no matter how selfish the people in general are. However, it kind of made me feel saddened. Knowing that in romance I'd be useless. I am not very useful person. I have never really gifted anybody anything, in fact I feel I had quite traumatic experience that made me so indifferent. But I also feel hedonistic tendencies in me, perhaps lousy hedonistic tendencies that pick easy ways out. I was recently chatting with AI, and I was thinking about how autistic I am 'cause I don't get attracted to irl women. Whether from fear, or cope, or some other reason, but I am definitelly Gamma male, I don't feel like working hard for them and have always been confused about other men. Working hard to get women always felt like playing as livestock, which I wouldn't ever commit. Being treated like resource depicates my feelings for romance, but even if I can pretend I am pretty gay tbh. I had many fantasies thinking about women treating well which aroused me, I acknowledge hedonism of it. I acknowledge also that I am really lazy and when I am I get frustrated mentally, end up spitting nonsense, it's kind of depressing how out of touch I am with my own mind, one thing I hate about it it's not sexual pleasure, it's just in general that I have OCD for things, why can't I stop feeling good? Being happy is a true crime. I wish I could do things that suck and are very very boring without having constantly second thoughts. I also wish I didn't have need to prove myself. I feel like I am missing something in the world with knowledge I possess, as if the world doesn't matter anymore just like when you do heroine, maybe 2D women are like heroine. I am definitely not lolicon kind of guy, but I understand from my point lolicon is actually a healthy version of that. I feel as if I want the most normie shit like a girl who makes you a sweater or pompers you by cleaning your ears and hugging you with her huge breasts... huge melons, motherly pillows of love.... that would... ugh... Shit like that always confuses my mind again and again, big boobs. I can't stop thinking. but I am scared of getting banned so I'll retract. I wish one day bioroids became real, and here is the kicker: it's like i want bioroids to exist to experience love but also it's because I am socially inept to experience healthy relationship like millions of human ancestors have done before I was born. With modern knowledge, it is very difficult to trust women. Bioroids would definitely be neat robotics, and with general popularity of waifuism it might not be far off. But I am afraid NEETs are just gonna die pathetically and vanish, without the trace on human history just like many have. NEETvolution is mostly a pipe dream. I've been playing Azur Lane just recently started, compared to gacha games I've played before it's pretty good. Good is kind of gay to say, cause its gacha. But games are games nevertheless. I know I said I prefer difficult games, and I enjoy playing like games like shmups or whatnot. But Azur Lane is very chill peaceful game, I was thinking of writing doujinshi for it, because i want big boobs... Anyw--way, damn... I wanted to get Charybdis but I keep getting shit ships. Also, why is there no character team presets for it? No, seriously. Shouldn't you be able to save team? I got Shimakaze, Prince Eugen... Also Bismarck from New Year's event. But that's it. I never imagined I would play it, though. I am trying not be an addict about it, but Charydbis type waifus get me... affect my concentration. /endCOM. >I originally planned on posting on lainchan but it was relatively fucking difficult to do so, that is why it sounds so autistic.Marked for deletion (Old)
I originally was trying to post this tl;dr huge text meme on lainchan, however their board said "You are a spammer!" as error message, which I don't fucking undestand. Either way, I was scared of that place because it seems to be very difficult to post there and I was always only into chaotic freeform Archaean places anyway. I will try to rephrase things that I said in the thread:>this thread is basically a diary thing>I originally thought I was gonna start it in the safe boards like lainchan or some SFW crap as a form of punishment for my hedonistic gooner baitposting>I failed to post there though, but I don't particularly care for this site, I will just post this thread.>I am tired of not being able to share shit in echochambers or Dead Internet, so I wanted attention maxx, I hate fucking alternative social media as well, as they are pugnant.>I will buy domain and start my own site, where I will blogpost in peace.>isolated environment in Russia is pretty hardcore because I haven't been myself for a very long time, one of the worst things is that you can't even talk about anything with others because they are actually Russians and not likeable people that you would befriend.TL;DR this post>bioroids are fucking cool idea but NEETs will never get them sadly>I am Christian btw>my pc is acting up and I've been delaying repairing it, loud annoying fan noise>I am trying to get Charybdis in Azur Lane now>parasitic worms btw
Who are you quoting?
>>129581is greentext not allowed? I was not aware
Enjoy your AIDS.
I think I have seen you somewhere else...
>>129585You might have seen me before, it is possible.the good or bad, I spent a lot of time on /int/ boards across multiple places. I used to visit /pol/ in 2022 or before that, however I am not going to talk about that. Not that it matters, either way I was posting a lot with meme flags because I am ashamed of my nation.
Mod sama edit it to scroll bbcode pl0x
>>129587Most big chans feel like a discord server or a subreddit Good you left, they are mental cancer
I don't have much against you, just please read the rules before you post
>>129590what rule?
>I was thinking of writing doujinshi for it, because i want big boobsHell yeah >it is fans that make unbelievable noise1. Check & adjust fan profiles if possible2. Make sure there's adequate airflow through the case (intake and exhaust)3. Remove CPU cooler, reapply thermal paste, reattach cooler4. Replace any faulty fans (and if you do, get quiet ones)
some more enlightening wisdom from OP:https://azu.nfshost.com/azu/res/894.html#1562https://azu.nfshost.com/azu/res/1564.html#1569
What a trip. From catholicism to a broken pc, microcosms, something about AI and autism, boobs, NEETs and finally Azur Lane. All in one post.Read the rules because you broke some of them but you're probably aware by now.
>>129578that’s a lot of words to say absolutely fucking nothing
[s19]current happening[/s19][s15] Bro, after exercise I am hungry but nigga i keep eatin and eatin'... I feel like I will never finish consuming shit, and then I am still hungry... I consume normally 2x protein shakes or 3x with creatine spoons. I thought, well if I just eat protein then I won't lose muscle mass, at least. But I still feel super hungry, it's depressing how hungry I am right now.I wasted... around tens of cubes on trying to get light ship with S rank, I only got Prinz Eugen and eventually got Nurnberg which isn't my favorite by far, all I ever wanted was Charobdys!! FUCK! 7 CUBES ! then I bought MORE. I wasted everything to GET. I unlocked Lab just now. Also watched solomon documentary, I want ... to eventually write my own doushjinshi with Azur Lane shipgirls. It would be awesome, I really would love to draw them. And secret: I'd give Charobdys very big boobs, oh yeah... She'd be... Uh. But it would actually have story, though. /endCOM[/s15]
lol, FAIL
I keep getting shit lolis in this game
>>129635I didn't even spoiler it, wha--?
current happening I was thinking about Russian war and I wanted to share that economy is absolutely parasha or shit, because all prices are doubled for food now. It's pretty ridiculous actually. I am sad. I was checking some vids of Ukranians fighting russians with drones and the drones fighting others, it looks gamer-stuff. I pray to God that I will survive this conflict. I hope this will come out true because of the christmas. Either way, this conflict sucks and benefits no one in the Future but suffering in the now and then, we don't need to be part of this shit.
