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  • 日本のへゆり

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why are japanese characters written in 2 different ways?
well actually why are japanese characters written in 3 different ways (katakana seems to be just hiragana sounds)?

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wait, there is moar!

what's the usecase for all of these different ways to write the same sound cry
so u can make jokes like
i cant read that... i barely touched katakana
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why are english letters written in 4 different ways?
Rebuses, combined with cryptography and a custom made binary to character charset is practically impossible to crack biggrin

there is a マン湖 but i cant find any ウン湖 or オシッ湖
that's fair, you got me there
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That's nothing. Have you ever seen cyrillic cursive?
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i dont believe this
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It's true
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in my country we call that "doctor's writing" lol
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I don't think there is any place where doctors aren't mocked for their handwriting sweat2
how the fuck do they read that O_O
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this katakana character is "za" despite being nearly identical to the hiragana "ze"
did they do this on purpose?!
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ur just a n00b now, after getting used to it they are very obviously different
it's only an issue if you can't tell 馬 and 鹿 apart
i guess so, there are obviously differences but the general shape is so close to the hiragana character that if i was a dummy id think it was intentionally made to confuse people
i also found at least 6 other characters that look like the "wrong" hiragana counterpart ( ´,_ゝ`)
this was an issue when I started but now it doesn't even phase me a little

like pdbq or S5s or 0Oo in the Latin script
but l can only teII apart 0 and O from the context...
Then kanji happens lol
by the time u lern to use 曰, u wouldn't have trouble telling these characters apart sweat2
yeah, these one are the real gaijin traps i keep falling in cry
some of these differences are barely visible, do japanese people set their fonts to something ridiculously big or something?
also can someone tell me how to change my keyboard layout to japanese on linux? i installed the necessary packages and changed the layout but im still on english layout
Context is surely enough to tell them apart in >99% of sentences, even if they were completely identical. Remember that in spoken japanese there is no kanji, everything is just mouth noises.
Japanese people use their superior intellect which hasn't been contaminated by shitty os to tell the difference
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you have gotta be kidding me...
Just remember that they both look like the tip of a PENIS. so + n = son, a son's PENIS. so is a dick hole pointing up to spray semen on SOmeone or SOmething, n is a dick hole pointing dowN for malNourished NewborN Niggers to Nibble oN for susteNaNce.
you're funny lol xd
n is drawn to be more horizontal, while so is more vertical

so: ソ both strokes are drawn more top to bottom (the second stroke is somewhat right to left).
n: ン both strokes are drawn more left to right (the second stroke is practically bottom to top, too).

draw them a few times on paper with the right stroke order and you'll get it ヽ(´ー`)ノ
to be fair it took me quite a long time to get comfortable telling them apart sweat2
i'm starting to get it, i still forget certain characters but i think i will have all of them memorized within a couple days
i started watching death note and i managed to read a part of a note that was written ヽ(´∇`)ノ
i wonder how long it will take me to correctly visualize what they say though(;´Д`)
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If you really wanna feel like you're making progress try with easier anime like the ones rated 1 or 2/10 on jpdb. If you know 14 of the most common words like watashi, nani, and some honorifics that already covers 14% of the dialogue in Wataten apparently.
>words like watashi, nani, and some honorifics that already covers 14% of the dialogue in Wataten apparently
LOL @ this info, an anime made 4 kids!
that website looks pretty useful, good find ヽ(´ー`)ノ
i'm writing what i think i hear they say in wataten in both hiragana and katakana, i seem to forget some easy characters at times though cry

i believe i have learned that "okita" means "wake up" but i'm unsure if it's one whole word, also i think i heard the mom say something like "izumateruno" but i'm almost sure i misheard it

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