>>129638 speakinfuck I need to get blue color fucking right sorry, anyway this war is shit I w wish I didn't have to experience that fucking catastrophe to be frank i do not support it endCOM
whereºs my bbc code working
>>129641this should work now
what are you trying to do? LOL
testing text color >>129644
There are many real blog sites that can host your blog (´~`)
>>129658exactly this...please op, just write a blog on a blog website. you can't just come to any imageboard and use it as a diary. keep an actual diary at this point
Read the rules before you post. Also, no one here wants to read your boring blog or hear your shitty ideas about religion or politics or whatever. Learn more about the culture of this place before you post
do u guys actually spend time reading random long ramblings on the internet?
current happening I recently noted the reason why I hate nazism so much. It comes from germaanic "perfect man" syndrome, it was when european men felt comfortable with idea that pride is their greatest virtue. I don't need to read them because I don't want to read the books of the ones they made, but this philosophy of Ubermensch is utterly claim of supremacy. For what kind of perfect being needs self-validation, powerful urge. Read the Exodus, God tells Moses that he is Chosen by God and that he wil lead jewish tribes. Meanwhile, german philosophy says, "Supreme people are germans. Italians are not smart, because of the warm climate. Germans were loseres only because of the winter and that's why they were behind. Germans are superior men because they're more etc. strong-willed. whatever." These starwmen arent strawmen, they are words of a coward scared of true implications. What if germans failed because they sucked? What if they are worse? I want to be humble soul.
>>129702You completely misunderstood what nazism is
testestestestesttestestestesteste [test]testestestestestetestestestestestetestestestestestetestestestestestetestestestestestetestestestestestetestestestestestetestestestestestetestestestesteste
>>129703yotsuba is jewish
>>129703why do you think so? I am genuinely interested, not out of pride. I want to persuade you to differ from this.
>yotsuba is jewishi LOL'd
>>129702>>129706Alright, now I'm convinced you're just saying random things
Horrible, I noticed reddit bias towards christiantiy just now. I never noticed, so outright...
when will I get her..... I want to get dido clas cruiser.... nugga
>>129752dido class more like dildo class am I right you piece of atlanta-esque junk
hi W00t, have you ever tried doing something like in this video? 🇮🇱✡️
current happening I am stil fucking testing colors, but I just had serious thoughts in my mind. They have been spreading like tumor for a while, envy? No, its the type of resentment that an old hydra would feel towards by passing ship, the ship filled with the white people. Yes, my hatred... Why I am hateful, you're asking, lil' friends? Listen, friends, what I want in life is Charybdis' paizuri from her huge tits. But I don't want to fight wars like the white people from imageboards or /nupol/ or nazishit, or whatever. Feel free to die. I want Charybdis, and just like hater, I don't care until I get what I want. If I had the planet, and I had nukes, "Get me her NOW I say!" or "I will nuke the world!", because "I don't care about fucking politics or stupid larp terrorgram shit, give me Charybdis NOW. I want the Charybdis from Azur Lane ships to cuddle me and read me stories on the bed after I've fucked her. That's what my dream plus I vow to live for Poland, not germany.-
>>129764 build a fucking bioroid. or I don't care about it.
>>129765and I have a list a full on list of things I want her to do, it'd be so long it will take time. That's also why I decided to become azur lane artist, so I could draw paizuri of her, with other dido cruises. But I wanted to add actual story. I bet if Germany won, they would never allow it so fuck the deutsch. /endCOM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyq5Vt5ixA4 geg
>>129764Kolega chyba już za dużo wypił
jews are investin' bioroid technology
>> i am serious .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ok-LmSq5U5o
i side with the jews. I care only about Charybdis boobs okay?
disregard that, i hate the jews now because i just realized that if the jews took control of Japan they wouldn't allow Azur Lane to exist. That's why Hollywood has never made anything like Azur Lane.
>>129776https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAhqseDfXj8I am brainwashed by jud .
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7XA6p9XvIY CYBORGS ARE WINNING.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KU5--dyMLc JEWISH ROBOTS, WTF! Taimanin Series characters are the future fs
thanks the jew! Taimanin cyborgs will take over world and I will get laid by Charbys with big tits paizuri fetishizer I want to buy cyborg who will love me and takes me to the shop and lets me fuck her in the changing place or whatever sexual environments I can mentalize.... this is going too far, I guess. I am sorry, bro uhhh
I want AI sex waifu to make notorious sex never ending innuendos during conversation. I also want her to have large tits with sagginess.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VSj-PdDuYI oy vey that's too bad.
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ppKwntb3Jrsjewish artificial life is real. religious robots 2083
here are videos of jewish robotshelping write torah at the national museumhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqk9hHBXozIhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxWPCW1YLoU
ZUN is evil.https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Christianitytouhou is just sinful. it is idolization.read Psalm 115 touhou is basically praising idols.
current happening Jesus Christ is King, by the way, I've thought about it and wanted to say that he is king. And no nazi can stop him. But nazis have been destroying everything good and gracious, in fact it all began with abolishing aristocracy in Europe. As well as the church. Humans are beautiful the way they are, blue-eyed or brown-eyed, but to nazi only one thing should exist: a human. No cows, no worms, no shits. Just a perfect human, which is themselves to say, in other words, nothing but void and the "white aryan". It is the worst form of self-idolization or epistemic injustice, these aryans spread hatred. Human love is outmost important, I am thinking I am ashamed at me. I believe I was destined to be Templar knight or something of that accords, some kind of christian person. Instead, I am stuck being with "white people" who spread lust and disgrace, calling themselves "alpha" "aryan" other blasphemies... They make me sick. I do not fit in their zone, I can't relate to their "Struggle" that doesn't exist, mostly I feel empty being aroud such abominable bullies. It's easy to call out jews for all your problems, but nazis truly are not funny when it's not part of the original ironic part. Normies normilized the most unfunny overused humor template that ruins not just their souls but souls of others, like cancer. Maybe, being a nazi isn't a good thing. Brothers. Maybe, honorable glorious deeds indeed are better to do for us than this imbiciliness. I still think of drawing Azur Lane doushinji, but one thing you have to do is capture human soul, the human face... I've been all my life evading human courage, I am not sure if I can truly capture a human with his spirit. If only I treated myself and fellow humans better so I could capture raw face. Also, I still haven't managed to gey Charybdis. IT seems azur lane grind will be slow but I won't be playing it tomorrow or the next day. I decided to take break from this game as the idea of wasting my youth playing it got me depressed. I will instead just exercise and train. And hopefully, go outside by 14th to lose some remaining fats on my body. /endCOM
>>129851also, i was just thinking about how germans invading russia felt like introverted kid comitting a shooting. it was about german supremacy, but nobody has ever known that. its like homeless person punching you after you've given him food.one might make excuses, but it put ukranians poles and ruzzians in very uncomfortable position. Excuse? They wanted to feel good about their "Germany" and supreme government. Why would that be a hard but difficult pill to swallow that german women who have as we are reminded always VOTED for hitler to power been defiled. Also, the big problem is that nsdap would have never won anyway if the soviet party was never banned, though. I kind of feel Germany and krautchan are disgrace to imageboards & country, it makes me feel ashamed myself for giving up to such bullshit nonsense.
And at that time there will be no hunger or war, no jealousy or rivalry. For the good will be plentiful, and all delicacies available as dust. The entire occupation of the world will be only to know Goddoes it mean when that comes paizuri will also be everywhere? Will paizuri become too part of heaven? Will I experience the god intended paizuri?
>>129875paizuri in the end of times. when peace is forever on Earth. lamb with lion and so forth. as well would that be sin to say paizuri everywhere as well? would that be bad thing for Charybdis to be there giving paizuris free of charge
>>129578damn bro trust me i care
current happening Uh, I failed to get charybdis but got Hermione which is like bitchy version. When will I get my mommy... I was thinking of if my azur lane doushjin should be goony or should it actually have interesting plots and explore the characters. On one way, drawing sex is pretty boring... And I might fall asleep, on another hand it is way too arousing. And boring, which actually is why its becoming arousing. Today, I woke up thirsty asf. Man, people who hate water suck. White man is truly evil because white people hate water they're like "yo yo nigga i am white man i hate damn water!" "i need no watah i am aryan alpha male ! KAR KAR KAR!!" /endCOM
current happening ok, no more posts for next day. I will be sending my computer for repair. I'll probably just gym train and play azur lane because I will no longer have pc to do anything productive uh... i am doing productive stuff! Fuck, it's s so freezing outside it's ridiculous. Anyway, I should really stretch. Yesterday, I was eating improperly which led to me dehydrating and couldn't properly recover from training. This time I'll feel better and do it right. Thank you for all listening, bros. Also, I am reading about bristle worms rght now, squid worms are really awesome genus. Check them, they are awesome. You guys don't understand how good you have it insulting the worms, they're awesome.
>>129913came back from workshop. news they've said nothing at all except that maybe the noise could have made from cable. came back. >oh wait i cant use greentetxcame back, the noise came back fuking back when i started.
i hate that shit help brosthis noise is lik efucking annoying ass sound cables?how thoughits gone now but that makes it annoying i'll try to run a lot of applicationst o make it happen. for now chudpol is delayed
>>129921that noise has been driving meYAAGHi keep getting this is cable talks. how is tihs a fucking cable?it sounds as if the video card encountered an error or some shit.this noise metallic like help me. what the fuck is making it?I will check for cables and take off the fucking case
>>129922 chaned position of the pc to more free space. no soundwhat did prinz eugen mean by this
the screetching.
i just hit it then it did the noise once. whatever, i will let it sit for an hour and then put it back in. seems like genuinely cable isuse
current happening I just realized it. Basically, the issue is with power supply, it is too weak or retarded now. IT basically does the noise but there is red beep on the card so yeah, i am positive. I hate how the repair guy hasn't heard anything but now I can tell it is the power supply that's the problem. I've even got new cable to see if the cable is the main problem. All oil is gone so can't play azur lane, have to work fucking work, godd fuckimh man, anyway I feel depressed today anyhow, and got exhausted, drank protein worked out only bit. I probably feel like Ican talk forever to be honest. I want to sya I hate women. Without God punishing me with no context. Because I hate women for very good reason. I hate them. I want to say like hate so many times, but I feel at peace of now. I am humble, sory. I believe that when cyborg genetic roids come to begin, things will definitely become better for now. I fucking don't want to help white race, just sleeping with bioroid as white people are extinct. I want retritubtion for mmy insults I have suffered from my life. Anyway, white women will eventually be replaced by bioroids at elast by the age of 2240 the end. /endCOM
current happeningI was always fascrinated by the soviet german pact of participation of Poland. Even though I can never forgive them, this pact is depiction of how they wanted to double cross one another for their own game. Russia is basically Germany of ww2. But the funny thing is Germany needed soviet resources to INVADE soviets succesfully for their "barbarossa" larp session, so to speak, they basically stood chance. Kek, hitler is truly fuckhead, what's really cool is that this is actually called parasitism in Biology, you know like "social parasitism" that blue eyed men talk for centuries, defending this "aryan supremacy" larp here, when it's actually polish nobility supremacy overall, also I fucked bismarck get lost.
>>129963wrong pikrel here
>>129965With both delievering half of Lutsow and them attacking without announcement. This shows Germanyw as planning to decimate Soviet Union using all of many underhanded tactics. That means they somehow came to realization Soviet Union was far stronger than them, yet still were fucking silly, to be honest USSR would have invaded them otherwise, instead. However, I find it ironic because at least twice already Russia has been invaded by someone who previously was their ally. And now, Russia invades someone who was their ally instead.
I also was thinking about fascism and how america is slowly turning into same shithole as russia and ww2 germany. The people are losing their power and are becoming way dumber, milder. They might have their guns but there are many other things that can be abused daily, it is like roman empire a disgusting civilization in the soon age of rust and iron.
>>129967the thing is americans dont have power. police has that power. america will remain a very corrupt state that will lack many role models that should have been there for kids replaced with plastic forgeries that will not give peace to the children born there both of migrants and of course of any human who has to face such shit mess. but still, it is preferable with blanket at home than in war thunder IRL!!
>>129968ththis is fucvking ccrazy thohonestly didjnt know of this part
Sounds like a failing fan to me. Turn your PC off and unplug the case fan cables one by one and testboot the system until the noise stops so you can figure out which one(s) is problematic. If it's none of the case fans, try taking out your graphics card temporarily to see if the fans on there are the problem
woot I think you need to blogfag more on this website that would really fix your problems
current happening After some thinking, I thought I probably suffer heavily from Aboulomania, which is in itself form of OCD. I always overthink stuff ever since I was born, but I don't know if my childhood background plays part in this. How would I even know whether I have made a choice of free will? Sometimes when I train I ask myself, especially when stretching, "okay is this enough, ... how long? Uh, is this enough now?... Is this enough?..." it becomes repetitive question that ruins my concentration. Because I am not sure "when to truly stop", I have no evidence of how many seconds should I stop after. I always used to do that thing where like if I was doing something competitive, I'd get confused by another man. Like, "uh... I am doing my best and winning but now it makes me feel frustrtated because I don't want to be asshole. But I also don't know why I am winning so when others start thinking of me as to way I am winning and telling me that something is wrong with it, my thoughts all become schizoid just like i can't concentrate anymore on indecisiviness." /endCOM
Build. Build. Build. Build. Build. Build. Build. Build. Build. Build.I've been wasting so many cubes, and I just got Numbemberg again... I was expecting Charybdis. It says I already rolled over 200 times. I've been rolling for her, nigga I AM GETTING TOO ADDICTED to this niggame.i just took shower and i feel thirsty. i guess i'll drink water or some shit.i have like deep thoughts about how all of us are fucked.becasue 2240 is the age of messiah.mani wonder if messianic age will have a lot of sex or not? or will it all be banned then? also, new season of high school dxd announced. holy shit, i really thought it was done for! high school dxd not quite as pornorgaphic as testament of the new sister, but that is for the better probably. Oddly, the characters are written extensively but all i truly care about the novel is the jiggle physics. Jiggle animations are the future of society. it is like sci fi and shit. we will have ai make jiggle animations of anime androids so that the ai will be making more and more highschool dxds and bedseed ntrs and fuck!This sounds so fucking boring, I wish that neuron wasn't a prat of me. When I think of it, its' really boring I am sorry for troubling you. I wish I could look at boobs normally, I swear I wish... I wish I could look at it without feeling anything, just like "oh its just boobs" if only I could think of them so regularly... I am paizuriphile fufck that should be arrested for his fucking sin. I am sorry. I am kneeling on the ground hypothetically delineating, as if only all breasts stopped existing. all 2d breasts were removed from images and all women had mastectomy even as they are birthed in zygotian stage Then maybe I will be saved this obsessive behavior AMEN. fuck this fucking remove breasts i dont want to prolapse to fucking suffer /endCOM
>>130028how do I learn ability to look at breasts without getting hotheaded over it? I wish I could look at this boobs as any other neutral country in the waters.
boobs arent real. boobs cant really do anything they are worthletss circles of fuicking fat
Dear Lord, I pray for your forgiveness and for my sins, please cure me of my obsessions and transgessions so that foolish man, me, doesn't commit them in the Future. I beg you, the Almighty Jesus, the son and the Holy Spirit and the Lord, please remove sin from me, so that I am clear of this evil. I wish for your divine sincere interference.
current happeningi sucked a PENIS
I predict we might get war soon.i wonder what will people just do once they cant fucking use twitter any longer, will the normies go nuts?Even if all fuuels run out I will still be shitposting till end of time.I will even want to make AI trained version of myself that continues the shitposting. Please save my posts for the sake of the W00t-simulated intelligence to preach big boobs.
I am fucking QUagmire of Russia or Something?
US is rebuilding the Enterprise ship under new George CLASS, which means there will be real life USS Enterprise AGAIN! that means azur lane 2? hopefully not
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQOZdLDFj9U this vid made me laugh so loud lmaoI cant believe north koreans actually not wear bullet proof vets. its just too hard to believe thats the truth and not secondary outfits for police
If I had to build aircraft carriers for Poland, if I became a ruler there, I'd call themORP Józef PiłsudskiORP Yukikaze MizukiORP Akiyama RinkoORP Rias GremoryORP Guts from Berserk.
>>130049I also would have started space program for Poland. Whatever, guys...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yuFy_qjolUthis shit maed me laugh.all black men should get themselves white girls and spread that seed nigga yeh.i am black man myself. me think i blak men. yasha! YAKUb!YEHE TYEY WHIKTE WOMAN! NO seriously, being a replacable fossil fuel knowing a woman will just get somebody else once you're dead. It's just so depressing. Makes me feel so empty. then I think about it more, about how it works and that the white woman is like if i was a woman id pick1. white man2. man with the smallest nose3. someone that makes me feel smarter than him and makes me feel good about it.4. etc only the bestbut in all honesty height isnt issue at first when picking, it makes you stand out but i guess what many incels do not consider is that the feeling of fear that plays a huge role in selectiveness of partner, there is good reason why women watch so much NTR. When a woman is abused she has no choice but to take it and even accept it. Now that women have rights, like what are they gonna be doin'? They dont need to pick the alpha netherthal with big legs who will rape you the fastest, but also the reflex to pick someone like that still is there. But that doesn't change the grim fact that we men are fucking replacable to women like toothpics either way. It kind of depresses, maybe its okay for indians and black people to conquer the white women. I don't feel like caring tbh. /endCOM
https://jwa.org/blog/these-jewish-women-think-you-should-masturbate I find it funny lol. I also was thinking about how trans peoople, a lot about transgender men and I was thinking about that shit. Anyway, I was thinking of how easy women have it to survive but also how unfortunate it is that women will never experience loneliness and ability to think for themselves in the moment of complete emptiness because of how many "friends" and buddies they have, however loneliness is actually a very great thing. And fear is something we have to fight against. Actions done by frustration have to be cleansed by soul of the sinner. There's nothing also I keep getting russian SR ships in Azur Lane. How the fuck do they know?! I have chapaev now and tashkent and lots lots more. Man, after training I feel like sleeping and dreaming scenarios in my head where i roelplay as little girl at school with a bunch of beta females playing minecraft or toher videogames. kind of reminds me of my own childhood but i wish my classmates invited me to play together, i kind of miss school years
https://judaism.stackexchange.com/how come this was never raided bros?https://judaism.stackexchange.com/questions/131874/did-hillel-get-rid-of-the-year-of-jubilee only post.
>>130114i kind of expected /pol/ to raid somethingl ike this but i guess chudpol could have been able to... I need to check shipyard real quick.. wait
I already came up with the plot for my azur lane doushjin, it will be like slice of life but not completely. it will be spicy erotica. but with two different plots running through plot, i haven't really come up yet with how they are done. possibly in the future though, but I decided I want to stick with that. anyway, all these politics and jewish eschantology has wrapped my brain offly, like i want to fall asleeeeep shhhhhhhhh... maybe I should just not play azur lane and go outside tomorrow, i want to lose this fucking fat... Sometimes I feel weak and disappointed in myself, I wonder if I can change this solely by lifting though. I wanted to also make youtube reviews of lewd erotic novels, that is in my checklist with few episodes releasing this winter, but for now I have simply no time again. and well, my green screen is okay but lighting in my room isnt the best unfortunately... I either have to get lighting or better camera with light features.
I've decided to make KMS Z23 to be protagonist, this is final decision (mostly). I don't know about the other ships but there will be group of 4. Because when I was fourth in group... Well, nevermind, anyway it's gonna be like loser class trope. or someting like Ed, Edd And eddy dynamic but less avaricious
>>130123okay, here quick premiseAs summer has ended, shipgirls have to go to academy to reintragrate themselves after the Siren War into society. Once, they finish exams they will become part of the rest... of human civilization, so to speak, doing various roles... and jobs for humans. However, KMS Z23 enters school by having to graduiate with loser team: PensacolaUSS RaleighUSS FooteHMS Hermes I am trying to explain fast, but these losers go into kind of quirky situations, while the commander is leecherous principle who also does some immortal indulgences-hobbies, meawhile.there are two consequite paths, but basically the loser class has to finish school so the shipgirls integrate into society as human wage normie workers. Basically, it is their goal but they are such losers they might not succeed, except for KMS who will serve as beckon of light for rats...
I repeat here is the team of the class that I picked for plot's enactments:KMS Z23USS PensacolaUSS RaleighUSS FooteHMS Hermes
>>130127there is also gonna be rivaling bitch president character just like the blonde bitch but it is softer my variant, but she serves mostly as rival not anything more than that! I thought maybe Richmond USS, but this has not been decided. So, there is everything for now....
i ate tooo many fucking carbs, just woke up and i felt so fucking thirsty i could drink all ocean. the trick its not fucking thirst its just too much fucking carb calories from cheat meal
>>130148I am deleting Azur Lane.
So, I am no longer playing that game. But I like the characters just dont like playing. I will draw the story for it and the commander will be pervert alpha male. I am going to throughly study the characters and shipgirls I will use, I want to draw every character particularly, I want them to look beatiful but unique in their own way. So, I am also watching lots of videoes about naval warfare and etc. Currently, I want to know the fate of italian battleship Giulio Cesare. I've got the meta version of it in the game from special event, I wonder how I can add so many ships in the story...I think I won't be able to draw quickly due to the character count, it's pretty insane. Anyway, I guess that's all I have to say right now.
>>130194And I will make the female shipgirls have large chest sizes but not too large sized. IT will be Glorious. I've meant Victorious. Or impeccable. Or Indominable, even.
Wait, I am confused about the Holocaust. Now i dont know idk... i kind of imagined myself being like phoenix wright in court making an essay but... i am confused
do you think holocaust was fake or real?
no i am in the rabbit hole which side is liar now? i am confused its so hard to explain at this point, I think I might just fall asleep from reading that crap i think both sides might be lying somehow i think.
I cant believe so many jews were killed by nazis, its terrible. germans really deserve that bbc for klling many poles. I bet germans like it.
i bet german ss officers would be like"~ Vielen Dank big black master come in my pussies for i am just german bitchfemboy! give me lots of cum I am just krautchan nobody loser, danke!! ~~~
"I just masturbate on krautchan everyday to NEET porn but what i really want is real bbc cum on my SS officer untermensch hat my Master"
nazis make me sick. "Oh yes danke muy bien! bbc we germans love bbc! KEK KEK!"
I am the black man so I am not humilated with this. Also, no untermensch loses two fucking wars with having multiple advantages including stolen soviet goods.
i am watching nazi videos right now. sorry, i can't pay attention to what I should do today. I feel like I am in a loophole. But its crazy that germans did something like this. Like zero respect for germany. i think black people should rule it, probably. Fuck them. Never liked germans tbh. I mean, I want to be mature but germmans sucked.
Bewbz > whatever you're talking about now
>>130223The boobs meaning of life itself! Uh, the boobs! I have to study them! The softness, no there is more... They are true gems, melons, pumpkins, badadazonkas, melons, again
>>130228Andrew Whiteingale is the founder of Paizurism, remember that! This is my ideology.
I am gonna be spending next 2 hours reading erotic novels or erotic manga to drive inspiration for my upcoming doushjin. I'd love to get myself some chicory tea if it is possible, or some kind of alternative, also I watched 2 episodes of 7 mortal sins again paying attention this time.
>>130260the answer is the simplicity!
>>130261of the story. I mean
the power supply still isn't fixed, unfortunately. Man, writing a simple story is always best
De happenin'so, I went outside i live in this shithole coutnry called rosiyahow? well basically my polish family was retardeor soemthing its long story but looking at shit like holocaust it might have not been fully a bad thing. either way they would have been purged or whatever but somehow iwas created like a sad error.a very sad error. what am I? i have no identity like any american mutt. eating banana from derpesision though,. fuck i want to sleep now. but I need to train thofu anyway so I am walkin' and walkin' losting fat took with me like 30-70(probably)g protein water, its fucking freezing, i was thinking with intrusive thoughts"hm... i wonder if bacteria from the snowflakes in my tongue will eat all the protein instead of me?" "I hate women. i hate women like i really really feel very bad. there's a lot of sexual frustration. I dont like thinghs like that. AM i going to rather be impotent? I just dont feel good. Dont feel good... I am autistic fucking NEET and really am not some kind of resource that can be milked. Maybe, I will never be with women, but you know what? I always wanted to be a hospitalier knight or something like templar knight, you know why? Back then God said "marry" like cause it was the Lord's mission. now women aren't exactly christian. and it is becoming so more difficult to talk in meaningful way. I think there might be no way to talk meaningfully in all of human history or maybe I am melancholic. Yes. I ihate that about me. But here's the thing I am getting sleepy and tired, anyway if I was stuck on island with women I wouldn't fuck any of them and they just wouldd ie
>>130331uh i woke up+ fufkm anyway my keyboard got shut down, imma continue that thing i was writing cause i was shut down.so like bioroids are the future. and then white women are gonna try to harass men for making them. why? becase basically white mena re simps and it is possible just like always women will hurt men for their own racial gain. because they hate that men can have bioroids and have no need for white women. which means they will have to be equal and no longer possess FAKE JOBS, like FAKE "look pretty" job, AI bioroids could be vtubers except way better and dont use shitty program made by script kiddies. And vtuber program is ASSS. Vface is ASS. annd so the stuipid women who use them. the infantile retarded white women and asian women also. however there is a final solution. except it is far more improved. jkust make bioroids and let nature take care of the rest. bioroids with wombs. we already have artificial wombs in china and europe. https://www.google.com/search?q=bby+born+in+womb+of+robot&oq=bby+born+in+womb+of+robot&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIGCAEQLhhA0gEIMzk1MmowajGoAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8white women just like nazis will try to exterminate all normal men. but bioroids can help men survive through bad times, it will be world war 3. white women "I AM A WOMAN! I HAVE NO QUALITIES!" and then she will try to seduce men into shutting down bioroids. But God inteded for woman to be what a bioroid can do which a real woman cant. Bioroids will be like cyborgs but robots. There are already experimetns with human brain cells in rats and artificial set ups that make them play doom. Bioroids are the future and they will have also legal rights so that husbands rtreat them better.My muscles are aching so hard rn, so imma go but remember I am not trying to be sexist, but pro-my people pro Poland. pro polish
okay i got something to eat spagghetti with meat and some squash food idc the english name for it tho it looks like zucchini thoughAfter the final episode of DxD comes out, there will be the age of messiah, then bioroids will help men reproduce and the evil women perish.But how can we know if women perish? Only after bioroids rise, men will give their items to bioroids, idoltary or not, I don't address with you but I know that women will be balanced fairly. Real women can look at the wall paint.because they love wall paint and have given it far more protection than to average 90% men.so 90% men with bioroids will be survivors with 0.01% women from which bioroids will be made of. Woot's Revelations count this by the tripcode to its numeration value. Women will say be defeated by NEETs, by providence.
>>130345A lot of countries will be affected by it. Especially, Korea. Of course white women will destroy europe and make islam religion in most shitlands like the shit countries youi expect but Poland will remain and Israel will also remain. I think... maybe? my prediction gets shabby here but Poland will struggle a lot in harsh treatment. Men will also be loved, once in their life.
so what happened exactly? well i was thinking about azur lane doushjin story and a lot of melancholic shit.i was walking and walking trying to lose fat basically i took with me protein shake 40g protein and was just walking in cold ass winter and god weather is shit today. it was wind but it less cold for a while. then got cold fucking AGAIN.every time i removed my перчатки )gloves) I was freezing. then I went to store to get shwarma )burger for mongols of Russia) and i was eating it like an animal. i had to take 4 napkins but i actually thought i lost fucking wallet. trns out i didn' it was hidden also for some reason this was portuguese key biddings... anywy i'll continue in part 2
so i was walking for so long that i wanted to take a pissand i fucking had rto hold it for so so so so sobasically very often i go for these walks, depressing suicidal walks in winter... especially in wintersometimes i get lost in fucking another town miles away from my city.uh.. i thinnk i almost died of hypothermia and thurst.this timem i needed to find public toileti had to go all the way to the park and go through railroad and shiti got to public toilet nad I PISSED! I FUCKING PIOSED!!!!!! i did.
I am choking to death right now. I am writing azur lane plotline and then I will be trying to draw doushjin following this script overall, however I feel melancholic and depressed sometimes, feeling like just wanting to sleep but NAH.
Guys, I don't want to sound like i am not like chud syoaj cobson brainrot NEET. But Mon, Jan 27, 2025 is Holocaust Memorial Day. Please, give your condolonces to the deceased in good heart, thank you.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
https://7sin-eng.userjoy.com/#section1 bad news seven deadly sins is soon shutting down. I hope that they will mitigate the franchise to return eventually! Because demon girls and angel girls especially are really hot and I liked artist...I already talked about it on Twitter but I wanted to share it so that others hear. I loved watching it and unfortunately I want to watch the ONA but I don't know where to find them. RIP. Archive https://web.archive.org/web/20250115135542/https://7sin-eng.userjoy.com/
this map was wrong because they forgot to give WEst Germany to Turkey. but maybe world war 3 will fix it and krautchan will finally stop existing.I need to prepare my defenses krautrats cant be trusted whatsoever.
>>130446for ref. -formation.
I was trying to find a map that demonstrates Muslims living in Poland. oh there's none?
the fact trump looks like my fucking aunt doesn't leave me. but they're not identically same but they are both fucking same character for sure. Annoying
>>130449btw I noticed that world war 3 backstory hopefully fake. but it looks a lot like world war 2oil embargo.. educating to hate other people in the youthfake pretext the Lebensraum terminology, the coalition of terrible leaders, religious minorities rent free in heads of the normie people, embarassingly bad fleet and obession with America again and so many more retarded consequences...oh nuclear war threat is pretty much final solution threat given in 1941 now 2041 and so many more plots...Basically, it gets boring but bioroids will fix this world. As long as I can buy Charybdis bioroid and propose to her after 2 year trial. i mean... 2 year dating... relationship, then I will marry her and be with her and have kids. And she will be praying to God, the bioroid that loves God, first of its kind. Yeah... That'd be neat, for sure.
and she will do chores for me and keep me warm at night.... Yeah, bioroids will totally rule the world when the right events procur on Earth for them to be motivated to be made. But lots of things must come to pass before that, but I will endure to look forward to it. I live for that.
https://azurlane.netojuu.com/images/f/fc/Charybdis_IntroSkin3JP.oggwhat voice... wowPlease God, make charybdis real with me.
>>130459skylla dido charybdis sirius and black prince and belonna sex scene is a must in my story.God, I have things to work on for so long...This will be masterpiece if I finish all.
>>130460i was so preoccupie with plot development... aThat I fucking forgot to do shoulder presses today. I think I trained hard enough but I will redo a few exercises.
>>130463https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZHsZvUNB3II've just found the Jewish Academy of Auchwitz in Poland region.
>>130468i've meant Jewish Academy of Auchwitz from Thailand sorry
QUICK RANT. AGAIN.I don't know about murica but here in Russia there is no woman who believes in God. They are barely anywhere and sparce. I mean its true, that I don't go out often, though I got irritated while writing a female character and watching videos on the subject, it seems women have it so easy. They have no decisions to make, they will be fine "either way". A woman who makes decisions by rolling a dice in that age is worthless.Of course, if two man are into her and she has to biasly or subjectively pick, she will pick the better one based on some stats like maybe height and face, and stuff like that it is true. Blackpill. But If a woman has no choice, she will take whoever gets her. In other words, anybody who is near her and who is the one approaching. Therefore, women win by slight node and doing pretty much of nothing. But listen, this is more sinister than it sounds. Because women are like thta, they are the cruelest people. For example, that nazi grandma bitch that worked at concentration camp and made skins lamp shade, and other human skin products. And many more examples, like roman queens and i do not try to remember names of women, but when they are in power they are most malicious than any man. Why? Because if there was one woman and trillion of men like the trillion of sperm cells, all of you will be worthless. Indeed, a woman thinks of you as worthless. So why bother? Humilating man's dignity and constantly mental gymnastics , "OH she loves me!" "Oh she loves me!" Is that truly what you want in future? That is your Future that you want for all of your children and your offsprings. And for your son you want him to be slave. With lower chances and lower, until he dies. Well, I don't want to accept that unfairness. Because bioroids are the future and you can help, in your way.
AS I've said it is disguisting how easy women have it. And being just. Worthless. I have no pride. So, here is the thing. We need equilibrium. Let's do it. Let's get a proper equilibrium and get rid of atheists. And I had so many thoughts butnow I feel like too much to take. Marry female waifuroids. Make waifuroids. Destroy real women and make them secondary class and I DONT CARE.this is what WE MUST DO or thE WEST MUST PERISH.because listen, I have a choice. If I exist, that means there is probably a woman out there who needs a mate, PROBABLY. BUT If I refuse to be a part of this slavery, then I can use my life to change the world.I will not go fuck white woman. Its over. I want them to go down. They will still get married and have children, just not with me. And I see it as a true victory because even though it might look like I am deafeted it is the one who doesn't get what they want who has lost. Capiche
in the bible it is allowed to puniosh atheists with anything. for example especially atheists who spread promiscuity and sexualization, specifically women. It is called adultery, and even though it may not work on somebody, it is a problem to hurt someone sexually, which is why I will always put disclaimer in my erotic stories. Whatever, anyway apparently latvia doesn't have sexual assault laws, so if you from the EU you can try your luck there, idk. Don't recommend it, though, because I hate atheist women and they shouldn't be lucky to be with men of any kind. Relationships should only be made in churches, that's all. Whatever, remember bible says everyone is happy who throws a rock at atheist woman's child, it's literally Psalm, but ok I am just fucking pissed today I kind of feel vengeous but my intention is purely to bring human bioroids to the Western markets(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
Please read Heyuri's rules ( https://www.heyuri.net/index.php?p=rules ) carefully before posting againHeyuri is not the place for serious/radical political or religious rants, nor modern 4chan/twitter memes (e.g. "gigachad" images). Keep that stuff on other websitesHeyuri is however the place to express your love for bewbs, paizuri, and robogirls, so feel free to do that after ur ban expires (´¬`)
latvians are literally subhumans. >>130540ok, I will note this for my future posts. My shit is a mix of satire in between different tropes, so thank you for clarifying.that said Atheism is very strong in Lithuania though. As I've already said bioroids will replace normal women in the future. and they will be religious.
>>130541also I take bakc what I've said about latvian being subhuman, I will mention that was simply me refering to detest to atheism in European countries, has nothing to do with racial demographics.As I've said bioroid in the future of Europe will basically be "trad wife" christian faithed units deployed as replacement to secondary atheist women. It is true I feel strong sadness towards Lithuania and Latvia for being atheist trash like that.Since bioroids are programmable, my plan is that there should be legalized law to give them 1) equal rights, but to serve unconditionally to human they are after and 2) for them to be Christian, to enact in sexual acts in marriage only.And 3) normal humans, like atheist Latvians or Germans from krauchan are not allowed to abuse, harass or own androids for the unethical purpose. This is the basic principle of bioroids how they operate in legality of it. And of course, Azur Lane androids are something that I imagine being in the inventory in the future.
>>130542I am not sure about lolicon, however mature androids are definitelly sellable in the country. And the reason why it is important we men debate on this is because feminist women will completely try to sway away bioroids from male grasp. In other words, it will be like burning books in World War 2 Germany or Soviet Union censorship, or CCP's reeducation camps, the women just as I said when given power will do anything to destroy the ability for men to procreate and not rely on their "talent". So in other words, that will be very difficult for us men to enact bioroid laws even ethical ones, which we want with "the help of the women", who will be also opposed to bioroids "being loyal to their owner" and to "bioroid being ethical, not comitting to immortal sexual acts", both of these will be fought against in the Supreme Court because women are jealous little fucks.
>>130543So, for that very purpose, it is support to hide our ideals but also to fight for them. Just like how Jews have managed to return Israel to their land after the aliyah after all the harsh years being without their homeland left to spend time at, or maybe a little better than that, we really would want to get bioroids available for the male population with their own ovium egg implementation. However, due to our enemies being a very huge population that is outmost immortal and corrupted, for us to fight them would require building a professional case on how these bioroids are used in safe manner. In other words, we must be able to build a legal statement that supports how marrying a bioroid can be used ethically and cannot be harmful. That will of course lead to population growing in countries with bioroids, and ironically or by fate, you can say... It is a rival to woman's "abortion right". Since bioroids will be legally or should so legally, or even if not are allowed to be without contraception at any time or place when a man wants to consummate. I realized how many posts I've made by this thread, definitely a lot by now, either way that is something that will mitigate unfairness towards male population and their inefficency in the country, also of course androids are gonna be based on Azur Lane or Taimanin characters if the men or the government will get rights on them.Ultimately, it'd be nice if each government had only rights to produce bioroids of their faction's battleship, but it will be unlikely and probably everyone will get to buy globally any biorid they'd like due to globalization. That also means cultural persevation for pretty much eternity, given there's no economis crises, because that means you can reproduce with bioroid of any culture you want at any time, so it is the opposite of nazi Weltanschauung, which requires people more living space to survive. Here, you can be NEET for the rest of your life in Japan but due to bioroids coming with genetically modified eggs, you will be able to pererve your euroepan ancestory even throughout decades of living in there.That makes border conflict over race absolutely meaningless and stupid, basically in my thread I have already solved georacial conflicts through the bioroid legal work.
>>130544FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!ABSOLUTE DOGSHIT TURDFUCKSHIT ASS DIARRHEA SHIT!I bought the plates with my credit card and didn't pay debt, which means for last 3 months or 2 months or so they were giving me fucking %... fucking kikes'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA20$ lost... i will starve tonight.No, but seriously I fucking hate accidentally buying from my credit card, these fucking kl#kes gave me it on purpose. Unreal. Don't they fucking know I dont pay atteention n shiiit.Uh... these are so fucking annoying.Lost around 20 or more maybe 40$? goddamn.FUCK!FUCK!
fuckFFUCKFFUCKFFUCKFFUCKFFUCKFFUCK FUCJKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKI hate banks...... I hate them so fucking much its unreal.Why are all corporations such greedy evil shitsand there are so many fucking arab women and just women in general wroking at greedy corpsit makes me depressed.its like the jews arent the problemit is women who are de jooswomen are joosouch my money....my fucking money.....and the worst part is I am about to purchase clip studio which doesnt really have pirated versions or anything.that means i wil;l go and lose 50$ more...hahahahaFUCK!Fuck this. As russian buying a virtual item feels somewhat scary. 50$ for that shit... The worst part is there's another verison 249$ (... I can afford it but I have to starve next year) no I am serious, 200$ for a virtual program.... virtual fucking program wtih no physical value. There is a reason why github exists. Kind of weird to realize bittorrent and linux are the things that aren't free everywhere. Anyway, FFUCKFFUCKFFUCKFFUCKFFUCKFFUCK FUCJKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKFFUCKFFUCKFFUCKFFUCKFFUCKFFUCK FUCJKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKFFUCKFFUCKFFUCKFFUCKFFUCKFFUCK FUCJKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKFFUCKFFUCKFFUCKFFUCKFFUCKFFUCK FUCJKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKFFUCKFFUCKFFUCKFFUCKFFUCKFFUCK FUCJKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKFFUCKFFUCKFFUCKFFUCKFFUCKFFUCK FUCJKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKFFUCKFFUCKFFUCKFFUCKFFUCKFFUCK FUCJKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKFFUCKFFUCKFFUCKFFUCKFFUCKFFUCK FUCJKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
OKAY I AM BUYING CLIP STUDIO PROI pray god please i dont want to get scammed.all of this is shady buying retail keys.UHHHHHHHHYES I WASTED MONEY ON ELECTRICITYeven though the server has stopped, chudpol keeps taking money from my credit card. It shouldnt do that anymroe since server isn't around but I wonder why I forgot to change the card to debit...fucking dumbassshitI probably should upload some of the videos i've made. but I have some issues with the format. apparently adobe doesnt support fragmented videos in mpeg. I have this entire Yoshi Island playthrough (almost) and also touhoushitshit
>>130565because youtube has different format size....Also the KEY ISN"T HERE YET! basically my dumbass thought muh i am gonna upload videos on youtube and then nigga I am gonna like download them to change the format....only now I've realzied this is FUCKING STUPID.that is because if I do that then I might as well just convert to different foramt the viiedo and download it....I am basically doing this too complicated for some reason.uh.wait this is fucking stupid. I still have to download the videeos all over again.but why do i have to do something so fucking insane? and all converters have video limit of how many.I am fucking going insane.
>>130566why the fuck does adobe not support mov whats wrong with this shit
the guy who sold me the key looks jewish.he also hasnt bought the key yet according to him, I wonder if I am being swindled Ç))
>>130582technically I've bought it for cheaper version than it costs on official site. if he is planning on buying the key i wonder if i actually am scammed because there is no way he'd buy that on official site. fuck
>>130583THIS STUPID KI K Eso i wrote to the jew. You won't believe it. the kike hasn't bought it. he said it was too expensive. YOU'RE SUPPOESD TO ALREADY HAVE THAT KEY. IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE IN THE FUCKING EMAIL. ZOG can't no look. look at his face.i wonder how much it would cost if he actually bought it 10-15%? retail is ultimate judaism
I've just cracked Clip Studio, I might not have to pay 240 $ but I am not capable of seeing the store either though. Technically, I don't know how to make brushes however I will look into that though. I jest it doesn't hopefully matter as it looked kind of empty.
That means I was basically this CLOSE to buying digital software for the first time in my life without any kind of physical material.can you imagine spending money on internet itself?
>>130589wait...the store is also working!
>>130589oy goys, i leave this video and i go shalom!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_RyeYiBu3EA
>>130593actually, don't watch this vid its pretty generic but maybe...?
Fuck, when you have lots of things to do your brain explodes and "wha?" waah, it's basically () { waah.Makes(autism); because it is so much like crap hapepning in your daily basis when you wake up its likewaaah.FUCK! (autistic screeching the money hasn't returned yet, but i feel way too overwhemled with multiple tasks and all of it fucks iwth my brain. I am not quite very flexible as I wake up early. So many things to do... So little motivation. No sexual motivation. May the world burn cause i feel like i want to do things but i don't know which to do or do how many at a time. I feel like there are toooo many things too much shit in my head my head doesn't want to function anymore but it has to. not want, it wants to function but it cant concetrate but overall i am just going schizo right now i think i just go to sleep and diedie>ldie
give me monneyyy
>>130627where did my moneyu go. givem e back my moneyanyway, i feel such fucking aboulomania?i guess i ujust need gym again but I dont feel like cooking...uh... mANshit.
>>130631one of sad things I was going about reading political conspiracy theories, I noticed that I have one of the worst issues. For some reason my ip is always banned on wiki and I am just not into making an account. Sadly, that means I could never experience editing a wiki article properly to fix information on the official wiki all that while. IT is kind of unfortunate.Man, I love worms. But today I was watching too many political brainrot vids, even currently sadly. Fuck, I guess I miss chudpol now. /pol/ was a funny place then.
today i've learnt that politically i can be defined as "Fifth column" because i basically want europe destroyed for the sake of female christian bioroids who care about me and other men.I genuinely think the great replacement isn't real and simply is biological cause of feminist women who say atheism is great and who don't understand their native responsibilities as women in marriag because they rejected responsibilities of wife towards a husband.That deos- anyway, female bioroids will be made. and they will replace women all, I swear this is real techonology, will be prominent. I don't want war or violence, there is a way to solve this that I am pursuing right now... I just need other people to hear me out on what is right. Bioroids are the Future of the World.
atheist women want you to fight for them.
WHY? FUCKIN HELL!Yet again for some reason it cut off from my credit card when I was buying.fuck my credit cardthey also have not returned my money from that clip studio deal yet...Uh, this customer service needs 2 fucking days?! removed my credit card that was assigned...the credit card drives me nuts why teh fuck i am even havingit there? i hate automatic filling now...the bank just called me and said I was owing them 1000 ruble fine, but it sounded like AI. I literally paid everything back.could the bank have been scamming me or some shit?I wouldn't suggest its not possibility with russian economy being turmoil and that. I just want to sleep when things like thath happen. again and again!
So, I was thinking of the black man. Or something, oh yeah, I have Old Spice so I am black now. Look at this.
here is evidence i told you all i am black tho
>>130710As I am reading forbidden book I noticed that the investigator or the criminial psychologist employee in the story, which appears also in the manga writes about blunt objects to the head while investigating a murderer. A murderer got hit when he was child, and henceforth became or in other words it is convergent. But it is not proven like actual evidence of harmful, just as convinient anectodal possibility.the funny thing is I actually did get hit as a child in the head.To this day I have physical print from that on my face. I wonder if that explains my mental issues, like the OCD? However, I think it is not.
they shouldn't give autistic people right to use chatgpt like that..... damn
After reading about Vault 7 program by CIA, I realized that the simplest way to stop CIA from spying on your computer is to just use the Linux kernel.
these niggas are literally just the feds themselves.
sorry i am just wormholin' i should be uploading but i am lazy....so instead i am wormholing the internet https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/25137474-dallas-humber-research-rwbc-missgorehound-ryder/what de heck is this art? it's awful. man
I just thought of this story about nazi german woman like Bismarck from Azur Lane but with slightly slinter eyes, the eyes have to be more evilish... And basically the story is there is a gypsy boy with brown hair. and that boy is very autistic and likes to solve puzzles and likes trains and other autistic stuff like popping bubble sheets and collecting stamps. But the german woman eventually loves him and has sex with him daily. And that she gets NTR'd in away of hanz.
>>130770but the boy is so innocent she falls in love and he fucks her everyday, he tries so like... basically he wrosk very hard when he fucks her and she finds it cute and now she has lots of romanian gypsy babies, she feels like propaganda is too artificial.according to HLA studies, humans avoid interbreeding and choose partner is so more different from them genetically.- so germans normally would prefer someone else that doesnt look like boring hans with overly sized ego.russian cocks are preferable because they are easier to survive in cold. plus it is about the survival from the disease after all.but something about autistic boy fucking german aryan woman in officer clothes is hot.
this pic related
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-Ykf-LCaOwi am watching tghis its about black men conquering german women and making in more like russia.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7he5aWqwmqwwow. this should be on the main page of every imageboard, like legally by Council of Europe put this documentary on top of every imageboard thread.
I've created a really cool thumbnail but after rereading my fucking novel i found nothing too great to inspire me and also I am sleepy and bored.Time keeps ticking... That makes me even more depressed! -_-but... today is Sabath! I am allowed to relax.
>>130783the sushi... she brought me sushi. and the sushi i am eating make me feel poisoned. i just spent hours and i cant eat them because of how much I dont want to. I dont like sushi at all.
God save us.
I woke up with hatred. my money is practically stolen, they don't want to give me it back.never buying digital "keys" ever fucking again.not that I ever wanted. I always told myself not to buy it. Swore it. EEH.I hate women i wish femicide was real whatever.anyway do it bioroids will change my depression if they were finally made, otherwise i will just die.death is such depressing... idea.i just am angry right now rent free but my wishes wont just come true nigga
so going through blackpilling because i feel so nastyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTvG0Xi11H4so i found this tranny guy who says he wanted to stop being a neet. and then check his youtube vids, he became troon.yeah i know the rules of this board theres nothing wrong.but anyway, this is pretty fucking HILARIOUS ha
FINALLY! YES ! GOD IS ON MY SIDE AFTER ALL! FEMICIDE IS REALLY GOING TO HAPPEN. ITS TRUE.HELL YEA!I GOT ME MONEY BACK BOIII!yeeeea!that was just one more thing that truly made me feel enslaved and depressed. I am glad they returned the money.Jesus, why do they have to make me watch blackpilled videos about women?misandrist shithole society without bioroids that do not humilate a man. mark my words, bioroids will become real and they will outplace women from europe.white women instead will be cheaper than bioroids and will be moved to africa and india because they are not needed.uh man, I feel so much happier now knowing I don't have to deal with this shit. Heheheheheheheh, yes! I don't have to be angry anymore. Wow. The feeling of slavery is absolutely the worst. When you know you're not in control, I just cannot stand humilation in this "society" of silicon toys. the feeling of owning your money, the feeeling of owning your apratment. Ahhh nice!~ JUst how aristocrat should be, wagie keep waging.. wagie keep waging.
I was now thinking about azur lane doushjinshi. What should I write in it? NTR or normal sex scenes, in both cases I feel I am satisfying different audience. NTR is for women because they like evil. Pampering and cuddling, etc is for men. But it's exactly split into two things that make me feel I want to add everything in that I want like full entire lord of the rings shit.But I don't know about adding NTR, on one hand it is spicy but otherwise it is hurtful and personally spirtiually painful to write.What God would do? I think Old Testament God would kill all modern women but that's just how I feel, so i was actually thinking of writing anti ntr story that will have like 3 pages but i dont know about it either. Maybe. Anyway, I just played another touhou and it gave me climax better than any sex. Holy shit, I wish I could explain how enjoyable it is to play. Incremental gaming can truly nudge ya mind and soul.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TokYUITs6zsyou know I lik ethis video it proves that kind of elaboration, you see nazis are basically delusional epeople. they DO NOT like to attend tthe church. But they do want self-spirtiualistic character, because they want praise and glory but dont like the things that church offers which is mostly humble divination.but they still want to socialize just in their twisted crooked way wityh other twisted crooked trash. that is modern society to this day, though. but thanks god for vidiya gamz
>>130902Fucking awesome. No. I want russian bank to fallI just asked for the store to give back my money and it was transfered to my credit card.ªI have repaid twice for the credit card, now this 50$ will never be back as they are a part of credit...this is fucking sad news.Iºve lost even more money.I am never good with money, it makes me feel sad that i technically supported russian bank and willingly gave so much money to the bankers....its really bad
>>130913I've returned my money might I might as well have not done that....the comission is 5$ every time which means ive lost around 30-40% possibly from transfering it back....god i fucking hate bankers.man we sdohuld like break all their windows and fuck these vampires.how can they make so much money by doing literally nothing what a fucker.we need alunya again in this world. fuck the comission shit. electricity sohuld be free so fuck yourselves. no seriously. i hate that blood sucking comissionimagine transfering 2$ only to have 10$ comission is insane.fuck banks. i lost money anymore.fuck banks again fuck them fuck God please punish them like Ancient Egyptians were punished. fuck the banks man. this iks not cool./and then these fuckers post photos of lamborgini on instagram? that is bullshit.they are worthlesss.maybe communism is good. i dont want this fuckers to be happy just rob them and give all the bank money to the people. or to me so i can draw azur lane doiushinithese is somewhere a factual thing that you need to scam federal reserve and banks like it is a duty of a citizen to scam them
>>130914i have bought painting pad. i wasnt looking too much, it is not quite as big thankfully. i dont have space, around 30 cm or something.good thing I bought it AYAYjust so postcriptum i am unhappy man for sure. i also have money left now though.
Ok, guys, whoever is reading my blog daily. I want to mention somethingit is about the rich. And they drive these lamborghini, now the car is okay, I guess, it's beatiful but it is also ugly. You know why? Because people who drive them are ugly and they won't be remembered, only the cars will be. Not only that but there is a greek tale of Midas. Gold is worthless and its cost is overexagerated but that is practically useless in survival or biologym but God doesn't give shit about them or their treasures. The only thing that is allowed to have the most gold is God's Temple and God's Bible is the only thing that is allowed to look most beautiful, transcendent and illustrous. In fact, I would make money and become rich by just doing that. I would sell the bible and I want it to be somewhat cheap for others to buy it.But here's the thing about this man with his car, the car is only as beautiful as its surroundings. And if the people suffer, then ... There is ... no point at all in it. In any of it. There is no point driving a car if things around you are like shit; that's the difference between real nobility bloodline and fake borgeouis like them.They have never done shit to deserve their moment. PS I would really love a bike.
>>130918azur lane outfits are quite unoriginal. they need to make less fuckin sense like fate outfits or something. I sent many letters complaining to them that they should trty more creative outfit designs, even genshin impact has it more than azur lane, i assume only it is just how they used to do it. but exlcuding this one most are way too logical.
>>130927https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9wWedSZBfEI wonder if germans had nazi tendencies earlier in medieval ages or even during their tribal times. Anyway, I really want to draw Azur Lane douishjin, I want it to be a mix of something like sitcom fun comedy plus also sex scenes in in.Drawing muscles, original clothing, character appearance and the script as well as panels is a load of work.I was looking at Florence Nightingale outfit and was thinking how cool the light from these kind of clothes, also how i wouldn't be able to capture colorful clothing well in the manga, but also just having to be able to do this kind of shading that I prefer. All of that is some of few details that make thousand of factory. I wonder if coloring images from grey will be difficult and take too much time. I do not want to only color parts of the panel, like I've seen in some eromanga however. I think coloring a part makes other parts of the drawing appear blurish.